2020s in LGBT Rights

Number of LGBT-related laws changed over time
  • July 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    In 2025, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law legislation that removes gender identity from the list of classes protected from housing discrimination. Sexual orientation was not removed from the list of protected classes. The law goes into effect on July 1st, 2025.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    In 2025, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law legislation that removes gender identity from the list of classes protected from discrimination. Sexual orientation was not removed from the list of protected classes. The law goes into effect on July 1st, 2025.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Beginning July 1st, 2025, transgender people will no longer have the ability to change their legal gender. Senate File 418, which was overwhelmingly passed by the Iowa State House and Senate, was signed into law by Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on February 28th, 2025. The bill removes text from previous law that sets up the legal framework needed for transgender people to change their legal gender.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    In October 2024, the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Bill 2024 was passed, recognising non-binary gender in New South Wales law for the first time and allowing individuals to update their documents.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In October 2024, the lower house (the Legislative Assembly) of the New South Wales state parliament passed the Equality Legislation Amendment (LGBTIQA+) Act 2024, which removed surgical requirements for a legal change of gender, by a margin of 50 votes to 30. It was later passed through the upper house (the Legislative Council) and given royal assent by NSW Governor Margaret Beazley. The law comes into effect on 1 July 2025, making New South Wales the last state in Australia to remove surgical requirements for a legal change of gender.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    The Czech Republic’s Constitutional Court ruled to dismiss part of a law requiring people to undergo gender-affirmation surgery, including sterilization, in order to officially change their gender. Court said the requirements are “unconstitutional” and “in conflict with the fundamental right of trans people to have protected their physical integrity and personal autonomy in connection with their human dignity.”
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Starting July 1, 2025, updating legal gender on official records will become much easier. People 16 and up will be able to switch their legal gender, however anybody that is under the age of 18 will need permission from their parents, a doctor, and the National Board of Health and Welfare. When the law goes into effect, transgender people won't need a diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" anymore in order to legally change their gender.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In October 2024, Iceland announced that it will be revising it's blood donation laws to allow queer men to donate blood with the same restrictions as straight men. According to Axel Helgi Ívarsson, Iceland has wanted to make this change since 2018, but due to a lack of adequate research funding it has taken until now. The new law comes into effect on 1 July 2025.
  • April 3
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On March 22nd, 2024, New South Wales’ Parliament passed a bill that bans conversion therapy for sexual orientation and gender identity. The bill was assented to on April 3rd, 2024, and will become law twelve months later, on April 3rd, 2025.
  • March 18
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    The Tenth District Court of Appeals overturned House Bill 68, which banned gender affirming care for youth, in March 18, 2025, legalising care for minors.
  • Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    On the evening of March 18th, U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes blocked the implementation of Trump's executive order banning transgender people from the military. The judge said that not only was the order unconstitutional but “a solution in search of a problem.”.
  • February 20
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    In February 2025, republican lawmakers in Kansas overturned democratic governor Kelly's veto on the ban on gender-affirming care for minors.
  • February 13
    Same-sex marriage becomes foreign same-sex marriages recognized only.
    On February 13, 2025, the District Court ordered the Central Civil Affairs Bureau (CBB) to register the marriage of two same-sex couples who married abroad. The ruling, regardless of whether the State appeals or not, must be implemented immediately. The case was filed with the court in October 2023.
  • February 7
    Serving openly in military becomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.
    Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth filed in court a memo on February 10th, 2025 relating to President Trump’s executive order from the previous month. From now on, The U.S. military will prohibit transgender individuals from enlisting, and will cease providing or supporting gender transition procedures for service members.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Decree 62/2025 signed by President Javier Milei, in force since February 7, 2025, replaced article 11 of Law No. 26,743 on Gender Identity, with the following: ARTICLE 11.- Right to free personal development. All persons over EIGHTEEN (18) years of age may, in accordance with article 1 of this law and in order to guarantee the enjoyment of their comprehensive health, access total and partial surgical interventions and/or comprehensive hormonal treatments to adapt their body, including their genitalia, to their self-perceived gender identity, without the need to request judicial or administrative authorization. To access comprehensive hormonal treatments, it will not be necessary to prove the will in the surgical intervention of total or partial genital reassignment. In both cases, only the informed consent of the person will be required. The public health system's effectors, whether state, private or part of the social security subsystem, must permanently guarantee the rights recognized by this law. All health benefits contemplated in this article are included in the Mandatory Medical Plan, or the one that replaces it, as regulated by the implementing authority. Persons under EIGHTEEN (18) years of age will not be able to access the interventions and treatments referred to in this article.
  • January 28
    Gender-affirming care becomes varies by region.
    Until 2025, gender-affirming care was subject to no legal restrictions throughout Australia until Queensland placed a pause on puberty blockers for patients in the public health system.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Health minister issued a pause on gender affirming care for minors requesting another “review” into the Queensland Gender Services banning it for users of the public system. Private care can still be accessed.
  • January 23
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes varies by region.
    In his first hours in office, Donald Trump signed an executive order directing the federal government to only recognize two sexes: “Male” and “Female”. The order also directed federal agencies to eliminate the use of "gender" in federal documents and guidelines, including an instruction to the Secretary of State to discontinue the use and option of X gender markers in passports moving forward, but not retroactively invalidating passports. On January 23rd, 2025, the Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, ordered the U.S. state department to freeze all applications for passports that had requested an ‘X’ on their gender marker. Other IDs are still state dependent, and there are many states in the U.S. that recognize third gender identities.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    On September 24th, 2024, Thailand’s king signed a bill that legalizes adoption for same-sex couples, and the bill was posted in the royal gazette. The bill became law 120 days after receiving royal assent, which was January 23rd, 2025.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-sex marriage has been legal in Thailand since 2025. On September 24th, 2024, Thailand’s king signed a bill that legalized same-sex marriage, and it was posted in the royal gazette. A bill in Thailand becomes law 120 days after receiving royal assent, which in this case was January 23rd, 2025. The bill also granted same-sex couples the same rights in areas like child adoption, healthcare consent, and inheritance.
  • January 20
    Right to change legal gender becomes varies by region.
    President Trump issued an executive order to "defend women", the order creates only male and female terms. Also stated in the terms, federal funding will not go towards (i) changes to agency documents, including regulations, guidance, forms, and communications, made to comply with this order; and (ii) agency-imposed requirements on federally funded entities, including contractors, to achieve the policy of this order. This order includes, any federally funded agencies like Department of Motors, which would be under Department of Transportation.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    HB619 restricts gender affirming surgeries for minors under 18, parents or doctors may be subjected to fines or jail time, the bill is not clear on either. Surgeries are banned for minors, but HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) is not.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes second parent adoption only.
    The new law on registered partnerships also allows gay couples to adopt their partner’s child.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    A law that gives registered partnerships the same rights as marriage passed and it will come into effect in 2025.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On March 8th, 2024, the Liechtenstein government unanimously approved the legislation of gay marriage. The bill was passed in May 2024, and went into effect on January 1st, 2025.
  • December 18
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.
    In December of 2024, Lithuania's Constitutional Court struck down the anti-LGBT provisions of the Law of the Protection of Minors. They cited Article 25, and Article 38 of the Constitution which guarantee freedom of speech, and define family as "the foundation of society and the state" and that the state protects and cares for the family, motherhood, fatherhood, and childhood," respectively.
  • December 16
    Serving openly in military becomes illegal.
    In 2024, the President of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, signed legislation that explicitly bans members of the LGBTQ from serving in the military.
  • December 13
    Equal age of consent becomes n/a.
    Homosexuality is illegal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    On December 13th, 2024, Mali’s new penal code came into effect. Article 325-1 criminalizes homosexual sex in public. Article 325-2 criminalizes homosexual sex in private, and any such act is considered indecent assault.
  • December 3
    Gender-affirming care becomes varies by region.
    Gender Affirming Care is legal for adults in all provinces, however, with the passage of the Health Statues Amendment Act (No 2), 2024 in the Alberta Legislature, Hormone Therapy and Puberty Blockers are banned for minors under the age of 16, and Gender Affirming Surgeries are banned for all individuals under the age of 18 in Alberta.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    As of December 3rd (2024), the Alberta Legislature passed the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2024. The Act Bans Puberty Blockers and Hormone Replacement Therapy for individuals under the age of 16 Alberta covers the following procedures for those above 18: -Phalloplasty -Metoidioplasty -Vaginoplasty -Hysterectomy and ovary removal -Breast augmentation and mastectomy (patient must get pre-approval) -Voice therapy Hormones are covered under the Alberta Drug Benefit List. Hormones replacement therapy only allowed for Individuals aged 16 and above. To be eligible, patients must be diagnosed with gender dysphoria by two physicians licensed in Alberta.
  • November 30
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Executive Agreement 002-2024 struck down the ban on LGBTQ+ blood donations in Honduras.
  • November 29
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The Gabonese constitution adopted by referendum on November 16th 2024 states: "Le mariage, union entre deux personnes de sexe opposé" - translating to "Marriage, a union between two people of the opposite sex".The new constitution was approved following a military coup the year prior. On 29 November, the Constitutional Court validated the results of the referendum, definitively adopting the constitution.
  • November 14
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    In 2024, the Vanuatu parliament passed an amendment to the Marriage Act, defining a marriage as being between a man and a woman, banning same-sex marriage.
  • November 1
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz) applies (see: right to change legal gender).
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    The Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz) allows transgender, non-binary, and intersex people to change their legal first names and gender entry once a year through self-identification. From the age of 14, minors may make the declaration themselves with the consent of their guardians; to protect the personal rights of young people, the family court can replace the parents' decision at the request of the minor in cases where the custodians do not consent, based on the best interests of the child. Children under 14 will need their parents or guardians to make a registry office application on their behalf. For the declaration to be effective, the registry office must be notified of the upcoming declaration at least 3 months and at most 6 months before the declaration is made. Outing or deadnaming one against their will in a way that caused them harm can be punished with a fine of up to €10,000. If the gender entry is changed from "male" to another and "a case of tension or defense" arises within two months after the change, the person will still be considered male for military conscription. People who went through the previous process can apply for monetary compensation.
  • September 18
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Governor Andy Beshear banned conversion therapy on minors with an executive order. He used his executive powers after Republicans who control the state legislature repeatedly blocked efforts to enact a state law banning the practice. Beshear said he would no longer wait for others to “do what’s right.”
  • September 17
    Gender-affirming care becomes banned.
    Georgia’s new law bans gender-affirming care, blocking all medical treatments related to gender transition.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Georgia’s new anti-LGBTQ+ law bans Pride events, rainbow flags, and allows censorship of LGBTQ+ content in media.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Georgia recently passed strict anti-LGBTQ+ legislation banning gender changes on official documents
  • September 3
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    In 2024, Texas implemented a new policy change, preventing trans people from changing their legal gender.
  • August 26
    Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    SB 254, a bill which heavily restricts gender-affirming care became law again, after a new ruling from the 11th Court of appeals stated that the law was constitutional.
  • August 20
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Although the Non-Binary gender is not recognized in Arizona, it is now legal to change your gender on markers only with a provider’s approval. The surgery requirement to change gender marker was overturned by a Federal Court on August 20, 2024.
  • August 15
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    On August 7th, the Bulgarian parliament passed a law prohibiting so-called 'LGBT propaganda' in schools. The parliament vote 135 for, 57 against. The bill took effect on August 15th after the president signed the bill into law the previous day.
  • August 10
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2024, Campeche began providing for legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. Parents can also request their children get such recognition.
  • August 6
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    Transgender people were already required to have gender-affirming surgery to change their gender id on birth certificates, but it was different for drivers licenses. Previously, for drivers licenses, transgender people were required to provide the signature of a physician, therapist or social worker to approve a change in gender designation. Now, transgender people are mandated to provide documentation of gender reassignment surgery or a court order. The change in policy is expected to have happened because of a controversy that erupted earlier this month over a transgender woman who used the women’s locker rooms at a private gym in Ellisville.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    On August 6th, 2024, an Ohio judge upheld a law which bans gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers and hormones for transgender minors.
  • July 12
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On July 12th, 2024, the Dutch Supreme court ruled that Aruba and Curaçao must allow same-sex couples to marry.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On July 12th, 2024, the Dutch Supreme court ruled that Aruba and Curaçao must allow same-sex couples to marry.
  • July 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since July of 2024, transgender people in Massachusetts are no longer required to undergo medical intervention in order to change their legal gender. Drivers licenses are also able to be changed under this law.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    On July 1st, 2024, Denmark lifted it's four month deferral that was specifically aimed toward MSM blood donors. Now, deferrals and rules regarding blood donations apply to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The Ministry of Health in the Czech Republic is revising its blood donation guidelines for hospitals. They are eliminating the automatic exclusion of men who have sex with men from donating blood. Gender and sexual orientation no longer effect a person's eligibility to donate blood.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Transgender people are no longer able to change their gender on official documents in Idaho after the passage of House Bill 421. The bill came into effect on July 1st, 2024.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    While legal recognition is federally recognition Idaho will not recognize any government IDs with gender X marker. This includes out of state ids, and passports.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes ambiguous.
    Idaho school districts will soon be required to remove any mandates for teachers to use transgender students' preferred pronouns. Governor Brad Little recently signed House Bill 538, sponsored by Rep. Ted Hill, R-Eagle, which provides protections for public employees, including teachers, who decline to use preferred names and pronouns. The bill prohibits teachers from using a name or pronoun that doesn't match a student's birth sex without parental consent, and it grants teachers the option to sue their district if they face discipline for refusing to comply. The bill will become effective on July 1st, 2024.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    Gender Affirming Care will no longer be accessible in the state of Idaho unless seeking outside of Idaho. House Bill 668 bans the right to gender affirming care for adults and minors when state funds are revoked. This bill also restricts non-profits and organizations from using funds for gender affirming care.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Senate Bill 99 will now remove the ability to have gender affirming care for minors, as well as penalize the physician who does the procedure. Physicians who do the procedures, or proscribe hormones will be removed of their license. Senate bill 99 is also named Chloe's law, it was named after a transgender boy who detransitioned back into a female from California.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    On November 9th, 2023, the Saeima passed legislation establishing same-sex civil unions, and the unions were approved by President Edgars Rinkevics on January 9th, 2024. The law took effect on July 1st, 2024. Same-sex couples are not able to inherit from their partners even if they are in a registered partnership.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The Law on Equal Treatment and Anti-Discrimination, approved in May 2024, entered into force on July 1st. It bans discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and gender characteristics.
  • June 25
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Regulation 43-170 received automatic approval on Tuesday as lawmakers did not bring the regulation to a vote in the past session. The new guidelines prohibit materials containing any "descriptions or visual depictions of sexual conduct" from being allowed in South Carolina's schools. Although this does not seem like a bad thing, the regulations provided are very vague and will most likely lead to the banning of a number of books that are age-appropriate and should be allowed for children to read.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    A judge ruled that Senate Bill 458, which defined sex as only male or female and made changing your gender on your birth certificate impossible, was unconstitutional because its subject wasn’t clear in its title as required by the Montana Constitution.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    As of June 25th 2024, it is illegal to change birth certificates to fit non-binary people. HB4322 bars all people from getting their birth certificates changed unless it is to male or female. Drivers licenses still remain the same as in 2022, please see the other entry below.
  • June 21
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Equal since 2024, the age of consent is 16 for all people and all sexual orientations.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    In 2024, A Namibian High Court ruled that certain Namibian laws that criminalized sodomy were unconstitutional. The laws had been in place since directly after Namibia gained independence. The three judges in the High Court said in a joint ruling that the laws that had banned “sodomy” and "unnatural sexual offenses" between men were unfair discrimination and should be removed.
  • June 18
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    Ruling 143/2024 of the Italian constitutional court published on 18/06/2024 stated that a third gender is not permissible for non-binary people.
  • June 11
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    SB 254, restricted gender affirming care for adults, and banned it for minors under the age of 18. Federal court Judge Robert Hinkle has permanently blocked the bill from ever being enacted. He cited that gender affirming care was necessary for everyone. The court case was originally filed in December 2023, along side GLAD, Southern Legal Florida, and Human Rights Campaign of Florida.
  • June 8
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Conversion therapy is a federal offence under Article 209 Quintus of the Federal Penal Code (Código Penal Federal) and Article 465 Ter of the General Health Law (Ley General de Salud). Conversion therapy is defined as any treatment, service, therapy, or practice intended to obstruct, restrict, impede, diminish, annul, or suppress sexual orientation or gender identity/expression. Those liable under the law include anyone who practices, conducts, imparts, applies, forces, or funds such activities. Sanctions include: - 2 to 6 years in prison and a fine of 2,000 UMA (Unidad de Medida y Actualización, a unit updated yearly based on inflation. In 2024, 2,000 UMA exceeded $11,000 USD). - Sanctions are doubled if the victim is a minor (-18), an elderly person (+60), or a person with a disability; or if the perpetrator is a public/government employee, or they have any relationship with the victim (such as family member; or employer, teacher, medical professional, doctor, nurse, or psychologist). Additionally, the latter will face professional dismissal, disqualification, and suspension (1 to 3 years or equivalent to the prison sentence). - Sanctions are further doubled if any kind of violence (physical, psychological, or moral) is used against the victim.
  • June 3
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    On May 29th 2024, the UK voted to "close the loophole" by banning private care physicians as well as prescribers registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland from prescribing puberty blockers to children for gender incongruence. This measure also applies to Scotland and Wales. Those who already had a prescription can continue their treatment. This measure is set to last from June 3rd until September 3rd, but could be extended.
  • (deleted region)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    On May 29th 2024, the UK Parliament voted to "close the loophole" by banning private care physicians as well as prescribers registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland from prescribing puberty blockers to children for gender incongruence. Those who already had a prescription can continue their treatment.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    On May 29th 2024, the UK voted to "close the loophole" by banning private care physicians as well as prescribers registered in the European Economic Area or Switzerland from prescribing puberty blockers to children for gender incongruence. Those who already had a prescription can continue their treatment. This measure originally was meant to last from June 3rd until September 3rd, but was extended twice and is now indefinite.
  • May 28
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Greenlandic Assembly passed an anti-discrimination law which forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas, including housing.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Greenlandic Assembly passed an anti-discrimination law which forbids discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas, including employment.
  • May 22
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    May 22, 2024 – The State Congress approved additions to the Penal Code of the State of Guerrero to classify conversion therapies as a crime, conceived as an instrument to forcibly change a person's sexual orientation, which will be punished with up to 6 years in prison.
  • May 21
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    South Carolina's governor signed legislation that bans gender-affirming care treatments and procedures for those under 18. The legislation takes effect immediately. The bill that he signed was HB4624.
  • May 16
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024.
  • Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    On May 2, 2023 Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024. Neuchâtel and Valais are cantons of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 24 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal. At the federal level, a bill has been languishing in parliament to ban conversion therapy at the national level.
  • May 9
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Blood donation rules were finally brought in line with international standards once "The Bermuda Hospitals Board" established new standards.
  • April 27
    Intersex infant surgery becomes not banned.
    In 2024, a law against Prostitution and Changing Physical Sex characteristics (i.e. gender reassignment surgery) was passed, with the exception added for "congenital anomalies that require surgical intervention to confirm a person's sex”.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Article 3 of the new bill Iraq’s Parliament passed April 27th, prohibits altering a person's biological sex based on psychological desires, and Article 6 imposes penalties of imprisonment for those attempting or performing such changes.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes banned.
    On April 27th, 2024, the Iraqi Parliament passed the amendment to the Law Against Prostitution and Sexual Deviance. Article 2 of the bill criminalizes "acts of effeminacy," defined as imitating women through actions such as wearing women’s cosmetics or clothes in public, taking hormones to display feminine traits, or any other behavior deemed effeminate by medical and social standards. Offenders could face imprisonment ranging from one to three years or fines between five and ten million dinars. Additionally, Article 3 prohibits altering a person's biological sex based on psychological desires, with Article 6 imposing penalties of imprisonment for those attempting or performing such changes, except in cases of necessary surgical interventions for congenital anomalies.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    On April 27th, 2024, Iraq's parliament passed a law that criminalizes same-sex relationships with a maximum 15-year prison sentence.
  • Equal age of consent becomes n/a.
    On April 27th, 2024, Iraq's parliament passed a law that criminalizes same-sex relationships. So, the age of consent for homosexual sex is N/A.
  • April 26
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    The Tabasco state congress legalized adoption by same-sex couples in April 2024.
  • April 24
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Nepal is waiting for a final decision by its supreme court, but meanwhile all local governments are ordered to temporarily register same-sex marriages in a separate record. In April 2024 the National ID and Civil Registration Department issued a circular to all local governments that they register such marriages. However, simply being registered does not grant same-sex couples the legal rights of marriage, and registered same-sex couples cannot inherit property, get tax subsidies, make spousal medical decisions or adopt children, etc.
  • April 22
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The ban of homosexuality got strucked down by the Supreme Court, so the age of consent is now equal.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Dominica legalized homosexual sex on April 22nd, 2024. The ban on gay relations was overturned after a gay man brought up certain laws to a court, which criminalized homosexual sex, and said the laws violated his constitutional rights. The court then ruled that sections 14 and 16 of the Sexual Offences Act were unconstitutional. Those sections had previously criminalized homosexual sex.
  • April 15
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Idaho law bans any changes with gender affirming care for minors, calling it gender mutilation in HB-71. Minors under the age of 18 cannot access gender affirming care even with parental consent. Doctors who do preform gender affirming care will be removed of their license and possibly face jail time. There will be a law into effect July 1st, 2024 that bans gender affirming care for all.
  • April 3
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    The government has announced the new policy of changing sex marker on HKID card, citing that surgery is still required in general. Applicant who have not undergoing full SRS surgery required to remove the penis and testes (for MTF) or completed bilateral mastectomy (for FTM), and required to provide medical diagonsis as long as hormonal treatment of the opposite sex throughout the period of at least two years continuously. Applicant will be required to undergo continuous hormonal treatment of the opposite sex and submit blood test report(s) as requested by the Commissioner for random checking of his or her hormonal profile.
  • April 2
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Labor Code (2024) explicitly bans discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation. It also bans violence, harassment and sexual harassment based on gender identity.
  • April 1
    (deleted region)
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act Increased protections: It strengthens existing protections against hate crimes based on disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, and transgender identity. New characteristic: Age is now included as a protected characteristic. Stirring up hatred: It introduces a new crime for threatening or abusive behavior that aims to stir up hatred towards these groups. Online hate: The law applies to online threats and abuse as well. Replacing blasphemy: The act abolishes the old offense of blasphemy. Overall, the Act aims to create a safer environment for all in Scotland by cracking down on hate-motivated crimes and intimidation.
  • March 28
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    On Thursday, March 28th, 2024, a self-identification bill for the gender identity of the trans population in Yucatán was approved. The bill, which had been presented over a year ago on April 19th, 2023, was passed unanimously by the Congress of Yucatán.
  • March 20
    Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Adoption is currently illegal in Baja California Sur. Initially, a bill had passed the congress that legalized the recognition of homoparental adoptions in November 15th 2022. The second transitory article of the decree regulated that from the date the decree comes into force, the State Directorate of the Civil Registry will have 60 days to make the relevant adjustments. However, the governor went on to veto the bill on March 20, 2024 citing re-analysis and review of the procedure. The governors move did not come without outcry and scrutiny for the decision.
  • March 12
    (deleted region)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    On March 12th 2024, England stopped the NHS from prescribing puberty blockers to minors. The drugs can still be accessed in the private sector, but are no longer covered in the public healthcare system. UK Government has put an emergency order up for puberty blockers, this bans HRT and puberty blockers for those under 18. This was effective dated 29/05/2024. This is effective June 3rd until Sept 3rd for 2024, Scotland and Wales have done the same earlier in the year.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    On March 12th 2024, England stopped the NHS from prescribing puberty blockers to minors. The drugs can still be accessed in the private sector, but are no longer covered in the public healthcare system. UK Government has put an emergency order up for puberty blockers, this bans HRT and puberty blockers for those under 18. This was effective dated 29/05/2024. This is effective June 3rd until Sept 3rd for 2024, Scotland and Wales have done the same earlier in the year.
  • March 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Since March 1st, 2024, there are no restrictions for MSMs donating blood.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    A bill that bans conversion therapy was passed by the parliament on December 21st, 2023. It was signed by the President a few weeks later, and took effect on March 1st, 2024.
  • February 28
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    On February 28, 2024, the Minister of Education indicated that "any usage of gender ideology has been thrown out of public schools", which means it is no longer possible to teach about LGBT topics in schools.
  • February 27
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    SB 480 effectively banning gender affirming care for minors, adults still can get gender affirming care. Minors are not able to get gender affirming care under this bill even with parental consent. Doctors who preform gender affirming care will be subject to fines or more under Indiana law. The law was set to go into effect on July 1st, 2023, however on June 16, 2023, a federal judge temporarily blocked the law from taking effect. Several months later on February 27, 2024, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed this decision, allowing the ban to be enforced.
  • February 21
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    Tennessee has laws removing the right to discrimination in same-sex marriages. Same-sex couples can be discriminated against, in any setting. This law also applies to transgender people as well, LGBTQ discrimination is illegal in the USA. However, Tennessee has laws against same-sex marriage and transgender people.
  • February 16
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The marriage equality bill changed the 4443/2016 law, extending the prohibition of discrimination to social protection, social benefits, education and access to the availability and provision of goods and services protections (including housing), enshrining full legal coverage against discrimination.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Greece is the first orthodox country to legalize same-sex marriage. The country’s Parliament also extended equal parental rights to same-sex couples, including clearing the way for them to adopt children.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On February 15th, 2024, the Hellenic Parliament voted with 173 votes (76 against and 46 abstentions), on legalizing same-sex marriage, becoming the first orthodox country to do so. The next day, February 16, the president signed the bill into law.
  • February 12
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    Any public expression of support or sympathy for members of the LGBT community could be punishable by fines, arrest, or even imprisonment. A bill banning “propaganda of homosexuality” was submitted to the TMR’s “Supreme Council” on February 12, 2024. Its authors claim that the purpose of the law is to protect “traditional family values” and “the moral health of the nation. Absurdly, they even dared to claim that the law does not violate human rights but only regulates the field of education and information.
  • February
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    The first couple was able to legally adopt in February of 2024 after years of work.
  • January 26
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The Florida DMV made a change requiring sex at birth to be the determiner for the gender marker on Florida Driver's Licenses. Deputy Director issued a memo saying allowing someone to change their gender "undermines the purpose of an identification record and can frustrate the state's ability to enforce its laws." The rule also makes holding a Florida drivers license with a gender marker differing to that of the sex assigned at birtth a potential cause for criminal prosecution and loss of their license.
  • January 8
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    Transgender and non-binary people are now allowed to serve after executive order 318/202. Executive order 318/202, stipulates that “other endocrine dysfunctions, namely dysfunctions of the gonadal hormonal system, congenital or acquired and requiring permanent chronic hormone replacement therapy” are no longer grounds for excluding candidates.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Minors over the age of 16 (with certain younger exceptions) and Adults can receive gender-affirming care in Maryland. In 2024, Department of Health of Maryland required Medicaid to give access to gender-affirming care to those who are on Medicaid. This includes hormones, gender-affirming surgeries, voice surgery and therapy, facial surgery, preventative care after transition, and reversal of gender-affirming surgeries for detransitioners.
  • January 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (6-month deferral).
    From 2024, the deferral period for gay and bisexual men to donate blood will be lowered from 1 year to 6 months, the same deferral period applies to everyone.
  • January
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Adults can access gender-affirming care (GAC) freely in West Virginia, minors are largely unable to get GAC under HB2007. Despite largely being advertised as a full ban there is an exception: for a child to access gender-affirming care, all of the following conditions must apply: 1. The child was diagnosed with "severe gender dysphoria by no fewer than two medical or mental health providers" (at least one must specialise in adolescent medicine and both must be trained in gender dysphoria). 2. Both professionals must agree in writing that GAC is medically necessary to treat "psychiatric symptoms and limit self-harm, or the possibility of self-harm". 3. The child's parents, legal guardians and the minor’s primary physician agree in writing to the child receiving gender-affirming care. 4. Any use of GAC is for "purposes of pubertal modulating and hormonal therapy limited to the lowest titratable dosage necessary to treat the psychiatric condition and not for purposes of gender transition". 5. The child is prepubescent. Doctors and parents of the child may be prosecuted under HB2007.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Adults are able to get gender affirming care under HB-2002 stating that all insurances must cover gender affirming care within the state of Oregon. Minors are able to get gender affirming care as well, they need to speak with their provider and parents.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    In Louisiana, Minors under the age of 18 under SB463 are prohibited for gender affirming care. Those on gender affirming care are to "ween" off of it. Minors have until the end of this year in December of 2024 to "ween" off of it according to the new bill. Adults are still able to get gender affirming care as of 2024. The House and Senate of Louisiana passed the bill after a Governor veto.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Since January 1st, 2024, all restrictions on MSM’s donating blood have been lifted. They will be evaluated under the same criteria as everyone else.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Estonia's parliament approved a law to legalise same-sex marriage as well as joint adoption by same-sex couples. The law will take effect on January 1, 2024.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Estonia's parliament approved a law to legalise same-sex marriage, making it the first post-Soviet country to do so. The law went into effect on January 1, 2024.
  • December 28
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Adoption is legal for same sex couples.
  • December 15
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congresses of Morelos and Quintana Roo joined together to recognize the rights of LGBT+ people and approved initiatives to prohibit and sanction Efforts to Correct Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (ECOSIG), commonly known as conversion therapies.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congresses of Morelos and Quintana Roo joined together to recognize the rights of LGBT+ people and approved initiatives to prohibit and sanction Efforts to Correct Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (ECOSIG), commonly known as conversion therapies.
  • December 13
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Pakistan has allowed trans people to self-identify since the Lahore High Court struck down the Shariat ruling in Nayyab Ali v. Federation of Pakistan. "Third gender" is included as an option.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Pakistan allows trans people to self-identify and receive identity documents with their preferred name and gender under Chapter 2 of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act 2018. In 2023, the Lahore High Court upheld this act in "Nayyab Ali v. Federation of Pakistan," overturning the Shariat ruling.
  • December 12
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    By a vote of 85-15, the norwegian parliament gave a final approval to a law banning conversion therapy.
  • December 4
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Finland lifted the restrictions on MSMs donating blood on December 4th 2023. "As a result of the change, deferral period practices related to sexual behaviour will be made consistent in blood donation and will be the same for everyone regardless of sex."
  • November 30
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    On November 30, 2023, Russia’s Supreme Court ruled the “international LGBT movement” to be an extremist organization, effectively outlawing all LGBT organizations, social movements and their activities. Under Russia's anti-extremism laws, participating in or financing an extremist organization is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. Those found guilty of displaying such groups’ symbols, which now include the LGBT rainbow flag, can face up to 15 days in detention for the first offense and up to four years in prison for a repeat offense. In March 2024, two employees of a gay club in Russia were arrested and held in pre-trial detention on suspicion that they were running an 'extremist organization', after the club was raided by authorities earlier that month. If found guilty, they could face up to ten years in prison.
  • November 21
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    Previous government guidelines allowing changes with only a medical diagnosis were revoked for "the stability of the coalition" hence surgery was once again required.
  • November 8
    Intersex infant surgery becomes not banned.
    Gov. Hochul signed Senate Bill S5399, giving parents information about intersex infants. This will ensure parents are given the right information about the surgeries. Gov. Hochul said “Every individual in New York deserves to be treated with dignity and respect by our medical system, especially our kids. This new law is a significant step forward to raise awareness of the intersex community and ensure they get informed and compassionate medical care." Infants are not required to have the surgery unless it is medically necessary for the child, ie having complications relating to intersex.
  • November 7
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    Banned since November 2023 by Circular No. 15 of the Ministry of Health.
  • (deleted region)
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Not banned in Manchester
  • Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Conversion therapy is not banned in England
  • November 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    New blood donation rules are now based on an updated risk assessment of various sexual behaviours and are equally applied to all people regardless of sexual orientation.
  • October 28
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Parliament voted to ban conversion therapy
  • October 23
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The 2022 ruling has been put in effect. Any changes received by or after October 23, 2023 will be done under the new criteria. It is now not possible to change one's gender marker unless it was wrongly marked at birth. Transgender people cannot update their documents.
  • October 17
    Same-sex marriage becomes unregistered cohabitation.
    In the Supreme Court case of Supriyo @ Supriya Chakraborty v. Union of India, a five-judge Constitutional Bench held that LGBTQ+ persons have the right to choose a partner, cohabit and enjoy physical & mental intimacy, free from physical threat and coercive action. The State is bound to protect the exercise of these rights.
  • October 6
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Rio Grande do Norte such as in another states.
  • October 4
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Five members of the LGBT community won their case before the Supreme Court on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. In an initial verdict by Justices David Chan Kan Cheong and Karuna Devi Gunesh-Balaghee, they ruled that section 250(1) of the Penal Code, which seeks to criminalise sodomy, is discriminatory and unconstitutional. This, insofar as it prohibits consensual sodomy between consenting male adults.
  • October
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    As of Oct 2023 minors under the age of 18 are unable to receive gender affirming care, there was an exception to those already on hormones. Before Aug 1st 2023 minors can continue hormones, minors cannot start hormones after the bill was enacted.
  • October 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The Prevention of Discrimination (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2022 states that people can not be denied accommodation based off their sexual orientation. There aren’t any laws about gender discrimination for housing.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Prevention of Discrimination (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2022 protects people in Guernsey from being discriminated against in employment for either sexual orientation. Discrimination because of gender identity was already illegal in 2005, The Sex Discrimination (Employment) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2005.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    There isn’t a law that protects lgbt people of hate crimes in the same way as in England however significant progress has been made recently. LGBT people are protected from employment and housing discrimination in accordance to the Prevention of Discrimination (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2022 and they are protected by The Prevention of Harassment (Guernsey) Ordinance, 2005. However offensive hateful behaviour in Guernsey only is completely and outright illegal if it is racially motivated, The Racial Hatred (Bailiwick of Guernsey) 2005
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Minors of this law are considered 19 age and under, so they do not have access to gender affirming care as of 2023. Adults over the age of 19 are still able to get gender affirming care. LB 574 bans all gender affirming care for under 19 years of age.
  • October
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    Governor Huckabee in 2023 removed all access of the gender X on all drivers licenses. She was quoted saying “As long as I’m governor, Arkansas state government will not endorse nonsense.”. As of Oct 2023, Transgender and non-binary people will have to register as M or F on their drivers licenses.
  • September 5
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Hong Kong’s highest court ruled on 5 September in favour of same-sex civil unions but did not grant them the right to marry. The Final Court of Appeal ruled that the government is "violating its obligation (...) to legally recognize same-sex couples", according to the ruling, which nevertheless rejects "unanimously the appeal" regarding the recognition of their marriage. This ruling was eagerly awaited by the LGBT+ community of the former British colony which, for a decade, has won important victories before the courts, including the annulment of discriminatory government policies on visas, taxes and housing subsidies.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Goiás such as in another states.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Constitutionally banned since 2023.
  • September 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    It is illegal to provide gender affirming care to minors in Texas, with the exception of intersex infants, classified in bill SB14 as "medically verifiable genetic disorder of sex development".
  • Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Articles 179 and 181 of the Family Law adopted on February 8, 2023 give spouses the exclusive right to both types of adoption. Singles are not allowed to adopt.
  • August 28
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Minors under 18 are unable to get gender affirming care under SB49, however, the bill allows before August 28th, 2023 to continue gender-affirming care. Adults and Minors who are in prison are also affected by this bill and are unable to receive gender-affirming care while incarcerated. Note: this ban expires on August 28th 2027.
  • August 24
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    In August 2023, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) adopted a decision that restricts the broadcast of LGBT related content. This decision prohibits television channels from airing content "promoting homosexuality" and bans any content or scenes of a "homosexual character" on channels targeted at children and young audiences.
  • August 23
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Distrito Federal such as another states.
  • August 16
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    The law previously blocked went into effect on August 16, 2023. Instruction on gender identity and sexuality is forbidden from k-4, and schools are legally required to alert parents if a minor wants to change their name or pronouns at school.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    There is limited protecton based on sexual orientation. The Data Protection Act (2023) states that "Sensitive personal data" means personal data consisting of information on a data subject’s sexual orientation or sexual life. No law expressly prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression.
  • August 14
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    On 17 March 2023, the government announced a proposal to amend the child protection law. Article 2-1 of the draft law expands the definition of information harmful to the health and development of children as follows: “[information] that denounces family and traditional societal values, promotes non-traditional sexual relations and initiates disrespect towards parents or other family members”. The bill was passed by the parliament on 22 June 2023 and signed into law by the president on 14 August 2023. Unlike Hungary's "law on the protection of children" , the law does not mention sexual orientation or homosexuality explicitly. The law also does not define "family values" and "non-traditional sexual relations".
  • July 27
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Sinaloa deputies voted in favor of penalizing conversion practices.
  • July 24
    Gender-affirming care becomes banned.
    On July 24th, 2023, Vladimir Putin signed legislation into law that bans “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person.”
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Single homosexuals are allowed to adopt, but banned for transgender people.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Single homosexuals are allowed to adopt, but banned for transgender people.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The upper house of Russia’s parliament unanimously approved a bill outlawing gender-affirming care and legal gender change. It also annuls marriages in which one person has “changed gender” and bars transgender people from becoming foster or adoptive parents.
  • July 22
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    In 2023, Malians approved amendments to their constitution via a referendum. One of the amendments defines marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman.
  • July 19
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The upper house of Russia’s parliament unanimously approved a bill outlawing gender-affirming care and legal gender change. It also annuls marriages in which one person has “changed gender” and bars transgender people from becoming foster or adoptive parents.
  • (deleted region)
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    As the Donetsk People's Republic is controlled by Russia, it is de facto illegal to change genders following Russia's legislation against gender affirming care.
  • July 9
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    There are limited protections based on sexual orientation and sexual life. No explicit protections based on gender identity. Law No. 025/2023 of 09/07/2023 amending Law No. 001/2011 of 25 September 2011 on the Protection of Personal Data included sexual orientation as sensitive data.
  • July 6
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    During the National Health Conference on July 6th, 2023, the Brazilian Congress approved legislation that banned unnecessary surgeries on intersex toddlers.
  • July 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Adults are still able to receive gender affirming care under Tennessee Law, Minors are not able to receive gender affirming care. Under SB001, Minors are prohibited to receive gender affirming care. Adults are unable to help minors to get gender affirming care, they will face prosecution, if found doing such.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Minors under the age of 18 are able to get gender affirming care under insurance, like Medicaid and Medicare. Adults over the age of 18 are also able to get gender affirming care under insurance or not. Nevada Governor Lombardo passed SB163 requiring some insurances to cover gender affirming care. Medicaid and Medicare are required to cover gender affirming care under this bill
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    SB 140 Bans any and all gender affirming care for minors, adults are still able to receive care. Doctors and Hospitals, are at the Georgia State Medical boards hands if they do proceed with gender affirming care of an minor.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    On July 1st, 2023 non-binary people were given the option of “X” on their birth certificate. Although non-binary options for drivers licenses and ids were legalized in 2019, it wasn’t until March 29th, 2024 that technology issues in the Illinois DMV became resolved and allowed for a non-binary option.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    On July 1st 2023, Tennessee passed a new law preventing people from changing their gender marker on their documents if it differs from the one assigned at birth. This includes birth certificates, driver's licenses, and other legal documents.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Kansas passed a new law making it impossible to change one's gender marker on legal documents, be it driver's licenses or birth certificates. Any documents previously changed would be reverted after renewal. Governor Kelly has out-spoken about the bill several times and did veto it, it still got overturned with her veto and has been active since 2023. Citing that businesses would not work with her, because of the discrimination actions within the bill.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Prohibits talks of LGBT topics in school up to grade 6.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Starting July 1 2023, MSM who would like to donate blood face a 4-month deferral period.
  • June 29
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Those who carry out conversion practices will be sentenced to 2 to 6 years in prison.
  • June 28
    Same-sex marriage becomes ambiguous.
    Ambiguous status. On 28 June 2023, a single judge bench of Justice Til Prasad Shrestha issued a historic order directing the government to establish a separate register for non-traditional couples and sexual minorities and to temporarily register them. The full bench of the Supreme Court has yet to deliver a final verdict. Some observers noted that Justice Til Prasad Shrestha exceeded his authority. It is estimated that around 200 third gender activists who rushed back to their villages may register their marriages soon. On 29 November 2023, the first same-sex couple in Nepal was able to register their marriage in the Dordi municipality, five months after the interim order was given. However, there are reports that other homosexual wedding applications have not been consistently registered. In April 2024, Nepal's Ministry of Home Affairs ordered the recognition of same-sex marriage in all the country's jurisdictions.
  • June 20
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    The "SAFE Act" was struck down by a federal judge, legalizing transition for any medically approved age.
  • June 15
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Law was changed under the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 2021 which comes into effect on 15 June 2023. This will allow gender self-identification and mean that you will not need to go through the Family Court to change your nominated sex/gender, and you will not require evidence of medical treatment to do so either.
  • June 12
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Currently there are no known laws specifically on gender affirming care. New York City has an ordinance for those who are getting gender affirming care the provider cannot be detained for giving gender affirming care. Minors are able to get treatment as well. Under the Family Care Act, Families in retaliation of the minor's gender affirming care will have to subject to court where the child maybe removed from the home due to retaliation. New York City also passed an safe haven executive order stating anyone doing gender affirming care, or receiving gender affirming care in a state where it is illegal and punishable will not face punishment in New York City. New York follows ICD-10 under the WHO organization, minors and adults have to get a gender diagnoses before being treated and or have been treated by a medical professional.
  • June 9
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Icelandic parliament has passed a law banning so-called conversion therapy practices on the basis of sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity.
  • June 8
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    The Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2023 bans intersex surgery on infants, and allows for individuals to make the decision themselves when they have capacity to consent.
  • Intersex infant surgery becomes varies by region.
    In 2023 the Australian Capital Territory passed the Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill and became the first region of Australia to ban intersex infant surgery.
  • June 7
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Minas Gerais, such as another states.
  • June 3
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of Australia
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In Australia sexually active LGBT people are unable to donate blood unless they abstain from sex for three months. Since 2021, the deferral period within Australia was reduced from 1 year to 3 months without PrEP. In June 2023, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved a submission from Australian Red Cross Lifeblood calling to remove most sexual activity ineligibility criteria for plasma donors.
  • June 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    From 1 June, all donors will be subject to the same screening process regardless of their sexuality or gender.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    The law allowing same-sex couples to jointly adopt received royal assent and went into effect on 1 June 2023.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Under the Crimes (Sexual Offences) Amendment Bill any clauses that make consensual sexual acts between men illegal will be removed from the Crimes Act and will come into force on 1 June.
  • May 31
    Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    A bill to make gender change illegal was proposed, and it will probably pass.
  • May 29
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The "Anti-Homosexuality Bill" signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni states that same-sex marriage is punishable by 10 years imprisonment. The same punishment is to be applied to those conducting same-sex marriage ceremonies.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    As of May 29, 2023, the Anti-Homosexuality Act punishes the "promotion" of homosexuality with up to 20 years in prison.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (death penalty as punishment).
    President Yoweri Museveni signed an "Anti-Homosexuality" bill into law. This still punishes homosexuality with imprisonment up to life, but the bill allows "aggravated homosexuality" to be punished by death. The definition of "aggravated homosexuality" includes three main categories. 1. Consensual sex between adults wherein the party is a second-time offender. 2. Rape, against an adult or a child. 3. Homosexual activities performed by those with HIV, or that involve a disabled or elderly person. "Attempted homosexuality" is also punishable by law, meeting up to 10 years in prison, while "attempted aggravated homosexuality" can be met with up to 14 years.
  • May 25
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The practice, and advertisement, of conversion therapy was banned after 36 members of parliament (out of 50 total) voted to pass the new bill into law.
  • May 21
    Gender-affirming care becomes banned.
    Being transgender in Uganda is illegal due to the 2023 Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA).
  • May 19
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    The Federal Shariat Court struck down the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, declaring it un-Islamic.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    The Federal Shariat Court struck down the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, declaring it un-Islamic.
  • May 17
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    In 2023, Mexico recognized gender X on all forms of ID including passports. Drivers licenses and passports are yet to come with this change, they have moved to change it.
  • May 16
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Taiwan's parliament passed an amendment allowing same-sex couples to jointly adopt children.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes foreign same-sex marriages recognized only.
    In 2023, Namibia’s top court ruled that Namibia must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other countries. On December 30th, 2024, the Marriage Act (2024) was assented to. The bill includes a ban on same-sex marriage. It has not come into effect though, because the Minister of Justice has not set a date on which it will come into force.
  • May 11
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The new FDA policy on blood donation eliminates deferrals and screening questions specific to men who have sex with men (MSM). Prospective donors will be asked the same set of questions regardless of their sex or sexual orientation.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The Employment Act, 2023 bans discrimination based on "sexuality" and unfair dismissal based on an employee’s sexual orientation (92.1.f).
  • May 10
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Starting in May 10th 2023, gender affirming care was officially protected by bill H.89 meaning that it cannot be banned or restricted for adolescents or adults alike. Adults and Minors are able to receive gender affirming care without being restricted or banned. Minors over the age of 16 with parental consent are able to get gender affirming care.
  • May 3
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    The Governor of Indiana signed a bill into law in May 2023 that prohibited local jurisdictions of enacting their own ordinances against the practice of conversion therapy effectively keeping the practice legal across the state until a state measure comes into effect.
  • May 2
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal.
  • April 20
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Adults over the age of 19 are eligible for gender affirming care under Medicaid. Minors under 18-19 are unable to get gender affirming care, there is a court case going on for the gender affirming care ban for minors. The new law is still in effect.
  • April 4
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order No. 326, which protects out of state transgender people to come to New Jersey without being prosecuted in their home state. This Executive Order also protects people living in the state.
  • April 3
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    A new legislation lifted the former requirements for gender-affirming surgery and sterilization in order to legally change one’s gender. Recognition will be available for adults upon written application after a mandatory 30-day "period of reflection". Minors under the age of 18 are not allowed to change their gender status. The new law comes in effect on April 3rd 2023.
  • April 1
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Tennessee introduced a bill banning "adult show performances" where minors could be present or be able to see. The wording of the bill describes "dressing as a gender different from the one assigned at birth" as part of a performance to be not suited for minors and thus banned in public spaces. This not only bans drag shows, but any performance from a trans person in public.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    On April 1 2023, the Transfusion Act (Transfusionsgesetz, TFG) was amended to fully remove restrictions on blood donations by MSMs. Accordingly, the amendment to the law obliged the German Medical Association to subsequently adapt the blood donation guidelines within four months in agreement with the Paul Ehrlich Institute, Germany’s medical regulatory body.
  • March 22
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Gender affirming care is banned for minors under SF538, as of 2023. Adults are still able to get gender affirming care in Iowa, minors are defined as under 18 in this bill. Iowa doctors are subjected to prosecution if found doing gender affirming care to minors even with parental consent.
  • March 20
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    In March 2023, the Supreme Court overturned the 2021 decision banning discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
  • March 16
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Under HB 7 in New Mexico Adults and Minors with parental consent are able to get gender affirming care. This also protects out of state people who need gender affirming care.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Legislation was passed to expand the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act (originally passed in 1976). All citizens of Michigan now receive "equal treatment under the law" regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
  • Serving openly in military becomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.
    The Supreme Court of Justice annulled section 565 of the Military Justice Code, which previously banned same-sex sexual activity in armed forces. The court found that the law was incompatible with the Constitution and international agreements on human rights. However, transgender people were not explicitly mentioned in the ruling.
  • March 14
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Mentioning gender identity or sexual orientation to students before grade 5 is banned.
  • March 8
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    As of 2023, Governor Tim Waltz made an executive order protecting transgender healthcare in the state of Minnesota. He also protected insurance discrimination, and also made sure that Medicaid required that they cover Gender affirming care state-wide. Health care providers are not to be arrested for giving gender affirming care. This executive order is still in effect until it is made law.
  • March 3
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    There are no excessive restrictions placed specifically on transgender people's access to gender-affirming care. This guidance has been revoked and reinstated multiple times, they were last reinstated on 3/3/23
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Ministry of Health approved a Public Health Standard, eliminating the forced sterilisation requirement for changing the gender marker in the Registry Office.
  • February 28
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    It is Illegal to provide gender affirming care to minors in Mississippi following bill HB1125. As always, there is an exception made for intersex infants categorised in the aforementioned bill as "medically verifiable disorder of sex development".
  • February 22
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Paraná such as another states.
  • February 21
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    In February 2023, the starkly split (28-21) Highest Court of Bulgaria ruled that people could not change the gender marker on their legal documents.
  • February 17
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On July 21, 2022, the Andorran government passed a law granting marriage rights to same-sex couples in the country. The law ultimately took effect in February 2023.
  • February 16
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    With the approval of the Trans Law on February 16, 2023, it was established that intersex minors should not receive unnecessary medical interventions, except in cases where medical advice requires otherwise in order to protect the health of the individual.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Pernambuco such as in another states.
  • February 13
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    House Bill 1080 bans gender affirming care for all teenage minors. As in a lot of similar bills there is an exception for "medically verifiable disorder of sex development" for which if the criteria is met performing non-consensual, medically unnecessary surgeries on infants is legal.
  • February 9
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    In 2023, The Parliament of Moldova passed Law No.2 (2023) which included sexual orientation and gender identity among grounds protected from "any kind of discrimination". Protections in employment are included as well.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    In 2023, The Parliament of Moldova passed Law No.2 (2023) which included sexual orientation and gender identity among grounds protected from "any kind of discrimination".
  • February 6
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    The Court of Final Appeal ruled in favour of the two men and found the surgical requirement unconstitutional.
  • February 2
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The United States Virgin Islands has prohibited anti-gay discrimination against sexual orientation and gender identity since 2023.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal.
  • February 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    2 or more same-sex couples cannot adopt. A gay man who is not in a relationship can adopt.
  • February
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Sexual orientation was added as a protected category from discrimination in the constitution of the Netherlands after votes in Senate and House Of Representatives were successful. Previously the Equal Rights Act of 1993 protected sexual orientation and had been interpreted to protect gender identity, expression and sex characteristics as well.
  • January 27
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Paraíba such as in another states.
  • January 21
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    On July 21st, 2022, the Andorran government passed a law that allows transgender people to change their gender without medical intervention. The law took effect 6 months after it passed, on January 21st, 2023.
  • January 15
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    On 15 January 2023, a court in Rome ruled against a school who had fired a trans professor due to her gender identity, claiming that it amounted to sex discrimination.
  • January 3
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    On 21 August 2022, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced at the National Day Rally that the Government would repeal section 377A of the Penal Code 1871. Later, on the 29th of November 2022, the Singaporean parliament voted in favor of decriminalizing gay sex. Then, on December 27th, 2022, the act was assented to by the President. The repeal took effect on January 3rd, 2023.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    The Employment Act, 2023 bans discrimination based on "sexuality" and unfair dismissal based on an employee’s sexual orientation (92.1.f).
  • January
    Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In January 2023, the Bosnian government passed legislation making gender affirming healthcare less affordable and more difficult to access. The law also considers certain procedures as ineligible for funding forcing trans Bosnians to seek such care abroad.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Adults are still able to get gender affirming care under Utah law, Minors are unable to get gender affirming care under HB0316. Incarcerated transgender people will be placed in their biological sexes holding cells. Example being a transgender male to get incarcerated then he would go to the females holding cells due to his biological sex. Under SB16, inmates are forced to go to their gender assigned at birth cells.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Minors under the age of 18 are unable to receive gender affirming care of all forms, making it a felony for those who try to do gender affirming care for minors. Adults over the age of 18, are able to receive gender affirming care in Oklahoma.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Kentucky passed SB 150 in 2023 this bill includes minors relating to gender affirming care. Minors are defined in this bill to be under 18. SB 150 targets minors who are receiving gender affirming care and making it illegal for them to do gender affirming care. This bill also targets doctors who preform gender affirming care.
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In 2023, the Gender Identity Support Program "Crece con Orgullo" began operating, which is aimed at children and adolescents from 3 to 17 years old, and includes gender-affirmative care. The state program was born under Decree 3 (2019) created by the Regulation of Article 23 of Law No. 21,120, which recognizes and protects the Right to Gender Identity.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Colorado became the first state to offer gender affirming care coverage for employees. Colorado has also passed a bill making it legal to get gender affirming care and protecting those who come from states that have banned it.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    SB 254 bans all gender-affirming care for minors and some adults. Adults have to go through only a certified physician and have to go through rigorous mental health checks with board-certified psychiatrists. SB-254 also arrests "government entities" for administering gender-affirming care.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Bulgaria has recently been stepping up against lgbtq+ discrimination. Widely supported legislation
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    Discrimination in bulgaria is illegal. Recently Bulgaria has stepped up against anti lgbtq discrimination with new legislation
  • December 31
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The congress of Mexico’s northeastern border state Tamaulipas has voted to recognise same-sex marriage, making it legal across the country. Becoming the last of the country’s states to do so, Tamaulipas amended the state’s Civil Code on Wednesday, setting off cheers of “Yes, we can!” from supporters of the change.
  • December 22
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Trans law prohibits conversion therapy intended to change sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    On December 22, 2022, the Spanish Congress approves a "Trans Law" If the law is approved, this point marks that reports or evidence will no longer be needed for a person to make an official registration change of their gender identity. According to the General Directorate of Sexual Diversity and Rights, this can be done "through a system of double appearance, without medical or judicial protection."
  • December 21
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    By unanimous vote, the Plenary of the local Congress approved a reform to article 204 of the Penal Code of the State of Nuevo León in order to sanction from two to five years in prison whoever carries out conversion practices.
  • Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Article 3-2(o) of Law No. 10/2004 on Health System Law (Amended by Law No. 13/2022), states that the health policy must comply with the access to family planning, reproductive, school, visual, oral and mental health and early diagnosis, without discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.
  • December 14
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Article 3-B(e) of Decree-Law nº 14/2004 on the Exercise of Health Professions, Amended by Decree-Law No. 88/2022, states that the health professional must comply, in particular, with the following professional duties: "Take care of people without discrimination based on nationality, ancestry, race, territory of origin, age, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs, education and economic situation or social status."
  • December 13
    Same-sex marriage becomes foreign same-sex marriages recognized only.
    In 2022, the US Congress passed the Respect for Marriage Act, requiring all US states and territories to recognize legal same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions.
  • December 12
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent is 16 years old for heterosexual and homosexual sex.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    In December of 2022, Barbados' High Court ruled that laws which criminalize buggery and "gross indecency" were unconstitutional, and struck them down from the Sexual Offences Act. On May 25th, 2023, 5 months after the oral decision was handed down, the Court released a written document explaining their reasoning for their judgement.
  • December 9
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Articles 11-3 and 18-3a of the Labour Code (1997), as amended in 2003, prohibit direct or indirect discrimination on the basis of "sexual orientation" in employment. Article 94(2b) establishes the employer’s duty to act against such discrimination. Under Article 8(1), the prohibition on discrimination based on "sexual orientation" is contained in the Law on Equal Treatment (2010) applies to employment and access to labour market instruments and services. In 2023, the Court of Justice of the European Union declared in a case from Poland (J.K. v TP S.A., Case No. C-356/21) (2023) that freelance workers are also protected by EU law prohibiting discrimination on the grounds of "sexual orientation" in employment. In December of 2022, Joanna ?elek won her case against her employer in regards to transgender discrimination in the workplace, effectively protecting transgender people in the workplace
  • December 8
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Pennsylvania Human Relations Act bans discrimination in hiring, firing, housing, and schooling on the basis of sex. In December 2022, with implemented legally-binding regulations the sex option also explicitly includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • December 6
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The State Congress approved the prohibition of the Efforts to Correct Sexual and Gender Orientation (Ecosig) in Sonora, for which the entity became the 12th entity to legislate against this type of actions, considering that they are practices that violate human rights.
  • December 4
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following the Health Canada decision to remove the deferral for men who have sex with men, Héma-Québec will remove it as well, but a little bit later than other provinces. In the Fall 2022, men who have sex with men will be allowed to donate plasma without deferral, but not blood or platelets yet. On December 4, 2022, the criteria will be expanded for blood and platelets. Donors will be asked about sexual partners and pregnancy history instead of being singled out for their sexual orientation.
  • December 2
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 2022: Under the amended laws, people will be able to nominate a sex descriptor of their choice, including male, female, trans man, trans woman, ‘agender’, ‘genderqueer’ or ‘non-binary’ as long as the change isn’t sought for fraudulent or improper purposes.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 2022
  • November 29
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    LGBT topics are censored in media and education by the Ministry of Communications and Information, and the Infocomm Media Development Authority.
  • November 28
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Men who have sex with men will no longer have to wait four months before giving blood, as changes to who can donate blood come into effect today. Instead, individual assessments will now be made.
  • November 23
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since November 23 2022, trans people in Cyprus can update their legal gender simply by applying online. While they can submit medical documentation if they think that would support their demand, there is no obligation to do so. A person must be at least 18 years old to request this change.
  • November 7
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Rondônia such as in another states.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Paraguay prohibits conversion therapy based on sexual choice and identity mentioned in Article 3 of Law No. 7018 on Mental Health.
  • November 4
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    In 2022, Florida’s Board of Medicine banned gender affirming healthcare for trans youth.
  • November 3
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Hidalgo became the first state to recognize non-binary people.
  • October 26
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
  • October 19
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    A same-sex marriage bill was introduced to Congress on October 12, 2022 by Deputy Jesús Díaz (MORENA). It was approved by a Congress committee on 17 October with 4 votes in favour and 2 abstentions, and a final vote was scheduled for Wednesday, 19 October. Congress passed the bill on 19 October by 23 votes to 5 with seven abstentions. Deputy Emilio Antonio Contreras Martínez de Escobar, a supporter of the legislation, said that "[i]t is necessary that, as representatives of society, we listen and represent society through this type of legislative actions". The bill was supported by members of the National Regeneration Movement and the Institutional Revolutionary Party. Opponents of the legislation organised prayer rallies outside the Congress building. The bill will take effect once it is published in the state's official journal.
  • September 30
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines, men who have sex with men will be allowed to donate on September 30, 2022 and onwards without a deferral.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    After having a 3 month deferral for MSMs to donate blood was deemed unfair, it is now completely legal for MSMs to donate blood with no deferral as long as they have been tested negative for HIV, which everyone has to do before donating blood, regardless of sexuality.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Following the Canadian Blood Services guidelines.
  • September 26
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    There is no restrictions on MSMs donating blood anymore on the Falkland Islands.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    On 25 September, Cuba held a referendum on the development of a new family code that includes provisions that would legalise same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption. Article 30 and 31 allow for same-sex adoption and explicitly grant the right to couples using forms of assisted reproductive technology. On 26 September, the President of the Cuban National Electoral Council confirmed that the referendum had passed with 66.87% of the vote. They also confirmed the result is valid and binding. The law will come into effect upon formal confirmation, expected 30 September.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On 25 September, Cuba held a referendum on the development of a new family code that includes provisions that would legalise same-sex marriage and same-sex adoption. On 26 September, the President of the Cuban National Electoral Council confirmed that the referendum had passed with 66.87% of the vote. They also confirmed the result is valid and binding. The law will come into effect upon formal confirmation, expected 30 September.
  • September 19
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Judges have struck down Montana's ban on birth certificate gender marker changes for transgender people. The judges argue the state acted in bad faith, as they were told to suspend the requirement for surgery, not the change of birth certificates altogether.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Durango state legalized Same Sex marriages at 19 September 2022
  • September 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Since September 2022, gay and bisexual men can legally donate blood within Malta after the same defferal period as heterosexual people.
  • September
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    A 1-year deferral was implemented following the publication of standardized donor history questionnaire in December 2019. Previously, there was an indefinite ban on donations. In December 2019 this was changed to a 4-month deferral period for blood donors. Since September 2022, the ban was lifted completely.
  • August 31
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Adoption by same-sex couples in Quintana Roo was legalized by the state congress in August 2022.
  • August 29
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Following a ruling of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court on August 29, 2022, consensual same-sex intercourse between adults in private is no longer illegal in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Homosexuality is legal since 2022.
  • August 26
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    On August 26th 2022, the age of consent had been equalized to 14 years after the approval of in Chilean Senate and subsequent approval by the House of Deputies which abolished Article 365. Article 365 was known as the last homophobic law in Chile and activists celebrated it's defeat as a sign for full legal equality for LGBT Chileans.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    Under the Chilean Law.
  • August 24
    Gender-affirming care becomes banned.
    In 2022, the Taliban criminalised gender affirming surgery and has made it clear that any forms of care would not be recognised.
  • August 21
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    At the same time as Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced the clause in the penal code known as Section 377A would be repealed, he reiterated that the institution of marriage would remain "between a man and a woman". Further restrictions were imposed on gay marriage in Singapore on Nov 29th the same year.
  • August 16
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On August 16, 2022, Pennsylvania governor signed an executive order against conversion therapy. While not a full on ban, it forbids providers from receiving any government funds or reimbursement for such practices and offers ways to denounce any providers who partake in it.
  • August 4
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    In 2022, Lithuania published a protocol on gender affirming healthcare for the first time. However, while it provides for hormone therapy, it does not provide for sex reassignment surgery which is unavailable in the public health system.
  • August 3
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On August 3, 2022, Vietnamese Health Ministry published a document saying that homosexuality is not disease and that conversion therapy to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity was illegal. It is currently not clear what the consequences of partaking in the practice will be, if any.
  • August
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    "The rules for the donor to donate blood and its components of a mandatory medical examination within the framework of a guaranteed amount of free medical care" approved by order of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. RK HМ-102/2020, was amended in 2022 and includes in its "List of questions to identify additional information that limits or prevents admission to donation", the following: 11. Have you had promiscuous sexual relations with heterosexual or homosexual partners in the last 12 months. 12. Have you had an irregular relationship with a homosexual partner(s) in the last 12 months. 13. Have you had a regular relationship with a regular homosexual partner over the past 12 months.
  • July 28
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The Michigan Supreme Court ruled that the state’s 1976 Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act bans discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Such includes protection in sectors including employment, housing, education and public accommodations.
  • July 26
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    On July 26, 2022, Kenya moved to ban surgeries on intersex infants.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    New legislation only allows intersex persons identified as male or female at birth to request a change to “I.”
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    The Children Act 2022 states that “The Principal Registrar shall take measures to ensure correct documentation and registration of intersex children at birth.” There's also an amendment to the Births and Deaths Registration Act which states that the Register “shall include details of an intersex child and intersex person.”
  • July 19
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    On July 19th, 2022, the Greek Parliament approved a bill that banned surgeries on intersex people under the age of 15 that “seek to ensure that a child ascribes to traditional notions of male and female.”
  • July 14
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    In July 2022, Kazakhstan banned the Disney/Pixar animated film 'Lightyear' after the country's Culture and Sports Minister responded to complaints from local conservative and religious groups regarding the film's inclusion of a same-sex kiss. In January 2024, an LGBTQ-education website for teenagers, SelfTanu.kz, was blocked by Kazakhstan's Culture and Information Ministry, which citied safeguarding children's rights and respecting Kazakhstan's societal norms and traditions as reasons for the ban.
  • July 9
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On June 16, 2022, Constitutional court ruled prohibition of same-sex marriage unconstitutional. The court ordered the Slovenian Parliament to bring legislation in line within six months, although the ruling would take effect immediately after publication. On October 18, 2022, the National Assembly passed the bill enshrining same-sex marriages and adoption in law. The Act Amending the Family Code came into effect on January 31, 2023.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    On June 16, 2022, Constitutional court found ban on adoption by same-sex people unconstitutional. The court ordered the Slovenian Parliament to bring legislation in line within six months, although the ruling would take effect immediately after publication. On 18 October 2022, the National Assembly passed the bill enshrining same-sex marriages and adoption in law. The Act Amending the Family Code came into effect on 31 January 2023.
  • July 6
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    There are two alternatives to traditional marriage for same-sex couples in Israel: 1. Recognition of “Reputed Couples” (common-law partners), which enjoy similar legal rights and duties as legally married couples, per judicial findings in HCJ 1000/92 Bavli v. The Great Rabbinical Court (1994); 2. Registration before the Israeli Population Registration of marriages celebrated abroad, which renders the civil (legal) status of reputed and/or same-sex couples equal to that of legally married couples -per the Israeli High Court ruling in Yossi Ben-Ari and others v. Director of Population Administration, Ministry of Interior (2006). Same-sex marriage is not legal in Israel. However, same-sex marriages celebrated abroad can be registered before the Israeli Population Registry per the Israeli High Court ruling in Yossi Ben-Ari and others v. Director of Population Administration, Ministry of Interior (2006), which renders the civil (legal) status of reputed and/or same-sex couples equal to that of legally married couples. In June 2021, after several Israeli couples received civil marriage licences online from the US state of Utah without having to travel abroad physically, the Population Registry announced that it would stop recognising unions issued online from Utah. However, several couples (including same-sex couples) who married online filed a lawsuit. A court in Lod ruled in their favour, thus validating their marriages. So Civil unions and Foreign same-sex marriage are recognized in Israel.
  • July 5
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    On July 5th, 2022, The High Court of Justice for Antigua and Barbuda struck down sections of the Sexual Offences Act of 1995 that made homosexuality illegal. In the ruling, the age of consent was set the same for any two persons, regardless of gender.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    As a result of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court's ruling that decriminalized sodomy, references to sex in the constitution were interpreted to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected categories against discrimination. "In giving a liberal and purposive interpretation to section 14(3) of the Constitution the reference to “sex” ought not to merely reference a physical gender. Such an approach would be too linear and restrictive. The reference to “sex” would necessarily encompass concepts such as gender identity, sexual character, and sexual orientation. It would be self-defeating to the constitutional provision if the notion of sex were to be separated from matters of sexual orientation and sexual identification since the concept of sex as a physical gender carries with it a perception of how people identify and are oriented even in those instances when the identification and orientation are stereotypical or traditional in nature."
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The High Court of Justice for Antigua and Barbuda ruled that sections of the Sexual Offences Act of 1995 which made homosexual sex illegal were unconstitutional, and struck them down.
  • July 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In April 2022, Vermont passed House Bill 628, simplifying the process of legal gender change and basing it on self-identification. It went into effect on July 1, 2022.
  • July
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    There is limited protection based on sexual orientation. The Data Protection Act (2019) states that "sensitive personal data" means "data revealing the natural person's race, health status, ethnic social origin, conscience, belief, genetic data, biometric data, property details, marital status, family details including names of the person's children, parents, spouse or spouses, sex or the sexual orientation of the data subject." Some protections for intersex children under The Children Act 2022. The law requires intersex children to be treated with dignity and have equal access to basic services like medical treatment and education, in addition to social protection services as a special need. It also requires the accommodation of intersex children in child protection centers and other facilities.
  • July 1
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    ‘Don’t say gay’ inspired law going to affect mississippi schools starting in the 2022-23 school year.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Public Schools are now required to not mention anything lgbt related, especially at elementary schools, a law very similar to what florida is doing along with some other southern states.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Schools are no longer allowed to mention anything related to lgbt.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    AL HB322 mandates that: An individual or group of individuals providing classroom instruction to students in kindergarten through the fifth grade at a public K-12 school shall not engage in classroom discussion or provide classroom instruction regarding sexual orientation or gender identity in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for the implementation and enforcement of this section. It was signed by Gov. Kay Ivey on April 7th 2022 and will go into effect on the first day of the third month following said signature.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Florida HB 1557 bans discussions of sexuality and gender identity in public schools. It also prohibits districts from withholding information from parents unless they believe it may result in abuse/neglect. It also mandates parents to screen any health questionnaires before the school year begins. Districts that violate this policy can be sued for statutory damages and court fees. As of 2023, it was expanded to 12th grade. There were also numerous other changes to the bill.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Switzerland approved same-sex marriage with a national referendum.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    On July 1st, 2022, Slovenia removed the ban and will now vet donors according to how risky their sexual behavior is, regardless of their sexual orientation.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    In July 2022, the Court of First Instance allowed a trans man to change their gender markers and their first name in the civil status registry.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    The new law of same sex marriage for Switzerland also guarantees adoption rights for same sex couples.
  • June 30
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    The new Zerolo law, passed on June 30th, prohibits discrimination federally on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Spain's Zerolo law protects LGBT people from housing discrimination.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Spanish law prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, HIV status, and "any other personal or social condition or circumstance.” in employment and provision of goods and services. A comprehensive anti-discrimination bill, called the Zerolo Law, was passed by the Cortes Generales on 30 June 2022.
  • June 26
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Vermont-born residents can change their gender marker to an X on their birth certificate.
  • June 23
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    On June 23 2022, a judgement passed to allow trans individuals to modify their gender marker without proof of surgery. Non-binary options absent.
  • June 17
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Starting June 17 2022, Quebecers can change their gender marker to an X on their birth certificate, free of charge and with no consulting required. They can also be classified as a parent rather than a mother or father on their child's birth certificate. Since March 4th, 2024, non-binary people can also request the X gender marker on their health cards and driver's licenses.
  • June 16
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    The Health Department of Hawaii has issued a directory for gender affirming care for adults and families. House Bill 2405 offers gender affirming care under insurance. Adults and Minors are able to get gender affirming care under insurance. There are no other bills in Hawaii that specifically are for Gender Affirming Care.
  • June 13
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-sex marriage became legal in Veracruz after the legislature approved a reform to the Civil Code on June 13, 2022. The reform passed with 38 votes for and four against.
  • June 7
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congress of Hidalgo prohibited conversion therapies , it will also punish this practice with up to 3 years in prison.
  • June 2
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    With 33 votes in favor and seven abstentions, a reform was approved to punish up to three years in prison for those who implement conversion therapy.
  • June 1
    Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The age of consent of 16 years is equal for everyone.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    Civil unions recognized by courts in Latvia with limited rights.
  • May 26
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes varies by region.
    In 2022, Gagauzia passed a motion prohibiting media from reporting on LGBTIQ+ topics. The rest of Moldova has no such laws however.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Despite not having same-sex marriage, Croatia allows joint adoption for same-sex couples. This follows a six-year legal battle which was finally settled when the High Administrative Court rejected an appeal by a government ministry against an earlier ruling by the Zagreb court. The ministry can no longer appeal this verdict.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    In 2022, Gagauzia passed a law banning media from reporting on LGBTIQ+ issues.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    With 20 votes in favor and four abstentions, the State Congress prohibited conversion therapies in Baja California, by adding Chapter XII called Crimes Against Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression.
  • May 23
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Montana will no longer amend sex markers on birth certificates, unless biological sex was "marked wrong" at birth.
  • May 18
    Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.
    In May 2022, the guidelines for gender-affirming care were revoked forcing trans people to go abroad for such care. They were reinstated in 2023.
  • May 12
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Persons over 18 years of age qualified for all acts of civil life may, from now on, request the Civil Registry Offices of Natural Persons to change and record their first name and gender in the birth record to adapt them to their self-perceived identity. , regardless of judicial authorization.
  • May 11
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The amendment, introduced in the context of the bill on the "Personal Doctor", introduces a ban on so-called "treatments or conversion practices", ie methods aimed at changing or suppressing the sexual orientation, the gender identity or expression of an LGBT+ individual. The amendment, however, does not include adults who, as stated in Parliament, can undergo conversion therapy with their consent. There is also no mention of people practicing these therapies other than specialists, leaving a legal loophole for spiritual leaders and priests. The LGBT+ organizations protested and demanded the inclusion of all the above
  • May 10
    Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    In May 10, 2022 the Greek Minister of Health, Thanos Plevris submitted an amendment to the bill for the “personal doctor”, based on article 1 of which institutes the prohibition of practical conversions to vulnerable individuals by professionals. With the term "professionals" the amendment defines those who receive remuneration to proceed with such "treatments", leaving a legal gap in practices e.g. of the Church, such as exorcism or other covert practices, which do not involve remuneration. Also, the term "vulnerable" means minors or those who are under legal assistance. At the same time, the provision prohibits professionals from inviting, promoting or advertising conversion practices performed by themselves or other third parties, professionals or not. Violation of the law in addition to the prescribed disciplinary and administrative sanctions, will be punished with imprisonment and a fine, while the repeated commission of the above act constitutes an aggravating circumstance.
  • May 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The restrictions were removed.
  • April 29
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    A new and modern measure was authorized by the Corregedoria-Geral (CGJ) of Rio Grande do Sul. From now on, notaries will accept non-binary gender in civil birth registration.
  • April 25
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Non-binary gender "X" is recognized on all official documents, but court order is required. A ruling of the Third Family Court of Santiago, issued on April 25, 2022, ordered the Civil Registry and Identification Service to register a 17-year-old adolescent with non-binary gender on the birth certificate, being the first judicial resolution of its kind in the country. On May 25, 2022, the First Civil Court of Santiago issued a ruling recognizing an adult person as non-binary and ordering the Civil Registry to rectify the birth certificate. On October 14, 2022, the Civil Registry officially issued to Shane Cienfuegos the first non-binary identity card with the marker "X" in the country. In May 2023, the first Chilean passport with a non-binary gender marker was granted to Valentino Victoria Liberona. "I" option for intersex children is available on birth certificates.
  • April 23
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The determination is pioneering since it allows the change in an administrative way, just going to a notary and requesting the change, without the need for a lawsuit.
  • April 20
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    There is no criteria specifically preventing MSMs from donating blood in Cyprus as of April 2022.
  • April 19
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (6-month deferral).
    MSMs face a 6-month deferral in order to donate blood.
  • April 18
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Amazonas such as in another states.
  • April 11
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    The United States Virgin Islands is an overseas American territory and enjoys the same LGBTQ rights as the 50 states and the District of Columbia. All American passports can get a gender X marker.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes varies by region.
    As of 2022, all passports are able to get a gender marker X on the US State website or in person. Social Security will be able to change the name as well, unknown of the date when allowed. Check any of the states for Drivers ID or Birth certificates.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Between April 11th, 2022, and January 22nd, 2025, the United States allowed people to have an X gender on their passports at a national level.
  • April 6
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The legislators of the Jalisco Congress voted in favor of the prohibition of Conversion Therapy in Jalisco.
  • April 5
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Rio de Janeiro such as another states.
  • April 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.
    Amended Act No.111 of 2003 requires for transgender people to change their legal gender, (1) be at least 18 years of age, (2) not currently married, (3) no child less than 18 years, (4) infertile (no gonads or persistent lack of gonadal function), (5) and has a body which appears to have genital parts of those of the opposite sex. And also requires medical certificate by two or more psychiatrist. On October 16th 2023, a Japanese transgender man won his case in court to allow him to change his legal gender without sterilization. The law was deemed unconstitutional. It remains to be seen what changes will be made to the law and when they will come in effect.
  • March 31
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Adults over the age of 18 are still able to freely get gender affirming care. SB 1138, specifically prohibits doctors from giving minors defined as under 18. Surgeries are banned for minors, HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) is not.
  • March 28
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    On March 28, 2022, the deferral period has been reduced to four months.
  • March 17
    (deleted region)
    Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Banned for sexual orientation only, not gender identity.
  • (deleted region)
    Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Conversion therapy on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal however this does not extend to gender identity.
  • Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Banned for sexual orientation only, not gender identity.
  • March 16
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In all of France.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In 2022, France removed the deferral period for gay and bi men donating blood, replacing it with a new policy that applies to all donors, regardless of sexual orientation.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In 2022, France removed the deferral period for gay and bi men donating blood, replacing it with a new policy that applies to all donors, regardless of sexual orientation. This also applies to Wallis and Futuna
  • March 15
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Catalonia recognizes non-binary people in official documents, also shows and approach via official articles about non-binary and resources for non-binary people.
  • March 10
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    LGBT+ marriage Legal
  • Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Since March 10, 2022, joint parenthood of same-sex couples is legal after the entry into force of Law 21,400 on Equal Marriage, which explicitly guarantees non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity for custody purposes, filiation and adoption whether or not the couples are married or whether or not they had their children through assisted human fertilization In addition, the motherhood of transgender women and the fatherhood of transgender men are recognized on the birth certificates of their children.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The Chilean president has signed into law a bill that was approved by the Congress legalizing same-sex marriage.
  • March 1
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The Constitutional Court of Colombia ruled that non-binary people should be able to choose an X instead of having to put male or female on their official documentation. Also, in August 2023 Colombia began allowing an X to be put on passports
  • February 25
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    The ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2022, said in an interview that no one is banned from serving in the military because of their sexual orientation. Quote "According to our Constitution, no one can be discriminated against for any reason." indicates that discrimination based on any reason in Kazakhstan is illegal according to the constitution, the same applies to military service. Since transgenderism is not classified as a mental illness in this country, trans people have legal rights to serve in the military, just like any other citizen.
  • February 22
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    It was revealed in May 2018 that 8 same-sex couples were filing adoption applications. According to a 2017 survey by the National Council to Prevent Discrimination, 44% of the Nayarit population supported adoption by same-sex couples. In February 2022, a government official confirmed that same-sex couples are permitted to adopt.
  • February 19
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    With 112 affirmative votes and 8 opposed votes, the Parliament of New Zealand passed the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act, banning conversion therapy on February 15, 2022, which took partial effect on February 19, 2022, with the remaining protections for those over 18 with "decision-making" capacity where "serious harm" has not been caused will take effect on July 19, 2022.
  • February 16
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    The Kuwaiti Constitutional Court has overturned Article 198 of the Penal Code, which criminalized “imitation of the opposite sex”, because it violates Article 30 of the constitution that guarantees personal freedom. However, there's still censorship of LGBT issues under Article 21 of the Press and Publications Law (Law No. 3) (2006), which prohibits the publication of anything that would insult public morals. This law was extended to include online publications under the Law Regulating Electronic Media (Law No. 8) (2016). In August 2023, Kuwait banned the 'Barbie' movie, claiming it "promoted homosexuality." There is still prevalent deportations for transgender people they are defined as cross-dressers to police.
  • February 14
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Health Ministry banned medical professionals from conducting conversion therapy.
  • February 11
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes varies by region.
    On February 11th, 2022, Fausto Martínez became the first person in Mexico to receive a non-binary gender marker on their birth certificate. The marker was issued by the Civil Registry of Guanajuato.
  • February 2
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Article 2.27 of the Civil Code allows any non-married person to change legal gender if this is medically possible. The second paragraph states, however, that the procedures for changing gender should be led according to a separate law. The Parliament and the Government of Lithuania refuse to take any actions on adopting such a law after it lost the case of L v. Lithuania in the European Court of Human Rights in 2007. Since then, gender change has become possible only with a court's decision and sex reassignment surgery. It was proposed to eliminate this provision in 2009, and once again in 2013. In April 2017, the European Court of Human Rights ruled, in A.P., Garçon and Nicot v. France, that it is discriminatory and a human rights violation to require transgender people to undergo surgery to alter their official documents. Subsequently, two Lithuanian trans men were allowed by Lithuanian courts to change their gender on their official documents without them undergoing surgery beforehand. Lithuanian LGBT groups are now calling on future legislation scrapping the requirement for surgery to be introduced. Effective from February 2, 2022, transgender individuals within Lithuania who want to change their legal name and/or sex can do so legally without sex reassignment surgery under new justice regulations. However, trans people who wish to change their name on official documents will still have to obtain a certificate from a Lithuanian or EU healthcare establishment of “diagnosed transgenderism”
  • February 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Starting in February 2022, Sweden began restricting gender affirming care to minors with the Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare saying that "the risks outweigh the benefits currently". Sweden now reserves gender affirming care for minors for "exceptional" circumstances.
  • February
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    The regulation adopted in 1999 is now obsolete, but no new regulation has been adopted. As a result, the current practice of gender recognition and the provision of medical services in relation to gender transition no longer corresponds to the Regulation. For example, genetic testing is no longer required. The Commission, which started its work in February 2022, has confirmed that the determination of chromosomal sex by a geneticist is not medically justified, that compulsory genetic testing is unethical and that this requirement has been abandoned.
  • February 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    February 2022, Governor Stitt issued a executive order against OSDH, saying that he will not allow them to issue birth certificates that align with genders quoted under "in a manner permitted under Oklahoma Law." Due to the on-going court case, it will be ambiguous until the court case has been gone through, it is still pending as of 2024.
  • January 26
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The National Assembly approved the new law unanimously, voting 142-0 on Tuesday evening.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The French National Assembly (which has jurisdiction in Mayotte) approved a law banning conversion therapy unanimously, voting 142-0.
  • January 25
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    According to French laws.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    As part of France
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    As part of France
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    In all of France
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    According to French laws.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    According to French laws
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    In all of France
  • January 13
    Same-sex adoption becomes ambiguous.
    In January 2022, by a unprecedented court order a same-sex couple legally adopted a child in Taiwan. The Legislative Yuan is yet to codify within legislation the recent court ruling (based on a 2019 "partial" adoption law).
  • January 10
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In January 10, 2022 the Greek Minister of Health, Thanos Plevris, and the Deputy Minister of Health, Mina Gaga signed the determination of the content of the "Blood Donor History". In the new form, sexual orientation is disconnected from the criteria that must be met by prospective blood donors.
  • January 7
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Banned federally.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Conversion therapy in Canada is banned nationwide under bill C-4(44-1) which recieved Royal Assent on December 8th 2021 and went into effect 30 days after on January 7th 2022. Two previous legislative attempts failed.
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Minors must get consent from both parents/guardian figures to get gender affirming care. Adults are able to get insurance under MassHealth for gender affirming care. Insurance explicitly states that anyone over 18 qualifies for their gender affirming care coverage.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    SB 184 bans all Gender affirming care for minors and makes it a class C felony for those who participate in it. Adults can still get gender affirming care.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes ambiguous.
    Kenya National Standards for Blood Transfusion Service guideline published by Kenyan Ministry of Health in 2022 does not include specific ban on blood donation by MSMs. However, sexual activity between men is illegal.
  • Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    Since 2022, LGBT people are allowed to serve in the military
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    LGBT discrimination in employment in Zhambyl Oblysy is illegal
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    There is limited protection based on sexual orientation. The Personal Data Protection Act, No. 9 of 2022, states: "'special categories of personal data' means, the personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, the processing of genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation, personal data relating to offences, criminal proceedings and convictions, or personal data relating to a child."
  • January 1
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Conversion therapy is not explicitly prohibited by national law, but medical doctors regulated by the National Medical Council are barred from engaging in it. However, in some regions conversion therapy has been explicitly banned.
  • (date unknown)
    Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.
    There is no legal gender recognition procedure. However, some exceptions have been documented in 2022. In 2022 the Supreme Court ordered the legislative assembly to create a procedure but they failed to do so within the deadline and still have not.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2022, Zacatecas provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2022, Sinaloa provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2022, Baja California provided legal gender recognition for trans people on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2022, Baja California Sur provided for legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • January
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Comprehensive Care Standard for the LGBTIQ+ population in health facilities, issued by the Ministry of Health and Sports, is applied at the national level within the framework of the current regulation of the Unified Health System, in a mandatory manner for all health establishments, whether public, private and short-term social security; as well as natural and legal persons with responsibilities in the health care of LGBTIQ+ people. Section 10.2 on Specific Recommendations to be taken into account states that "Guidance should be given on the danger of resorting to “reconversion and reparative therapies” that have no scientific basis and can generate psychological consequences for the person. Remember that such therapies are prohibited." Section 12.3 on Specific Recommendations for the Health Care Team states that “Reparative Therapy, which seeks to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, is inherently coercive and incompatible with health care."
  • (date unknown)
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    All able-bodied male citizens from ages 20–27, must serve either 18 months in the navy or one year in all other services. After serving out the term of service Ukraine's conscripts become part of the inactive reserve and are eligible to be recalled for mobilization until they reach age 55 or age 60 for officers. According to law, homosexuality is not a reason for exemption from the army. However, many young gay men try to avoid call-up to military service, as they are afraid to face unauthorized relations and other difficulties. In 2018, Viktor Pylypenko, who had served in the Donbass area for two years during the Russia–Ukraine war, became the first Ukrainian soldier to come out publicly. In 2019, several gay soldiers in the Ukrainian army participated in a photo exhibition called "We are here". In 2021, Pylypenko was trying to organize a special unit in the Ukrainian army for LGBT soldiers.[42] In July 2021, Pylypenko stated there were 16 open LGBT soldiers in the Ukrainian army. The 2022 Russian invasion resulted in an increased influx of openness and acceptance regarding LGBTQ soldiers in the Ukrainian military. A growing number of soldiers disclosed their identity, believing that they could fight not just for their home country but also against existing stereotypes. The invasion also saw the spread of "unicorn insignia" which Ukrainian LGBTQ soldiers sew onto their uniforms. The unicorn was chosen due to its nature as "fantastic 'non-existent' creature", sarcastically countering claims about there being no LGBT+ individuals in the Ukrainian military.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    law passed outlawing lgbtq discrimination in most public places.
  • January 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Change of sex is legal though there are now specific laws concerning the matter. In 1993, the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland stated that a change of sex should be "irreversible"; many judges interpreted it as the person had to go under surgery. In 2012, the Federal Department of Justice and Police via its Federal Office for Civil Registration released a statement about how transsexualism should be handled by cantonal Register offices. The FOCR stated that the Judges and Authorities should cease to oblige a person to go through forced sterilisation in order to have their sex change recognised. Furthermore, a person is granted to choose his or her gender according to his or her social gender and not anymore according to his or her biological gender.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Estonia has put in place a 4 month deferral period for MSMs in place of its life-time ban.
  • December 31
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Legal protections in the province under Law 3467-K on Access to Housing and Land for the LGBTIQNB+ Population.
  • December 30
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Legalized in 2021.
  • December 20
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On 20 December 2021, the Secretary General of Government, Libia Dennise García Muñoz, issued an official directive addressed to officials of the state civil registry that, effective immediately, same-sex couples can marry in the state.
  • December 16
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (6-month deferral).
    Deferral was lowered to 6 months.
  • December 9
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Article 134A of the Penal Code (2000), amended by Law No. 1,482 (2011), criminalizes discrimination based on "sexual orientation", while Article 136C (3) and (4) increases the penalty if such discrimination is committed by public servants or during the provision of public services. These provisions prohibit discrimination based on “sexual orientation” in general terms and therefore apply to employment. Article 136C (6) also includes the reason for denial or restriction of employment rights as an aggravating circumstance. Added to the previous factor we have the SU440-21 decision of the Colombian Constitutional Court. The Colombian Supreme Court "Corte Constitucional de Colombia" ruled on December 9, 2021 based on decision SU440-21 that trans people in Colombia cannot be discriminated against due to their gender identity when receiving financial pensions from the State, despite the ruling of having as its object the receipt of financial pensions from the State, the sentence in its paragraph 55, section III makes it clear that the principle by which this decision was taken is that gender identity is protected by the general constitutional clause of article 13 of the Constitution of Colombia, making clear that discrimination based on gender identity is prohibited in other areas, which includes discrimination in housing and employment. The Colombian Ministry of the Interior released a presidential decree in spring 2016 that provides a broad policy of procedural obligations for government institutions and territorial entities in relation to LGBTI rights. The document calls for the creation of an Intersectoral Commission to Guarantee the Rights of the LGBTI Community (Spanish: Comisión Intersectorial para la Garantía de los Derechos de la comunidad LGBTI). The decree specifically addresses the rights of LGBTI Colombians in public education, health care, prisons and as victims of armed conflicts. The text clarifies that “national entities cannot refuse to recognize that a same-sex couple can form a family and, consequently, enjoy the constitutional protections and equal opportunities provided to other families”. [26] In May 2018, President Juan Manuel Santos issued an executive decree ordering the Ministry of the Interior to continue guaranteeing the rights of LGBT people in the social sector, namely in health, education, work, housing, recreation, sport and culture, as well as establish support programs. Therefore, this decree serves as a prohibition of housing and employment discrimination at the state level, reinforcing previous jurisdiction and legislation.
  • December 7
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Banned in all of Canada
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Banned through all of Canada
  • November 11
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Legislature of the Oaxaca Congress established that anyone who forces a person to receive a conversion therapy will be punished with jail.
  • November 2
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Michigan does recognize gender X marker on all passports and all government IDs. 2021 Governor Whitmer has stated in a letter to her staff saying that she is allowing people to get X markers on drivers licenses and passports, as well as birth certificates. In 2022, US State Government allows all passports to have gender marker X. This is only for passports and not for other government issued ids, it is still states discretion for gender markers as of 2024
  • November 1
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    (ADI) 4.275
  • October 28
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes varies by region.
    Censorship became "other punishment" in the state of Texas, and in Florida Govt. DeSantis wants to ban LGBT topics from being discussed in schools. Generally, LGBT Topics are considered under the Free Speech Clause. Due to the nature of the current laws, and state decisions such as in Florida; "Varies by region" is the best indicator to use.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Numerous schools and libraries in Texas have been instructed to terminate or remove books with topics that, "make students feel uneasy". The topics under fire include (but are not limited to) lgbtq characters, same-sex relationships and gender discussion. Teachers that ignore this law could be fired.
  • October 25
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Currently in the Philippines there is one region that has put a ban on conversion therapy- Bataan.
  • October 21
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    A Namibian court banned discrimination based on sexual orientation in late 2021, unfortunately, this was overturned two years later.
  • October 19
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congress of the State of Tlaxcala approved a reform that prohibits and punishes with up to 4 years in prison conversion therapies.
  • October 15
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    The Justice of Alagoas recognized for the first time a non-binary person. The decision allows a person registered with a male name and gender, but who does not recognize themselves as male or female, to have a new birth certificate, without gender. Coordinator of the Itinerant Justice project, Emanuella Porangaba highlighted that the sentence will serve as a basis for future requests from non-binary people. “Fenix was the first, certainly not the last person to fall into this situation. The judiciary has already taken the first step and is open to accepting these fair and dignified claims that grant citizens the fullest citizenship, which until then this was mitigated”.
  • October 6
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.
    Utah has no active laws on censorship of LGBT topics.
  • October
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    From October 2021, gay and bisexual men can donate blood, regardless of when they last had sex. Israel no longer quarantines MSM blood and treats all donors equally, requiring no extra screening beyond the standard process.
  • September 28
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congress of Colima approved reforms to the state Penal Code to sanction whoever imparts, promotes, offers, applies, finances, submits or forces, with or without profit, another to receive conversion therapies . People who break the law will be sentenced to two to five years in prison and will receive 50 to 100 hours of work in favor of the community. This crime may be prosecuted ex officio.
  • September 24
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal with restrictions.
    On September 24, 2021, new guidelines were introduced. Men in monogamous relationships with men can donate blood with no deferral. However, men who have sex with men outside of a monogamous relationship still face a 4 month deferral.
  • September 23
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The congress of Sonora has voted to legalize same sex marriage.
  • September 22
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The congress of Querétaro approved to legalize same sex marriage.
  • September 15
    Serving openly in military becomes illegal.
    Homosexuality is Illegal.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    The Taliban censors all forms of LGBTQ advocacy in the country.
  • Equal age of consent becomes n/a.
    As homosexuality is punishable By death in Kandahar , So Kandahar doesn't have age of consent for LGBTQ+.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Homosexuality is Illegal.
  • September 7
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Law 10,374 of the province of La Rioja, on Guaranteeing and Promoting the Full Validity of the Principle of Equality and Non-discrimination, prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • September 1
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Registered partnerships,offering all of the rights, benefits and obligations of marriage, have been recognized in Aruba for different-sex and same-sex couples since 1 September 2021.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal with restrictions.
    Sanquin concluded from research that the risk of blood-borne infections is minimal, and any man in a monogamous relationship with another man has been able to become a blood donor with no deferral based off sexuality since September 1st, 2021.
  • August 25
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Yucatán Congress voted unanimously for prison sentences of up to three years for anyone administering conversion therapy treatment. Those who administer therapy on minors can be faced with up to six years of prison sentences.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The Yucatán Congress passed the marriage equality bill in a 20-5 vote margin.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Zacatecas Congress approved banning and sanctioning conversion therapies or ECOSIG (Efforts to Correct Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) almost on a par with Yucatan.
  • August 24
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide, expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide, expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; except in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Nationwide; expect in some states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    The Superior Administration of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Tocantins (DPE-TO) requested the Internal Affairs Department of Justice of Tocantins the regulation to include the "non-binary" gender in the civil registry for those who do not identify as female or male. However, for the moment, the government only recognizes intersex people as per federal legislation.
  • August 16
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Blood donation criteria brought in line with UK rules, after being delayed since June 2021.
  • August 15
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Homosexuality is Illegal.
  • Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
  • Equal age of consent becomes ambiguous.
    Homosexuality is Illegal.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (indefinite deferral).
    Under the Taliban rule.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Changing Gender is Haram in Islam.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
  • August 6
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Sexual Offences and Obscene Publications Act was revised to ban any therapy that attempts to change or suppress a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • August 5
    Serving openly in military becomes illegal.
    Homosexuality is Illegal.
  • August 3
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Under Chilean Law.
  • August 2
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Charleston, the capital of West Virgina became the first city to ban conversion therapy on August 2nd 2021. Morgantown quickly followed in October 2021. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. No ban had been considered by state legislatures as of January 2025. In January 2024, a bill to mandate conversion therapy of trans people under 21 was pending.
  • July 23
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Recognized in Piauí such as in another states.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.
    Intersex children have to be registered with an "unknown" gender on their birth certificate, has per the National Justice Council ruling. This means that Brazil at least recognizes intersex people federally. However in some states, non-binary people can also have the same registration.
  • July 21
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Decree in place since july 21th of 2021 as of Presidential Decree N ° 476/21. Recognizing identities outside the male and female binomial by incorporating the nomenclature "X" in the National Identity Document as an option, for all people who do not identify themselves as male or female.
  • July 15
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    In July 2020, the Parliament of Montenegro passed a bill to recognise life partnerships for same-sex couples and started recognising them in July 2021. The law also applies in Kološin.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On July 15, The governor of Minnesota signed an executive order restricting conversion therapy for LGBTQ youth in the state.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    On July 1, 2020, the Parliament of Montenegro passed a bill to recognise life partnerships for same-sex couples and started recognising them in July 2021. Some articles need to be amended in order to give more rights to life partners.
  • July 14
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    On 14th July 2021, the law was changed so that MSMs were not singled out and instead the island follows a risk based assessment model. All islanders regardless of sexuality are asked about their sexual activity and a risk assessment is made.
  • June 30
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel declared unconstitutional a state law requiring sex-reassignment surgery to change the sex designation on a birth certificate.
  • June 28
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Government of Baja California Sur approved the 'Trans Identity Law' that prohibits conversion therapies and allows gender self-determination.
  • June 24
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    The Gender Recognition Act allows for LGBTQ people to change their gender on their drivers licenses or permits. Anyone over 17 is able to do so without a parent, Under 17 requires a parent. Gender Recognition Act was introduced in 2017 but was made law in 2021, and is still currently active. Gender Recognition Act repelled subdivision 1 of section 502 of the vehicle and traffic law, which requires an applicant for a driver license to submit proof of fitness. Driver's Licenses and Permits and Birth Certificates all have the X gender marker, this allows people of all genders to select the marker without repercussions.
  • June 23
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    The old one stipulated that a person could not be fired, discriminated against or harassed in a work environment because of their sexual orientation or gender identity because it could proceed legally but after the change that was made on June 23, 2021 in the lower chamber this small section was eliminated and summarized to remove the protection for thousands of LGBT people in the Dominican Republic
  • June 15
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    The legalization of same-sex marriage was approved in a unanimous vote in Sinaloa, however, a number of lawmakers abstained to vote.
  • Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Columbia, SC is the capital city and second most populous city of South Carolina. It is currently the only region to establish a ordinance against the practice of conversion therapy within South Carolina's borders. The ordinace was passed by a 4-3 vote and only applies to licensed therapists who may recommend pathologizing minors. Local officials stated they had recieved hundreds of messages in support or opposition for the measure. As state law supersedes local law, the potential for the ban to be nullified is possible. In February 2022, a bill was being considered to not only legitimaze the practice of conversion therapies but render Columbia's ban defunct through the senate. The bill remains in languish.
  • June 14
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The Channel Islands have passed a new law in keeping with the UK, saying that MSMs will not be asked if they have sex with men or not, and instead everyone donating blood will be asked the same set of questions about sexual activity regardless of sexuality and a risk assessment will be carried.
  • (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Men who have sex with men and who have had the same partner for 3 months or more and meet other eligibility criteria are able to give blood.
  • (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate.
  • (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate.
  • (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The 3-month deferral for MSM has been dropped in England, Wales and Scotland. Instead, donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate. Northern Ireland is due to follow suit with these changes in September 2021.
  • (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In line with England and UK.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In line with UK rules.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The 3-month deferral for MSM has been dropped in England, Wales and Scotland. Instead, donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate. Northern Ireland is due to follow suit with these changes in September 2021.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On June 14, 2021, Michigan governor signed an executive order to prohibit the use of state and federal funds for conversion therapy practiced on minors. The state is looking at implementing a total ban.
  • June 12
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Across the State as of June 2021 gender marker X was signed by Governor Hochul, The bill was first introduced in 2004, It was sitting in congress until 2021 then they made a motion to pass it. Assembly Bill A5465D, Gender Recognition Act.
  • June 10
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Norman, Oklahoma is the third most populous city in Oklahoma. Concurrently, it is the only region to ban conversion therapy through an ordinance. The Norman City Council voted on Jun 29 2021 unanimously and around 100 citizens joined in support of the initiative. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify it's legitimacy. In 2022, a bill was under consideration to prohibit the restriction of conversion therapy in the state.
  • June 8
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    On June 8, 2021, the Administrative Rules Committee voted to prohibit licensed social workers from practicing conversion therapy to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. This doesn't prevent religious leaders or non-licensed counselors from practicing it, however.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Under a section titled “Physical and Mental Health Professionals”, justice Venkatesh said healthcare professionals should offer support to LGBT+ people “who are facing stigma and discrimination from society”. However, he also prohibited “any attempt to medically ‘cure’ or change the sexual orientation of LGBTIQA+ people to heterosexual or the gender identity of transgender people to cisgender.” Justice Venkatesh also ordered the National Medical Commission, the Indian Psychiatric Society and the Rehabilitation Council of India to revoke the licence of any professionals who involve themselves “in any form or method of conversion ‘therapy'”.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Law No. 2/2021 on the Adoption of Minors in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea does not explicitly prohibit individual adoption by homosexual persons. Only married couples can adopt jointly. To legally process an adoption application, the applicant must present a Certificate of Suitability, issued by the Social Services, and endorsed by the competent Prosecutor, and Psychosocial Reports, issued by the Psychosocial Section of the Social Services. However, since there are no legal protections for LGBT persons, accessing these documents being openly homosexual or transgender is unlikely.
  • June 7
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
  • June 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    New article 27a "Discrimination in Housing" was added to the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination.
  • Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    An extensive list of jurisdictions passing ordinances and measures which prohibit the practice of conversion therapy have passed in Wisconsin. In brief this list includes the 14 communities of: Appleton, Cudahy, Eau Claire, Glendale, Kenosha, La Crosse, Madison, Milwaukee, Racine, Sheboygan, Shorewood, Sun Prairie, Superior and West Allis. Each jurisdiction maintains different variations in fines and applicability to minors and licensed professionals. On June 1, 2021, Wisconsin governor signed an executive order prohibiting state and federal funds being used for conversion therapy which aims to change a minor's sexual orientation or gender identity. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. A battle against conversion therapy is currently pending in the Supreme Court and it is likely to be ruled on this term with Wisconsin being the origin state of the challenge.
  • May 12
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Bill SB-5313 makes it Illegal for health insurers to deny or limit coverage for gender affirming treatment when that care is prescribed to an individual on the basis of a protected gender expression or identity, is medically necessary, and is prescribed in accordance with accepted standards of care.
  • May 3
    Equal age of consent becomes n/a.
    Not applicable since same-sex sexual relationships are illegal.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland (4 months).
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In all of Finland.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since May 3, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to four months.
  • Homosexual activity becomes illegal (up to life in prison as punishment).
    The Sexual Offences Bill (2019), first tabled in 2015, criminalises sexual activity between persons of the same gender.
  • May 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (6-month deferral).
    A proposal was made for a 6-month deferral for MSMs by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare as early as 2006.
  • May
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    While making gender marker change on birth certificates available to transgender individuals, an X gender marker option was also added for non-binary individuals.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Ohio's birth certificate law was struck down in December 2020 and judged discriminatory against transgender individuals. Thus, Ohio-born citizens will now be able to modify their gender marker. There is no specific requirement to modify the gender marker, since each court will have their own ruling, but it is advised that their requirement be as accessible as possible.
  • April 30
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    President Joe Biden removed former President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the military, and transgender people are still allowed to serve as of 2025. In January of 2025, President Trump signed an executive order that bans transgender people from serving in the military. However, before his executive order can take effect, Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth needs to submit a plan on how the military will implement the order.
  • April 23
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Since 2021, Law on the recognition and protection of the rights of people in mental health care (Law 21.331) (2021) prohibits mental health professionals from diagnosing patients based on their sexual identity or orientation. In March 2023, the Ministry of Health issues Circular B2 No. 6 instructing all individual and institutional health providers, both public and private, the prohibition of the implementation of "conversion therapies" for not be valid clinical practices. It also states that diagnoses of mental health status cannot be based on criteria biasedly related to sexual orientation or gender identity and gender expression. The Senate approved the bill that modifies and strengthens Law No. 20,609, which establishes measures against discrimination, adding as arbitrary discrimination any act, practice and/or medical, psychological, psychiatric treatment or of any other nature that aims to modify the sexual orientation or gender identity and expression of a person or a group of people.
  • April 19
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    As of 2021 all New Jersey IDs will cover gender "X" on Permits, Drivers licenses and non driver ID's. This comes a little before New York signed their law also covering gender "X" on ID's.
  • April 6
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    The state legislature passed the "Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act." This law prohibits any person under 18 from receiving gender-affirming care. The law passed despite a gubernatorial veto. This was the first ever bill passed in the United States that outlawed gender-affirming care for people under the age of 18.
  • March 25
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    German law prohibits intersex surgery on infants. However, intersex rights campaigners have criticised the law for having too many loopholes caused by ambiguous wording and for not defining any penalties for those who perform unauthorised surgery.
  • March 16
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
  • March 11
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    This law makes stirring up hatred on the basis of gender or intersex identity illegal
  • March 6
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Prince Edward Island residents can change their IDs and birth certificate to a gender neutral marking.
  • March
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    As of March 2021, transgender people do not need medical diagnoses to change their gender on documents in Rhode Island.
  • Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Before the current law, single-only adoption for gay people was allowed, now same-sex couples are prohibited from adopting children.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Banned by passing of Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Bill 2020
  • February 22
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Lincoln is concurrently the only jurisdiction to ban conversion therapy in Nebraska. The city council approved the measure on February 22, 2021 via a 5-1 vote. The functions of the measure only applies to the pathologization of minors and bans recommendation of said practices by licensed mental health professionals only. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. A ban had been considered against the practice statewide in March of 2023 but seems to have continued it's languish in the unicameral house legislature.
  • February 17
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Same-sex sexual activity was decriminalized in Bhutan on February 17, 2021.
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Same-sex sexual activity was decriminalized in Bhutan on February 17, 2021.
  • Equal age of consent becomes equal.
    The Penal Code Amendment Act of Bhutan 2021 decriminalised homosexual activity. The age of consent for all people is 18.
  • January 31
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been lowered to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, deferral time has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral time for MSMs has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    As of January 31 2021, Australian Red Cross’s Lifeblood service requires a 3-month deferral.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Reduced to 3-months on Jan 31, 2021.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to three months.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    Since January 31, 2021, the deferral period has been reduced to three months.
  • January 23
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes no protections.
    The old one stipulated that a person could not be fired, discriminated against or harassed in a work environment because of their sexual orientation or gender identity because it could proceed legally but after the change that was made on June 23, 2021 in the lower chamber this small section was eliminated and summarized to remove the protection for thousands of LGBT people in the Dominican Republic Article 186 of the new Criminal Code criminalizes the crime of "discrimination" and punishes acts such as refusing to provide a person with a good or service, hindering an economic activity or refusing to hire him because of his origin, age, sex, race, economic condition or religion, among other reasons.
  • January 14
    (deleted region)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    Donors of any gender will be asked about their recent sexual activity, and those who have only had one sexual partner within the last 3-months will be eligible to donate.
  • (date unknown)
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    In June 2021, city councilors in Divinópolis, Minas Gerais state, unanimously approved a project that bans giving public funds for events and services that “directly or indirectly promote the sexualization of children and adolescents.”
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Section 4(h) of Ordinance No. 16 (2021) prohibits “non-consensual medical or psychological examination to determine, alter, or both, a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.” Section 4(n) prohibits “inflicting or threatening to inflict bodily or physical harm or humiliation, repeated verbal abuse” in order to “express rejection” or prevent a child from “displaying or expressing” his or her identity.
  • Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    In 2021, the Ministry of Health issued the Technical Guidelines for the Comprehensive Mental Health Care of the Adolescents. Section 8.3.4 ban "conversion therapies" against LGBTIQ adolescents.
  • January 1
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes fine as punishment.
    The government has passed laws banning LGBTQ+ topics from schools. It also made stores wrap books with LGBTQ+ content in them in a wrapper. By law there cannot be any LGBTQ+ content containing books near 200 meters of schools or churches. This law has been enforced before.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).
    Since January of 2021, the Red Cross in Luxembourg has been accepting all donors without discrimination regarding their sexual orientation. They no longer ask donors about their lifelong sexual practices, they only ask donors about their sexual practices during the last twelve months before donation.
  • (date unknown)
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2021, Sonora provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2021, Quintana Roo provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2021, Puebla provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2021, Morelos provided for legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. This is also provided for minors.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2021, the state of Mexico provided for legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification.
  • January 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Article 55 of the General Adoption Law establishes that joint adoption will be constituted when the applicants are spouses or cohabitants in a de facto union and of different sex. Bill No.121 was passed in 2021, the bill was criticzed as cruel and banned same-sex couples from adopting children, but allowed single parents to adopt. Single LGBT individuals may be able to adopt under this technicality.
  • (date unknown)
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (6-month deferral).
    Under Australian laws, men who have sex with men cannot donate blood within the 6 month deferral.
  • Serving openly in military becomes illegal.
    The Personnel Policy of the Guyana Defense Force (GDF), issued in 2021, states the following: 4050. a. Definition. Homosexuality is the unnatural tendency of a man or woman to have sexual inclinations towards a member of his or her own sex. Buggery i.e. sodomy, is an offence at common law, the punishment for which is fixed by the Offences Against the Person Act, section 76. b. Involvement. Involvement in homosexual and buggery practices will normally result in discharge from the Force either by disciplinary or administrative procedure. The same applies to other forms of sexual deviancy such as sadism, transvestism and carnal abuse of minors. c. Discouragement. All Ranks must discourage such practices and are in no way to condone homosexual or other deviant acts which come to their notice and should report them to their superiors as a matter of priority. In particular, officers, warrant officers and NCOs are to be especially alert for attempts to involve young members of the Force. d. Alteration of sexual organs/parts of the body. (1) Members of the GDF are not to subject themselves to hormonal or surgical alterations to obtain the character of the opposite sex. These include augmentation/ enlargement of the male/female sexual organs and other body parts. (2) Members of the GDF are forbidden to engage in transvestite behaviours. Such behaviours refer primarily to cross dressing. e. Reports. Commanding Officers are to report details of all cases of actual or suspected homosexuality or other deviant behaviour to the Headquarters, which will advise whether disciplinary or administrative action is appropriate. f. Discharge. Where an application for discharge is to be made, the Rank is to be reminded of his right to have audience with the competent military authority in respect of his application. g. Recruits. All recruits are to be warned of the Force‟s policy on homosexuality and buggery before the final decision is made about joining, and warnings are to be included in lectures at training establishments.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    Article 212 of the Penal Code bans acts of discrimination based on sexual orientation. There is no explicit protection based on gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes gender identity only.
    According to ILGA: Since 2021, Article 7 of Law on Promotion of Access to Formal Employment for Transvestites, Transsexuals and Transgender Persons (Law No. 27,636) expressly prohibits discrimination in employment on the basis of "gender identity and gender expression".
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Article 212 of the Penal Code criminalises acts of discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, health, education and in the provision of goods and services. There are no laws that protect gender identity from discrimination.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Government Agreement Number 62-2024, issued on April 19, 2024, which approves the Code of Ethics of the Executive Branch, prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in the public sector. It establishes that it is applicable to all public servants, contractors or other persons linked to the Executive Branch. The Code of Ethics and Integrity of the National Registry of Persons (2021) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity.
  • December 16
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.
    Romania's Constitutional Court struck down the ban on education of gender identity, which was put into effect a few months prior.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    From December 16, 2020, the rules changed, and now Gay men can donate blood under the same conditions as the rest of the population.
  • December 15
    Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Although same-sex couples cannot adopt jointly, adoption by individuals is illegal regardless of sexual orientation or partnership status. Stepchild adoption is only available for married (different-sex) couples.
  • December 12
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    In July 2020, the first "free union" of a same-sex couple was registered thanks to constitutional resolution 127/2019 issued by the Second Constitutional Chamber of La Paz in which Advisory Opinion OC-24/2017 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights was applied, via conventionality control. The decision was reviewed by the Plurinational Constitutional Court, which confirmed the revised resolution by issuing the Plurinational Constitutional Sentence SCP0577/2022-S227 of June 2022 and notified in March 2023, which currently allows the registration of free unions between same-sex couples. In July 2023, through Resolution TSE-RSP-ADM No. 0175/2023, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal modified the Regulations on Free Unions so that same-sex couples can legalize their union under the same conditions as heterosexual couples. Free union is a legal institution provided for in Bolivian legislation that recognizes couples who share a common life project based on living together in conditions of stability and uniqueness, and which produce the same effects as civil marriage.
  • December 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    12 month deferral periods were dropped to 3 months across multiple categories of donor, including MSMs.
  • November 20
    Conversion therapy becomes not banned.
    Countless jurisdictions in Florida have banned conversion therapy. However all these bans were rendered null on November 20, 2020 when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals voted against Boca Rotan's ordinance and other surrounding municipialities in Palm Beach County as against the first amendment. Several organizations came out against the ruling after. This decision created a circuit split.
  • November 10
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Yukon became the first territory to ban conversion therapy in 2020. A federal ban was then issued in 2022.
  • October 30
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The 2020 Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Employment, among other areas.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    The 2020 Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Housing, among other areas.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    On October 27, 2020, the Parliament of North Macedonia adopted a new Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas.
  • October 20
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Congress of the State of Mexico approved a conversion therapy ban by a majority vote. The ban reforms the Penal Code of the State of Mexico to punish those who subject, coerce or force to receive or perform conversion therapies, to change the sexual orientation and gender identity of a person, with three years of prison or 25 to 100 days of community service and 50 to 200 days of fines.
  • October
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Arizona residents can change their gender marker to an X on their driver's license, provided they can show a government issued ID with the same marker.
  • September 4
    Serving openly in military becomes legal.
    There has never been a formal ban on the military service of trans people in the Argentine Armed Forces. And in 2021, following decree Law No. 721, military service for trans people began to be encouraged through a system of positive discrimination that began to reserve 1% of all military service vacancies for trans people.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).
    Civil Partnership Law, 2020
  • September 1
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    According to Rule 7(1) of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Sentencing Guidelines) Rules (2019), as adopted by the Commonwealth of Dominica via Statutory Instrument No. 3 (2019), Practice Direction 8E No. 1 (effective from 1 September 2020), Section 5(j) lists murder motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation as one of the exceptionally serious crimes warranting the possibility of life imprisonment for the offender.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Since September 1, 2020, Transgender individuals will just need “appropriate clinical treatment” to change sex on a birth certificate - under recently passed and signed laws by both the Virginia General Assembly and the Governor of Virginia cutting red tape.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Pursuant to rule 7(1) of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Sentencing Guidelines) Rules (2019), adopted by Saint Kitts and Nevis under Statutory Rules and Orders No. 26 (2019), Practice Direction 8E No. 1 (effective 1 September 2020) includes under Section 5(j) the crime of murder motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation among the exceptionally serious crimes that could lead to the imposition of life imprisonment for the perpetrator.
  • August 26
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    The city of Anchorage is currently the only jurisdiction to ban the practice of conversion therapy in Alaska. The ordinance only bans the practice in the realm of pathologization of minors and only applies in Anchorage. The Anchorage Assembly approved the ban in a vote of 9-2 and had gone through 2 days of hearings on August 26, 2020. State law supersedes local law, the law could be rendered defunct if the will of state legislatures were to be against it. In March 2023, a bill for a statewide ban was being considered. The progress of the bill remains in languish.
  • August 24
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.
    On August 24th 2020, the Supreme Court of Brazil ruled the "Escola Livre" law was unconstitutional.
  • August 21
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    In August 2020, the Kansas Human Rights Commission announced that it will investigate and resolve cases alleging discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in housing and public accommodations.
  • August 13
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Health Leislation Ammendment Act of 2020 modified the Public Health Act of 2005 to make conversion therapy illegal. Penalties are up to 18 months in jail for attempting to change or suppress a person's sexual orientation or gender identity using practices such as aversion therapy, hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis.
  • August 10
    LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.
    With the Regional Law of 7 August 2020, n.37, in Campania there are rules in force against violence and discrimination determined by sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • August 7
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    In August 2020, the Campania regional legislature approved new discrimination protections in a variety of areas, including housing.
  • August 5
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Act protects against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
  • August 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    Until 01 August 2020, trans people in Kyrgyzstan had access to legal gender recognition according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On acts of civil status". On 17 June 2020, the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On acts of civil status" . The new version of the law came into effect on August 1, 2020, and starting from this date, trans people in Kyrgyzstan have no access to legal gender recognition.
  • July 26
    Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.
    On July 26, 2020, the Ministry of Health published the Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development. According to the protocol, surgical interventions will only be permitted in cases when it is required and all interventions should be done according to protocol, and not according to the parent’s wishes.
  • July 24
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Mexico City was the first region within Mexico to ban conversion therapy. Here is a list in chronological order showing every region that has banned the practice: - Mexico City (2020) - State of Mexico (2020) - Oaxaca (2021) - Baja California Sur (2021) - Zacatecas (2021) - Yucatán (2021) - Tlaxcala (2021) - Colima (2021) - Jalisco (2022) - Baja California (2022) - Hidalgo (2022) - Sonora (2022) - Nuevo León (2022) - Puebla (2023) - Querétaro (2023) - Sinaloa (2023) - Morelos (2023) - Quintana Roo (2023) - Guerrero (2024)
  • July 23
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Pennsylvania residents are able to change their gender marker to 'X' on state IDs and driver's licenses.
  • July 20
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Starting in July, 2020 the Finnish Health Authority banned gender affirming surgeries for minors and started severely restricting any type of gender-affirming care for minors due to "the uncertainty of providing any irreversible “gender-affirming” interventions for those 25 and under, due to the lack of neurological maturity" among other reasons.
  • July 18
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling. Full discrimination protection in state employment. As well as full discrimination protection in city of Charlottesville. Sexual orientation discrimination protection Only in the Alexandria. As well sexual orientation in the county of Arlington.
  • July 14
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Maine-born residents can ask for an X gender marker on their birth certificates and IDs.
  • July
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.
    Article 156 (Sex change) of the Code on Public Health and Healthcare System, states: 1. Persons with gender identity disorders who have reached the age of twenty-one, are capable, except for persons with mental, behavioral disorders (diseases), have the right to change their sex. 2. The procedure for medical examination and sex reassignment for persons with gender identity disorders is determined by the authorized body.
  • July 1
    Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Article 57 of the Act on Civil Status Records specifies in point 1 that an application for adoptive adoption of a child should be submitted to the competent RYNÝ institution through a written application for state registration of the child's adoption, containing the decision of the voivode or a final court decision on the adoption of the child. Such an application may be submitted by an individual or a heterosexual couple.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Hawaii residents can self-identify as non-binary on official forms and ask for an X gender marker on state IDs.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed into law sweeping legislation in most counties that not only protects the rights of lgbtq Virginians in employment and accommodations but also expands the ability of plaintiffs to sue in Virginia state court.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    Since 2020, an amendment to Article 261 bis of the Criminal Code (1937) penalises discrimination based on "sexual orientation" in the provision of goods and services. Article 261 bis of the Criminal Code was amended to include “sexual orientation” in the provision that criminalises public denigration, discrimination, or incitement to those actions, as well as the public dissemination of ideologies that aim to systematically denigrate or defame members of a protected group.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    The Freedom of Information Act (2020) and the Cyber and Data Protection Act (2022) offer explicit protection based on sexual orientation regarding personal information.
  • July
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (up to life in prison as punishment).
    5 years in prison for the first offense. Third time offenders are punishable by life in prison.
  • July 1
    Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    The federal laws of Russia do not allow for same-sex unions of any kind, and the Russian constitution has defined marriage as a union strictly between a man and woman since 2020.
  • June 29
    Serving openly in military becomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.
    Serving openly in the military is legal for LGB people, but Transgenders are yet to achieve this. Not a single African country including this one allows trans military service
  • Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    Homosexual acts are not criminalized.
  • Equal age of consent becomes unequal.
    According to Article 257(4) states that "Any indecent or unnatural act against an individual of the same sex and under eighteen years of age constitutes a violation of morality." Article 256, paragraph 1 states that: Any act of sexual penetration of any kind committed against the person of another, with violence, coercion, threat, surprise or deception, shall constitute rape, regardless of the nature of the relationship between the aggressor and his victim, even if they are married. If the victim is under fifteen years of age, the absence of consent shall always be presumed. Age of consent is unequal as the age of consent for homosexuality is 18 since 2020. Previously was at 21.
  • June 24
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year of imprisonment or a fine.
  • June 18
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    In 2020, the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled to not issue revised birth certificates anymore, but simply cross out the old gender marker and write the new one under it. This makes transgender people easily identifiable. While laws do not require surgery, an affidavit from a physician is required to be submitted to the Department of Health and Human Resources for gender recognition.
  • June 17
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Romania's Parliament passed a bill that bans the study of gender identity in education.
  • June 15
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    As of June 15th, 2020 the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity is illegal under Title VII the Civil Rights Act of 1964, classified as sex discrimination. As of June 15, 2020, all persons working for employers that employ more than 15 people are protected from discrimination based solely on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity via the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    LGBTQ Discrimination rights for employment are protected federally under Supreme court rulling in 2020, however states still are obligated to their own laws. Meaning states can still pass protection laws or not. Arkansas has no known protections.
  • June 12
    Same-sex marriage becomes unregistered cohabitation.
    The Uttarakhand High Court acknowledged that cohabitation and "live-in relationships" are protected by law.
  • June
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    There are no government restrictions placed on gender-affirming care and government guidelines for public health institutions endorse medical intervention with transgender youth. However availability proves a problem in many areas.
  • June 1
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    1-year deferral reduced to a 3-month deferral in line with other UK regions (at the time).
  • Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    3 cities currently ban conversion therapy in Kansas. Roeland Park which passed a ordinance in June of 2020 uanimously, Lawrence in April 2021 unanimously and Prairie Village in October 2021 by a vote of 11-1. Lawrence's ban does not apply to clergy and Prairie Village's only applies to minors with fines of up to a 1000$ for licensed practitioners who recommend the practice. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. No ban had been considered by state legislatures as of January 2025.
  • May 28
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.
    The only protection against discrimination in Employment in this period existed in the Labour Law.
  • LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.
    On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer protected in Housing.
  • LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.
    On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection existed in laws that prohibited discrimination in certain areas of life and mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.
    On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender. On January 31st 2023, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a ruling that will continue to block new applications from transgender people for legal gender recognition.
  • May 26
    Same-sex adoption becomes legal.
    Adoption was legalized for gay couples when gay marriage became legal. Single individuals (whether gay or straight) have been allowed to adopt equally before then.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Same-sex marriage in Costa Rica has been legal since May 26, 2020 as a result of a ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice. Costa Rica was the first country in Central America to recognize and perform same-sex marriages.
  • May 16
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Albania's order of psychologists has banned so-called "conversion therapy". To legally practice as a therapist in Albania you must be a member of and follow the rules of Albania's order of psychologists.
  • May 10
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Articles 211 and 212 of the Penal Code, in force since 2020, prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.
    Article 295 of the Penal Code, in force since 2020, prohibits workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
  • May 8
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    The Supreme Court has ruled that the blood donation ban is unconstitutional in May of 2020.
  • May 1
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Same birth laws that allowed gender change without GRS.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Amended birth certificate laws.
  • April 28
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Manitoba residents can opt for a gender neutral marker on their IDs or birth certificates, or decide to remove the marker altogether.
  • April 22
    Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.
    Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology declining to establish a ban, with the Iowa Board of Psychology stating it was out of their realm to challenge. The Iowa Board of Psychology did state it would process complaints if licensed psychologists warranted an investigation of some kind with concerns of conversion therapy being recommended. It is unknown if these complaints are processed adequately. Davenport became the first city in Iowa to ban conversion therapy by minors with a vote 82 by the Davenport City Council. The Linn County Board of Supervisors also passed a ban affecting the scope of it's unincorporated areas. Some cities such as Des Moines Iowa repealed their bans after challenges by Christian organizations. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. In 2024, a bill prohibiting local jurisdictions from passing their own conversion therapy bans was pending in the Senate.
  • April 17
    Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.
    Current Adoption Laws (Law No. 6486/Law No. 1136) do not explicitly prohibit single people from adopting regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, Paraguay has declared itself a "Pro-Family and Pro-Life" country and they do not allow and ignore adoptions requested by LGBTQIAP+ people.
  • April 12
    Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).
    Civil unions with limited rights, the law is inspired by the French model of PACS. Same sex couple now have inheritance, health rights and some tax rights, but their tax are not equal to married couples
  • April 2
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    The FDA announced changes to the blood donor eligibility policy in April 2020, reducing the MSM deferral period from 12 months to 3 months. The change came amid the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, where blood was needed urgently.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In July 2019, Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn announced that the deferral period would be reduced to four months of abstinence from 2 April 2020.
  • March 31
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    There is now an option to have “X” written for the gender mark on your license.
  • March 16
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Since 2020, all criteria that was previously mandatory has become optional, and the court will request them on a case-by-case basis. First approved legal case of FTM gender recognition without sterilization occured in 2021, and for MTF in 2023. Despite this, most judges still view the surgery as a prerequisite, and thus those seeking LGR often move to district with lax requirements. In 2024 Cheongju District Court has suggested a new criteria "based on subjective experiences of gender and gender identity, fitness to the identifying gender role, medical criteria and external presentation (not necessarily sterilization), and impression by a 3rd party."
  • March 11
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.
    The U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina entered a consent decree that declares South Carolina’s 1988 discriminatory anti-LGBTQ curriculum law unconstitutional and bars its enforcement.
  • March 3
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Virginia becomes first southern state to ban gay conversion therapy.
  • March
    Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    In March 2020, the life-time ban was reduced to a 4 month deferral period.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).
    A four month deferral is in place following Denmark's decision.
  • February 11
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
    Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but may be.
  • January 27
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Connecticut residents can select an X for their gender marker on IDs and driver's licenses.
  • January 21
    Conversion therapy becomes banned.
    Utah is the 19th U.S State to ban conversion therapy.
  • January 13
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    On 2 November 2015, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted 53–52 in favour of same-sex marriage. However, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) tabled a "petition of concern", signed by 32 members, and prevented the motion from coming into effect. Following a scandal, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness resigned in protest on 9 January 2017 and his party, Sinn Féin, refused to nominate a successor, triggering a snap election. In the 2017 Northern Ireland Assembly election, the DUP lost 10 of their seats in the Assembly and thus their ability to use the petition of concern mechanism. However, no party reached a large-enough majority to form a government and thus no singular government could be formed. Sinn Féin also refused to return to a power-sharing agreement with the DUP. The Northern Ireland Assembly missed its three week deadline to establish a new Executive, which led to then-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire, giving them an extension. After several missed deadlines, the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019 was passed and given royal assent by Queen Elizabeth II on 24 July 2019. It extended the deadline for forming a government to 13 January 2020, and required then-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Julian Smith, to pass new laws to legalise same-sex marriage. These new laws came into effect on 13 January 2020, officially bringing Northern Ireland in line with England, Scotland and Wales. Since 13 January 2020, same-sex marriage has officially been legal in the entire United Kingdom.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes legal.
    Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019
  • January 9
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Since 2020, people above the age of 16 can have access to HRT through the Brazilian public healthcare system, with parental authorization being required for those who are under 18. Sex reassignment surgeries are also granted for trans people above 18 years old.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes gender identity only.
    The Comprehensive Law on the Recognition and Historical Reparation of the Rights of Transgender People (2020) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression.
  • January 1
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    Puerto Rico in 2020 stated to the Washington blade that they have added gender affirming care to Medicaid. It is unknown for minors if they can receive gender affirming care or not.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.
    In 2020, the Ministry of Health endorsed a plan to establish legal consequences, both administrative and criminal, for spreading information that undermines the institution of family and marriage. In April of 2024, Belarus broadened its definition of pornography to encompass portrayals of "non-traditional sexual relations and/or sexual behavior," thereby making the advocacy of homosexuality subject to imprisonment for up to four years.
  • Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.
    Despite no concrete laws targeting gender affirming care, due to other anti-LGBT laws, the limited availability of gender affirming care for minors, a complete ban on surgeries for minors and generally conservative attitudes it is restricted for minors.
  • (date unknown)
    Gender-affirming care becomes legal.
    There are no laws prohibiting gender affirming care or banning it in the state of Connecticut. However, HUSKY their low income insurance now requires 3 letters of recommendation for Gender Affirming Care as of 2022. Connecticut DSS requires all under age people to have gender incongruence is marked and sustained over time. As well as many more restrictions that are related to gender affirming care.
  • January
    Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.
    Indiana no longer allows X gender markers on official IDs.
  • January 1
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    Rule 5 CCR 1006-1 states that Colorado citizens can update their birth certificate and driver’s license to include their correct gender information.
  • Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.
    Jude’s Law lets a person who does not identify as male or female to check an ‘X’ box on a Colorado issued driver’s license or identification. This law also allows for a new birth certificate with the correct information to be issued to the individual.
  • Blood donations by MSMs becomes legal.
    In 2020, the 12-month deferral period was scrapped completely, no restrictions have been placed since.
  • Censorship of LGBT issues becomes ambiguous.
    While there is legislation in Hungary that calls for LGBTQ+ censorship in schools, it’s unenforced and Ignored by the Hungarian Populace. No one has been fined from this lore as of now
  • January
    Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.
    Since the 2020 coup, the government has been using the guise of anti terrorism laws to arrest LGBT activists and peaceful protesters.
  • (date unknown)
    Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2020, Nuevo Leon provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. This is also provided for minors.
  • Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.
    In 2020, Jalisco provided for legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. This is also provided to minors.
  • January 1
    LGBT housing discrimination becomes gender identity only.
    For housing discrimination laws, there are only discrimination protections for a persons gender identity.
  • January
    LGBT employment discrimination becomes gender identity only.
    In India, there is only protections in employment for gender identity.
  • (date unknown)
    Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.
    Ambiguous: refer to the Australian Psychology Association document