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Recent surveys in Australia indicate a moderate level of acceptance for LGBTQ+ rights in specific areas.


(YouGov, 2020)
of Australians agree trans people deserve the same rights and protections as other Australians
of Australians agree that young people should be able to access healthcare that supports them to live as their true selves.
of Australians agree that religious schools should not be able to fire someone or expel a student for being transgender.

LGB Demographics

of Australians described themselves as being gay, lesbian or bisexual

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Do you think people of the same sex should or should not be allowed to marry?

Should be allowed to marry
Should not be allowed to marry

Support for same-sex marriage

(Galaxy, 2007)

Support for same-sex marriage

(Newspoll, 2004)

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 42 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Australia.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Australia


Homosexual activity in Australia is legal.

Current status
Since May 1, 1997
In 1997 the High Court of Australia ruled that Tasmania's anti-gay laws were inconsistent with federal law, and Tasmania (the final jurisdiction with contrary laws) was forced to decriminalise homosexuality.
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Mar 31, 1994–Apr 30, 1997
Varies by Region
Homosexual activity was federally decriminalized by the Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act 1994, although some local state laws remained inconsitent until 1997.
Willett, Graham (2000). Living Out Loud: A History of Gay and Lesbian activism in Australia. Allen & Unwin. p. 237. ISBN 1 86448 949 9.

"Age Of Consent & Sodomy Law awareness in Queensland Australia – need for urgent action". Queer Radio. Retrieved 20 August 2013.
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Same-sex marriage in Australia


Same-sex marriage in Australia is legal.

Current status
Since Dec 9, 2017
Legal federal law
Same-sex marriage has been legal in Australia since 9 December 2017. The legislation to allow same-sex marriage, the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Act 2017, passed the Australian Parliament on 7 December 2017 and received royal assent from the Governor-General the following day.
Until Dec 9, 2017
Varies by Region
Laws varied by region. In some territories, you could get civil unions.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Australia


Censorship of LGBT issues in Australia is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
Not mentioned in law, not punished either. Bias of coverage is more based on media concentration.
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Right to change legal gender in Australia


Right to change legal gender in Australia is varies by region.

Current status
Varies by Region
Federal: legal, surgery not required from 2013 under the Australian Government Guidelines on the Recognition of Sex and Gender. According to ILGA, at least three subnational jurisdictions require surgeries.

By region: Most states don't allow you to change your gender marker more than once in a 12-month period. The High Court of Australia has ruled that gender reassignment surgery does not need to be comprehensive, just be socially identifiable as your preferred gender.
• Any government department that operates at a federal level does not require surgery.
• In NSW a gender marker change requires GRS, top surgery, or orchiectomy.
• In Queensland gender change requires an application confirming surgery or proof of reassignment surgery.
• In South Australia no surgery is required, only proof of psychological counseling.
• In Tasmania no surgery is required, they may require proof of psychological counseling for persons under 18.
• In Victoria no surgery is required, you just have to attest you are the gender you claim.
• In Western Australia surgery is not required.
• In Northern Territory clinical treatment, either: surgery, hormone therapy, or counselling is required.

Legal, no restrictions

  1. New South Wales 2025
  2. Queensland 2022
  3. Victoria 2020
  4. Tasmania 2019
  5. Northern Territory 2018
  6. Australian Capital Territory 2014

Legal, but requires medical diagnosis

  1. South Australia 2017
  2. Western Australia 2011

Gender-affirming care in Australia


Gender-affirming care in Australia is varies by region.

Current status
Since Jan 28, 2025
Varies by Region
Until 2025, gender-affirming care was subject to no legal restrictions throughout Australia until Queensland placed a pause on puberty blockers for patients in the public health system.
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  1. Australian Capital Territory 1991
  2. New South Wales 1991
  3. Northern Territory 1991
  4. South Australia 1991
  5. Tasmania 1991
  6. Victoria 1991
  7. Western Australia 1991

Legal, but restricted for minors

  1. Queensland 2025
1991–Jan 28, 2025
Australian youth can begin accessing puberty blockers at the age of 10, full HRT is not typically prescribed until 16 and GCS is often not done until 18. However nobody can access irreversible treatment until 15.

For Oestrogen or Testosterone two independent child and adolescent psychiatrists must do a standardised assessment of psychological development as well as a formal assessment of the child’s gender identification and capacity to understand the proposed treatment. A paediatric endocrinologist establishes the child’s pubertal stage, excludes disorders and discusses with the child and parents the effects and risks of puberty suppression.

For Puberty blockers a young person requires a multidisciplinary team consisting of a paediatrician, two mental health professionals (one must be a psychiatrist), and a fertility expert, to agree treatment is in the child’s best interests. It is then necessary to make an application to the Family Court for authorisation of treatment.
Restricted federal law
In 1979, Australia legalized sterilization, which de facto meant legalizing sex reassignment surgery, however, medical records regarding transsexualism had to be obtained abroad.
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Until 1977
Medical transition is not possible
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Australia


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Australia is recognized.

Current status
Since 2011
Australia does have recognition of nonbinary gender through the X marker on passports since 2011, making it one of the first countries to offer it.

However, for other IDs, the availability of the X gender marker varies by states. It's not recognised in New South Wales, for example.

LGBT discrimination in Australia


LGBT discrimination in Australia is illegal in some contexts.

Current status
Since Dec 6, 1986
Illegal in some contexts
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act of 1986 prevents discriminatory activities, however, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 provides exemptions for religious institutions.

LGBT employment discrimination in Australia


LGBT employment discrimination in Australia is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jun 28, 2013
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual
Orientation, Gender Identity and
Intersex Status) Act 2013
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LGBT housing discrimination in Australia


LGBT housing discrimination in Australia is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jun 28, 1997
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 made it to where LGBTQ persons are not to be discriminated against through housing, banking, and other rights
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Same-sex adoption in Australia


Same-sex adoption in Australia is legal.

Current status
Since Mar 13, 2018
Adoption is not a federal law and is state-based. Since March 2018, same-sex couples can adopt children in all jurisdictions within Australia.
Jan 1993–Mar 13, 2018
Varies by Region
This is not decided at the Federal level, but at the territorial government level. Some territories allow it, others do not.

The Australian Capital Territory was the first to allow it in 1993 (single adoption), while Northern Territory was the last to allow it in 2018.

Intersex infant surgery in Australia


Intersex infant surgery in Australia is varies by region.

Current status
Since Jun 8, 2023
Varies by Region
In 2023 the Australian Capital Territory passed the Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill and became the first region of Australia to ban intersex infant surgery.
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Full ban

  1. Australian Capital Territory 2023

Not banned

  1. Heard Island and McDonald Islands
  2. New South Wales
  3. Northern Territory
  4. Queensland
  5. South Australia
  6. Tasmania
  7. Victoria
  8. Western Australia
Until Jun 7, 2023
Not banned
There were no laws banning intersex infant surgery in Austalia before 2023.
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Serving openly in military in Australia


Serving openly in military in Australia is legal.

Current status
Since Nov 24, 1992
Legal federal law
LGBTQ+ people are allowed to serve in the Australian army.

(Australia is responsible for the defence of: Heard Island and McDonald Islands.)

Blood donations by MSMs in Australia


Blood donations by MSMs in Australia is banned (less than 6-month deferral).

Current status
Since Jun 3, 2023
Banned (less than 6-month deferral) federal law
In Australia sexually active LGBT people are unable to donate blood unless they abstain from sex for three months. Since 2021, the deferral period within Australia was reduced from 1 year to 3 months without PrEP.

In June 2023, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved a submission from Australian Red Cross Lifeblood calling to remove most sexual activity ineligibility criteria for plasma donors.
Jan 31, 2021–Jun 3, 2023
Banned (less than 6-month deferral)
Reduced to 3-months on Jan 31, 2021.
1996–Jan 31, 2021
Banned (1-year deferral)
The Red Cross controls blood donations in Australia and it has a ban on MSMs active in the last year
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Conversion therapy in Australia


Conversion therapy in Australia is varies by region.

Current status
Varies by Region
Conversion therapy is illegal in the ACT, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Other states are either planning to introduce a bill, or have not introduced a bill as of yet.
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  1. New South Wales 2025
  2. Victoria 2021
  3. Queensland 2020

Not banned

  1. Northern Territory
  2. South Australia
  3. Tasmania
  4. Western Australia

Equal age of consent in Australia


Equal age of consent in Australia is equal.

Current status
Since Sep 16, 2016
Following the amendment in the Queensland Criminal Code, the age of consent is now equal across all states and territories of Australia.
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LGBT Rights by State

View the LGBT laws in each individual state of Australia.