In 2015, there were 121 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 105 changes made and 133 in the following year. A total of 1073 legal changes were made in the 2010s.
- December 24
- December 23
- Equal age of consent becomes equal.The Civil Union act also equalized the age of consent at 15
- December 22
- December 21Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).After a series of recommendations, the FDA has moved to a 12 months deferral.
- December 17
- December 9Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.State legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results. In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction. The list consists of: Cincinnati (the first in December 2015), Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville. The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally. A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy. Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.
- December 7
- December
- November 16
- November 12LGBT housing discrimination becomes no in Poland, Protections in Ukraine are unfortunatley highly limited
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.LGBT discrimination is prohibited at the employment level
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.The Ukraine parliament voted to change the country's labor code to include protection against employment discrimination regardless of "race, colour, political, religious and other beliefs, sex gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic, social and foreign origin, age, health, disability, or suspected presence of HIV/AIDS, family and property status, family responsibilities, place of residence, or participation in a strike."
- November 4Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Previously couples could only adopt a child if it was from one of the partners, but the same-sex adoption law allows homosexual couples the same rights as heterosexual couples.
- October 28Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (1-year deferral).The deferral for gay men donating blood after having sex was changed from an infinite deferral to a 12 month deferral in 2015.
- October 23
- October 22
- October 1Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.Before October 1st, a proof of surgery was required. With Bill n°35 : An Act to amend the Civil Code as regards civil status, successions and the publication of rights, it's not required anymore. ''SECTION IV CHANGE OF DESIGNATION OF SEX 71. Every person whose sexual identity does not correspond to the designation of sex that appears in that person's act of birth may, if the conditions prescribed by this Code and by government regulation have been met, have that designation and, if necessary, the person's given names changed. These changes may in no case be made dependent on the requirement to have undergone any medical treatment or surgical operation whatsoever.'' (Civil Code of Québec) To qualify to change the sex designation appearing on your act of birth, you must: - be 18 years of age or over; - hold Canadian citizenship; - be domiciled in Québec for at least one year. If you were born in Québec but live elsewhere, you may also qualify to change your sex designation if you show that such an amendment is not possible in the province or country in which you are domiciled. If you qualify to apply, you must complete the Application to Change the Sex Designation Appearing on an Act of Birth form and provide the documents indicated on the form. In particular, you must provide an affidavit in which you affirm: - that the designation of sex requested is the designation that best corresponds your sexual identity; - that you assume that sexual identity and intend to continue doing so; - that you understand the seriousness of the undertaking; - that your undertaking is voluntary and your consent is given in a free and enlightened manner. You must also include: - the affidavit of a person of full age who attests to having known you for at least one year and who confirms that you are fully aware of the seriousness of your application; - if you have already obtained a change of the designation of sex that appears in your act of birth, you must also include a letter from a physician, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a sexologist authorized to practice in Canada or in the State in which you are domiciled, who declares having evaluated or followed you and is of the opinion that the change of the designation is appropriate having regard to the affidavit you made in support of your initial application. (Directeur de l'état civil Québec, change of sex designation)
- September 24Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.Surgeries are no longer required to change one's gender marker in Nova Scotia since September 24th 2015.
- September 20
- September 16
- September 9
- September 1
- August 20LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.Kiribati only provides protection from discrimination in employment on the basis of sexual orientation. Other than that, there are no protections from discrimination provided to LGBTIQ+ people.
- Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes intersex only.A court in Tours ruled in favour of an intersex plaintiff who sought to have a third gender option recognised on official identification documents.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.Under article 107(2)(b) of the Employment and Industrial Relations Code.
- Conversion therapy becomes banned.The Governor signed into law banning conversation therapy for youth. THe law will go into effect on January 1st, 2016.
- July 23Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires surgery.In Trentino Alto Adige, Italy, it is possible for trans individuals to legally change their gender on their official documents. In fact, Trentino Alto Adige is one of the most progressive regions in Italy when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, and it was the first region in the country to recognize same-sex civil unions in 2016. Trans individuals in Trentino Alto Adige can change their gender on official documents by submitting an application to the court in the place where they live. The application must include a medical certificate stating that the individual has undergone gender reassignment surgery, as well as an expert medical opinion stating that the individual has a stable and long-term gender identity that corresponds to the gender they are seeking to change their documentation to. The court will then make a decision on the application, and if the application is approved, the individual will be able to change their gender on their official documents. It's worth noting, however, that not all Italian regions have such progressive legislation regarding gender identity, and it can be more difficult for trans individuals to change their gender on official documents in other parts of the country.
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.A Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender. On 15 February 2023, a Court in Trento ruled transgender minors could have their legal gender changed on documents as long as their parents consent and a psychologist has been consulted on the matter.
- July 19Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.The government of Jersey’s social security department now recognises the Mx. title for correspondence. Passports are restricted to binary gender and so are birth certificates.
- July 16LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has ruled that “[A]llegations of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation necessarily state a claim of discrimination on the basis of sex”, and are barred by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This ruling applies at both the state and federal level. Furthermore, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruled on April 20, 2012 that an employer who discriminates against an employee or applicant on the basis of the person’s gender identity is violating the prohibition on sex discrimination contained in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
- July 15Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.For adults over 18, individuals can change their legal gender without surgery. However, for individuals between the age of 16-18, there is a "route to recognition"
- July 14
- July 13Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Puerto Rico legalized same-sex marriage after the US Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage Obergefell v. Hodges on June 26, 2015. The ruling legalized same-sex marriage across the contigous United States and trickled down onto it's subsequent territories. Shortly after the ruling, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, the governor of Puerto Rico, signed an executive order requiring government agencies to be compliant with the ruling. Same-sex couples could finally begin accessing marriage on July 13, 2015.
- July 11
- July 10
- July 1Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.Hawaii as of July 2015 started amending birth certificates with a licensed physician's approval, 5 years later Hawaii approved HB1165 to amend driver's licenses without proof of medical documentation. The birth certificate statue has not been amended since it's approval.
- June 29Homosexual activity becomes legal.On June 29th, 2015, a new Mozambique penal code came into effect. In the new penal code, the article that targeted anyone “who habitually engages in vices against nature" was removed.
- June 26Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Same-sex marriage has been legal throughout the United States (including the territories)
- LGBT discrimination becomes varies by region.Obergefell v. Hodges, 2015 court case allows same-sex marriages. This also protects LGBTQ discrimination. Bostock v. Clayton County, GA protects LGBTQ employees. Tennessee has laws for LGBTQ discrimination, thus being varies by region even though its federally protected
- Same-sex adoption becomes legal.There are no laws prohibiting Ohio same-sex adoption. Both single LGBT individuals and gay and lesbian couples are permitted to petition to adopt in the state of Ohio. Prior to the Supreme Court legalizing gay marriage in 2015, only single LGBT individuals could adopt. However, since then, same-sex couples are permitted to adopt in Ohio.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Every state has had same sex marriage legal since 2015.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.The US Supreme Court rules that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in Obergefell v Hodges, all 50 states and the District of Columbia are required to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples and recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.After a 5-4 vote in Supreme Court attempts by conservative states to ban same-sex marriage were overturned making it legal across the USA.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.On June 26th, 2015, The Supreme Court of the United States found that same-sex marriage is a fundamental right, thereby making it legal in all U.S. states.
- June 23
- June 12
- June 11
- June 9
- June 4
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.In response to two rulings of the Constitutional Court in 2015, the Colombian Government issued a decree on 4 June 2015 to simplify the process by which adults over 18 can legally change their gender. The decree, signed by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior, says the gender change is justified by a person's individual choice; it eliminates the requirement for psychiatric or physical examinations.
- Conversion therapy becomes banned.On June 4, Ontario unanimously passed a Bill 77 "Affirming Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Act" banning "any practice that seeks to change or direct the sexual orientation or gender identity of a patient under 18 years of age, including efforts to change or direct the patient's behavior or gender expression."
- June 1
- May 27Same-sex adoption becomes legal.The Greenlandic parliament unanimously approved a bill allowing same-sex marriage.
- May 23Same-sex adoption becomes legal.As Same Sex Marriage is now fully legal, same sex couples can adopt children. One month before it became legal, same sex couples can also adopt children.
- May 19Conversion therapy becomes ambiguous.Conversion therapy is banned for Minors. Technically conversion therapy is not banned for adults though close to all professional guidelines prohibits it.
- May 17LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.In addition to the existing HIV/AIDS law, public workers are now also protected. Within federal agencies, same sex partnerships are also required to be recognized as a family when requesting time off for spousal medical emergencies.
- May 15Same-sex marriage becomes legal.After suggestions from the British government and approval by local council, same sex marriage is now legal.
- April 17Same-sex marriage becomes banned.In April of 2015, Malawi’s Marriage, Divorce and Family Relations Law came into effect. The law, among other things, prevents gay marriages from receiving any recognition. It also defines marriage and co-habiting relationships as between a man and a woman. The law also criminalises heterosexual relationships between transgender and cisgender people of the opposite gender by determining gender as the sex assigned at birth.
- April 14Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.The Gender Identity Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act prohibits medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex minors.
- March 30LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.In 2015, Articles 175(a) and 176 of the Criminal Code (1911) were amended by S.B. 2015 No. 44 to criminalise discrimination and incitement to hatred based on sexual orientation per Article 175, which includes the list of prohibited grounds. The protections (only for sexual orientation) are: Education/Housing/Goods and services/Health/Employiment/Prohibition of Incitement
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Article 1 of the Law on Equal Treatment in the Workplace (2022) bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Articles 176b, 176c and 500a of the Criminal Code bans discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment.
- March 26Right to change legal gender becomes ambiguous.Only people born as intersex could change their ID from male to female or female to male following surgery certified by a medical doctor.
- March 12LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.Discrimination on grounds of housing and employment is prohibited for both sexual orientations and gender identities
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Anti discrimination bill in housing and employment for sexual orientations and gender identities passes and becomes law
- LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.LGBT Anti discrimination bill in housing and employment passes and becomes law
- March 10LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.In Bill 10, a bill ensuring the right of students to form gay-straight alliances in Alberta schools, amendments were added before it was passed adding protection of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to the Alberta Bill of Rights. Bill 10 goes into effect on June 1, 2015. The Alberta Human Rights Act has not yet been explicitly modified to include gender identity and gender expression, though they continue to be read in implicitly by the Alberta Human Rights Commission.
- March 3Same-sex marriage becomes banned.On March 3rd, 2015, the Alabama Supreme Court reversed Judge Granade's decision, thereby banning same-sex marriages in Alabama once again. On May 21st, 2015, Judge Granade issued an injunction on her ruling, and ordered all probate judges to issue licenses to same-sex couples. However, she stayed the injunction while the U.S. Supreme Court was ruling on Obergefell V. Hodges.
- March 2Same-sex adoption becomes legal.March ended the long legal fight to same sex adoption with same sex couples now allowed to become foster parents, completely equalizing their rights to adopt
- March
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.The Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act removed the need for trans people in Malta to undergo surgery, sterilization and obtain a diagnosis of mental illness in order to legally change their gender.
- March 1Same-sex adoption becomes ambiguous.Some courts have recognized foreign joint adoption. Some receptions are also made for step-children. Gay adoption legalizing pending.
- February 9Same-sex marriage becomes legal.On January 23rd, 2015, U.S. District Court Judge Callie V. Granade struck down Alabama's gay marriage ban in the case of Strawser v. Strange. However, Judge Granade issued a stay on the ruling, which delayed it from taking effect. After the stay was issued, opponents of gay marriage requested an extension on the stay from the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. On February 3rd, 2015, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the extension plea. Opponents then appealed the Circuit Court's decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. On February 9th, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court denied the request to extend the stay, thereby legalizing same-sex marriage.
- February 1
- January 26LGBT housing discrimination becomes gender identity only.The Gender Equality Act bans discrimination based on gender expression.
- January 16LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Gender identity is now an explicit protected ground in the labour code.
- January 14Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Same sex couples can have the same right to adopt as different-sex couples
- January 6Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Same-sex marriage has been legal statewide in Florida since January 6th, 2015.
- January 5Same-sex marriage becomes varies by region.In Miami-Dade County, same-sex couples were able to marry one day before the rest of the state was able to. This is because Circuit Judge Sarah Zabel lifted a stay on a ruling from a state court case, Pareto v. Ruvin. This legalized same-sex marriage in Miami-Dade County only.
- (date unknown)
- LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Law 521 (2015) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires prohibits discrimination against LGBT people.
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.In 2015, Mexico City provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. This is also provided for minors.
- Censorship of LGBT issues becomes varies by region.In 2015 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim began banning "ideological indoctrination" in schools. Since at least 2 other localities have enacted similar policies.
- Gender-affirming care becomes legal.Gender-Affirming Care in Cambodia is legal but often limited. Since 2015, gender-affirming care has grown steadily more available as more clinics have begun providing hormone treatment in recent years. However some issues remain including an unauthorised surgery clinic getting shut down by authorities in 2021 due to unregulated practices. Healthcare is also highly costly.
- January 1Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.In 1999, the former President of Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, stated that there are more important issues than LGBT rights to discuss in Parliament and that homosexuality is caused by a mental illness or the corrupting influence of foreign films. In 2007, the leader of the Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights called gay men "perverts" who must be stopped. Other MPs, namely Communist MP Leonid Grach, have listed homosexuality and lesbianism as evils the state must stop. A draft law that would make it illegal to talk about homosexuality in public and in the media and to import, distribute, and broadcast video, photo, and audio products that "encourages homosexuality" (with penalties of up to five years in prison and fines for up to ₴5,000 (US$616)) was passed in first reading in the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) on 2 October 2012. An estimated 20 community activists representing several organizations protested outside of the Verkhovna Rada building during the vote. On 4 October 2012, a second vote was tentatively scheduled for 16 October. This law was deemed homophobic by the LGBT community and human rights organisations and condemned by Amnesty International, the European Union, and the United Nations. The Venice Commission concluded in June 2013 that the bill was "incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights and international human rights standards". In January 2015, the bill was removed from the agenda. A petition was subsequently started by anti-gay groups, calling for "measures to be taken to stop the propaganda of homosexuality and for defending family values". In March 2018, Ukraine's Anti-Discrimination Ombudsperson removed the petition from the electronic petitions section. By then, the petition had received 23,000 signatures and support from various religious organisations. The Ombudsman described the petition as "anti-freedom", and deleted it due to "containing calls to restrict human rights".
- (date unknown)Gender-affirming care becomes restricted.There is currently no access to gender affirming care in Angola despite legal rulings recognising the right of trans Angolans to healthcare. Trans Angolans generally travel to South Africa for such care but it is notorious expensive.
- January 1Same-sex adoption becomes legal.After same-sex marriage was legalized, same-sex adoption was also legalized on the same terms as adoption for heterosexual couples.
- (date unknown)Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Same-sex couples can legally adopt kids with same rights as opposite-sex couples
- January 1Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Single adoption, joint adoption by married couples and second parent adoption are legal in North Dakota.
- (date unknown)
- January 1Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Under state and federal law. Single adoption and adoption by couples are permitted. Second parent adoption is also allowed, but only for married couples.
- (date unknown)LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.Protections in housing only available for sexual orientation and not gender identity.
- January 1Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Same-sex marriage has been legal in Luxembourg since 2015, making it the tenth European country and the last Benelux country to recognise marriage equality.
- (date unknown)Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.Section 12 of the Constitution of Nepal (2015) was written in such a way that requires the Nepalese Citizenship Certificates to include gender identity (as opposed to just gender). This provision only applies to the first Nepalese Citizenship Certificate issued, not to an already-issued certificate. However, the decision of Sunil Babu Pant, Anik Ranamagar and others v. Government of Nepal (2017), ruled that existing citizenship certificates should also be amended. Nepal began issuing passports with “third gender”/“O” markers, after the Supreme Court decision Dilu Dibuja v. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2017) ordered that a transgender person should be given a passport that matched their Nepalese Citizenship Certificate. In 2019, Nepal’s House of Representatives proposed a bill to amend the Citizenship Act that would impact the rights of trans persons. The bill proposed an onerous proof of "sex change" as a requirement for a person to obtain a change of gender marker on their Nepalese Citizenship Certificate. This goes in contradiction with the above Supreme Court cases. In addition, many transgender people who have applied for a gender change have been able to see their gender marker changed on behalf of the civil status.
- JanuarySame-sex marriage becomes banned.Article 36(1) of Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (2013) states "Males and females have the right to marry and divorce. Marriage shall conform to the principles of free consent, progressive orientation, monogamy and equality between husband and wife and mutual respect." Law on Marriage and Family (2015) states that marriage and cohabitation are between a man and a woman. Article 8(2) states "The State shall not recognize marriage between persons of the same sex."
LGBT Organizations Founded in 2015
Fighting against homophobia and promoting discourse around homosexuality in Tunisian society.Yaaj
LGBTQ support group for LGBTQ youth in MexicoIraQueer
An LGBT Resource for people in Iraq.Rainbow Rights WA
Rainbow Rights WA is an organisation formed as a result of a PrideWA and Equal Opportunity Commission human rights forum in 2015. Our Vision: Freedom to be and to love. Our…Hanoi Queer
Hanoi Queer connects and promotes the culture of the LGBTQ community, while raising awareness and changing social attitudes towards LGBTQ people in Vietnam.Sahaayam Nepal
Sahaayam Nepal works in the sector of comprehensive sexuality education ensuring the rights and issues of queer people included in the mainstream. Sahaayam Nepal is a part of…Newa Queer
Working on Queer / MOGAI population of Newa civilization.Costa Rica LGBTIQ Chamber of Commerce
The Costa Rica Diverse Chamber of Commerce were established in 2015 y Julio Cesar Calvo President and Founder. He is in the tourism business with his Travel Agency…Uhlala
GlobalGermany's leading LGBTQ workplace network, events, and advocacy groupColours Cayman
Colours Cayman is the first legally recognized LGBTQ+ NPO in CaymanRevounts
Getting bored? Why not explore Catch store? Grab fantastic deals on your favorite items! Catch store is the AussieBundesverband Trans* e.V.
The Bundesverband Trans* (BVT*) sees itself as an association of individuals, groups, clubs, associations and initiatives at regional, state and national level. The common…Grupa Stonewall
The Stonewall Group was founded on 22 May 2015. We are an LGBT+ organization based in the Wielkopolska region. Our association is for people who support equal rights for…Japan Alliance for LGBT Legislation
J-ALL has been working for the introduction of a national LGBT quality law with its more than 100 member NGOs across Japan. J-ALL has been engaging with the Japanese policy…Casa Q
Provides housing and other support to Queer youth ages 14-17 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. More recently, began a transitional living program for young adults.Organizando Trans Diversidades
OTD is a Chilean non-profit organization dedicated to transgender, transvestite, non-binary and intersex people.ERA
GlobalERA is the LGBTI Equal Rights Association for the Western Balkans and Turkey.HEVİ LGBTİ+ Derneği
Hevi LGBTI+ emerged in 2013 as an outcome of an organization which is formed by independent LGBTI+ people around the same ideals. Hevi LGBTI+ which is founded by lesbians…Quadrangle
Their Mission: To create a physical space welcoming to all members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Newfoundland and Labrador, which will house and offer services and programs…Stand with Trans
Founded by a Mother of a trans child in 2015, Stand With Trans is a transgender rights advocacy group that fights for transgender rights across the USA and the world.TransYOUniting
TransYOUniting is a mutual aid non-profit providing resources to Pittsburgh's Transgender, LGBTQIA+, and HIV+ Community. Trans YOUniting is a Black Trans-led organization…African Queer Youth Initiative
GlobalThe African Queer Youth Initiative is a network of young queer activists supporting the LGBTQ+ movement in Africa. AQYI is committed to connecting queer African youth to the…