- Homosexuality
- ⚢✔ Legal
- Gay Marriage
- ⚭✖ Civil unions (limited rights)
- Censorship
- ✔ No censorship
- Changing Gender
- ✖ Legal, but requires surgery
- Gender-Affirming Care
- ✔ Legal
- Non-Binary Gender Recognition
- ✖ Not legally recognized
- Discrimination
- ✔ Illegal
- Employment Discrimination
- ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Housing Discrimination
- ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Adoption
- ✖ Second parent adoption only
- Intersex Infant Surgery
- ✖ Not banned
- Military
- ✔ Legal
- Donating Blood
- ✔ Legal
- Conversion Therapy
- ✖ Not banned
- Age of Consent
- ✔ Equal
Public Opinion
Public opinion in Czech Republic appears to be somewhat divided on LGBTQ+ issues, as evidenced by recent studies.
Will confessing to homosexuality cause difficulties with others in your town or village?
Will confessing to homosexuality cause difficulties with others in your town or village?
Perception of LGBTQ+ People
Survey results from 19 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Czech Republic.
Perceived Safety**Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.
Equal Treatment
Visibility & Representation
Same-sex marriage in Czech Republic is civil unions (limited rights).
Censorship of LGBT issues in Czech Republic is no censorship.
Right to change legal gender in Czech Republic is legal, but requires surgery.
Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Czech Republic is not legally recognized.
LGBT discrimination in Czech Republic is illegal.
LGBT employment discrimination in Czech Republic is sexual orientation and gender identity.
LGBT housing discrimination in Czech Republic is sexual orientation and gender identity.
Same-sex adoption in Czech Republic is second parent adoption only.
Intersex infant surgery in Czech Republic is not banned.
Serving openly in military in Czech Republic is legal.
Blood donations by MSMs in Czech Republic is legal.
Conversion therapy in Czech Republic is not banned.
Equal age of consent in Czech Republic is equal.
LGBT Rights by District
View the LGBT laws in each individual district of Czech Republic.
- Benešov
- Beroun
- Blansko
- Brno-město
- Brno-venkov
- Bruntál
- Břeclav
- Cheb
- Chomutov
- Chrudim
- Domažlice
- Děčín
- Frýdek Místek
- Havlíčkův Brod
- Hodonín
- Hradec Králové
- Jablonec nad Nisou
- Jeseník
- Jihlava
- Jindřichův Hradec
- Jičín
- Karlovy Vary
- Karviná
- Kladno
- Klatovy
- Kolín
- Kromĕříž
- Kutná Hora
- Liberec
- Litoměřice
- Louny
- Mladá Boleslav
- Most
- Mělník
- Nový Jičín
- Nymburk
- Náchod
- Olomouc
- Opava
- Ostrava město
- Pardubice
- Pelhřimov
- Plzeň jih
- Plzeň město
- Plzeň sever
- Prachatice
- Praha 1
- Praha 10
- Praha 11
- Praha 12
- Praha 13
- Praha 14
- Praha 15
- Praha 2
- Praha 3
- Praha 4
- Praha 5
- Praha 6
- Praha 7
- Praha 8
- Praha 9
- Praha východ
- Praha západ
- Prostĕjov
- Písek
- Přerov
- Příbram
- Rakovník
- Rokycany
- Rychnov nad Kněžnou
- Semily
- Sokolov
- Strakonice
- Svitavy
- Tachov
- Teplice
- Trutnov
- Tábor
- Třebíč
- Uherské Hradištĕ
- Vsetín
- Vyškov
- Zlín
- Znojmo
- Ústí nad Labem
- Ústí nad Orlicí
- Česká Lípa
- České Budějovice
- Český Krumlov
- Šumperk
- Žd’ár nad Sázavou
- Jihoceský kraj (Region)
- Jihomoravský kraj (Region)
- Karlovarský kraj (Region)
- Královéhradecký kraj (Region)
- Liberecký kraj (Region)
- Moravskoslezský kraj (Region)
- Olomoucký kraj (Region)
- Pardubický kraj (Region)
- Plzenský kraj (Region)
- Praha, hlavní mesto (Region)
- Stredoceský kraj (Region)
- Vysocina (Region)
- Zlínský kraj (Region)
- Ústecký kraj (Region)