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Public opinion surveys in Italy have pointed to a varied attitude towards LGBTQ+ individuals.

Support for same-sex marriage

(Datamonitor, 2012)

Support for same-sex marriage

(Datamonitor, 2012)

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 19 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Italy.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Italy


Homosexual activity in Italy is legal.

Current status
Since 1890
No laws against homosexual relationships anywhere in Italy's Penal Code
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Same-sex marriage in Italy


Same-sex marriage in Italy is civil unions (marriage rights).

Current status
Since May 11, 2016
Civil unions (marriage rights)
The law on same sex civil partnerships was adopted on May 11 2016. The law recognizes same-sex couples as a family and they became equal to married couples in everything except in the adoption of children. However a court can still allow second parent adoption.
1942–May 11, 2016
Some symbolic civil unions are recognized in select regions though no full and meaningful recognition is given.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Italy


Censorship of LGBT issues in Italy is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship federal law
In Italy, there are no laws restricting to discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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Right to change legal gender in Italy


Right to change legal gender in Italy is legal, but requires medical diagnosis.

Current status
Since Jul 23, 2015
Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
A Supreme Court decision overruled the surgery requirement to change one's legal gender.

On 15 February 2023, a Court in Trento ruled transgender minors could have their legal gender changed on documents as long as their parents consent and a psychologist has been consulted on the matter.
Apr 14, 1982–Jul 23, 2015
Legal, but requires surgery
Before the landmark 2015 decision surgery was required for people to change their legal gender.
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Gender-affirming care in Italy


Gender-affirming care in Italy is legal, but restricted for minors.

Current status
Since Feb 2019
Legal, but restricted for minors federal law
Puberty blockers can be started in transgender youths, followed by gender-affirming hormones (GAH) by the age of 16 years, surgery requires the recipient to be 18 years old and receive the approval of a court.
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Until Feb 2019
Legal, but banned for minors federal law
Italy requires individuals to be 18 years old to access gender-affirming care. Additionally, court approval is required for any gender-affirming surgery.

Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Italy


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Italy is not legally recognized.

Current status
Since Jun 18, 2024
Not legally recognized
Ruling 143/2024 of the Italian constitutional court published on 18/06/2024 stated that a third gender is not permissible for non-binary people.
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Until Jun 18, 2024
Not legally recognized
Italy does not yet legally recognize non-binary identities.

However, a breaking decision on March 7, 2022, had the Italian court rule in favor of a non-binary person to have their gender recognized.

They are currently the only example of this recognition.
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LGBT discrimination in Italy


LGBT discrimination in Italy is varies by region.

Current status
Since Mar 1, 2004
Varies by Region
In Tuscany, Piedmont, Liguria, Marche, Umbria, Sicily, Emilia-Romagna and Campania discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity is banned.
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  1. Campania 2020
  2. Emilia-Romagna 2019
  3. Umbria 2019
  4. Piedmont 2016
  5. Sicilia 2015
  6. Marche 2010
  7. Liguria 2008
  8. Toscana 2004

No protections

  1. Trentino-Alto Adige
Jul 9, 2003–Mar 1, 2004
Illegal in some contexts
Only discrimination in workplace banned.
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LGBT employment discrimination in Italy


LGBT employment discrimination in Italy is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jan 15, 2023
Sexual orientation and gender identity federal law
On 15 January 2023, a court in Rome ruled against a school who had fired a trans professor due to her gender identity, claiming that it amounted to sex discrimination.
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Aug 13, 2003–Jan 14, 2023
Sexual orientation only federal law
Legislative Decree 9 July 2003, n. 216 prohibits discrimination in the workplace on the basis of religion, personal beliefs, handicap, age and sexual orientation.

LGBT housing discrimination in Italy


LGBT housing discrimination in Italy is varies by region.

Current status
Since Nov 15, 2004
Varies by Region
There are no national protections against discrimination in housing for LGBT individuals; however, some Italian regions have introduced their own protections.

Sexual orientation and gender identity

  1. Campania 2020
  2. Emilia-Romagna 2019
  3. Piedmont 2018
  4. Umbria 2017
  5. Sicilia 2015
  6. Marche 2010
  7. Toscana 2004
Until Nov 14, 2004
No protections federal law
Before Toscana passed landmark discrimination protections, there were no protections for lgbt people against housing discrimination in Italy.

Same-sex adoption in Italy


Same-sex adoption in Italy is second parent adoption only.

Current status
Since Jun 22, 2016
Second parent adoption only
On June 22, 2016 the Court of Cassation stated that same sex couples in a civil union should be able to adopt their partner’s child for the child’s best interest. Same-sex couples can also apply for foster care since no law prohibits it.
Mar 1, 2015–Jun 21, 2016
Some courts have recognized foreign joint adoption. Some receptions are also made for step-children. Gay adoption legalizing pending.
Jan 1, 20052015
The couple applying for adoption must be a married, different sex couple. Custody has been granted to a same-sex parent on the basis of the "child's best interest," but this is very rare.

Intersex infant surgery in Italy


Intersex infant surgery in Italy is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
Surgery on intersex infants is not only not banned in Italy but is reportedly widespread.

Serving openly in military in Italy


Serving openly in military in Italy is lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 1986
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
Until 1986, "sexual deviance" was a reason for exclusion for military service. At that time, some men claimed to be homosexual to avoid the draft. Lesbians have never been banned from the Italian military since women were first allowed to serve in 2000. Since 2010, discrimination against gays and lesbians in military service is banned, but the situation for transgender people is unclear. The organization Polis Aperta estimates that 5 to 10% of Italians in uniformed service (military or police) are LGB. Despite the ban on discrimination, some service personnel unfortunately face harassment or violence because of their sexual orientation. Unfortunately transgenders have not yet gained the right to military service in Italy
May 18, 1964–Dec 31, 1985
Until 1986, "sexual deviance" was a reason for exclusion for military service. At that time, some men claimed to be homosexual to avoid the draft.
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Blood donations by MSMs in Italy


Blood donations by MSMs in Italy is legal.

Current status
Since 2001
Italy uses a risk-based donor selection system that treats MSM and heterosexual partners equally.
Dec 31, 2000–Jan 1, 2001
Italy legalizes blood donations as Health Minister lifts blood ban. However, Italy still denies men who engaged in "risky behaviors"
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Until Dec 31, 2000
Banned (indefinite deferral)
The Italian Health Minister Umberto Veronesi lifted the gay blood ban in 2001.
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Conversion therapy in Italy


Conversion therapy in Italy is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
In Italy, there is no legislative ban on conversion therapy.
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Equal age of consent in Italy


Equal age of consent in Italy is equal.

Current status
Age of consent is 14 with exceptions for various methods of influence and prostitution but no exceptions for homosexual activity.
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