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Research in attittudes towards LGBTQ+ issues in Russia have identified a strong opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, reflecting underlying homophobic sentiments.


of Russians believe gays and lesbians should be eliminated from society

Opinion change after discovery of sexual orientation

Positive opinion change
Negative opinion change

Support for Same-Sex Marriage

Agree that same-sex marriage should be legal

Russian attitudes on LGBT people

(AP-NORC, 2014)
of Russians would not want a homosexual neighbor

Opposition against homosexuality

Believe homosexuals should be isolated from society
Believe homosexuals should be physically destroyed


of Russians would not want a homosexual neighbor

Opinion change after discovery of sexual orientation

Negative opinion change
Positive opinion change

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 26 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Russia.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Russia


Homosexual activity in Russia is varies by region.

Current status
Since May 27, 1993
Varies by Region
Homosexuality between men became legal in Russia on May 27, 1993. Homosexuality was never explicitly criminalized between women. In Chechnya, homosexuality is de facto illegal.

On November 30, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the LGBT movement as extremist and banned it. However, the court ruled this does not concern the private life of LGBT people, but more concerns LGBT activists.


  1. Adygeya, Respublika 1993
  2. Altay, Respublika 1993
  3. Altayskiy kray 1993
  4. Amurskaya oblast' 1993
  5. Arkhangel'skaya oblast' 1993
  6. Astrakhanskaya oblast' 1993
  7. Bashkortostan, Respublika 1993
  8. Belgorodskaya oblast' 1993
  9. Bryanskaya oblast' 1993
  10. Buryatiya, Respublika 1993
  11. Chelyabinskaya oblast' 1993
  12. Chuvashskaya Respublika 1993
  13. Dagestan, Respublika 1993
  14. Ingushskaya Respublika 1993
  15. Irkutskaya oblast' 1993
  16. 68 more

Illegal (death penalty as punishment)

  1. Chechnya 1996
Mar 7, 1934–May 27, 1993
Male illegal, female legal
In 1933, the Soviet government under Stalin recriminalised sex between men. On 7 March 1934, Article 121 was added to the criminal code for the entire Soviet Union that expressly prohibited only male homosexuality, with up to five years of hard labour in prison. There were no criminal statutes regarding sex between women
Dec 30, 1917–Mar 7, 1934
Homosexuality was decriminalized but still considered an illness.

Same-sex marriage in Russia


Same-sex marriage in Russia is banned.

Current status
Since Jul 1, 2020
Banned federal law
The federal laws of Russia do not allow for same-sex unions of any kind, and the Russian constitution has defined marriage as a union strictly between a man and woman since 2020.
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Russia


Censorship of LGBT issues in Russia is imprisonment as punishment.

Current status
Since Nov 30, 2023
Imprisonment as punishment federal law
On November 30, 2023, Russia’s Supreme Court ruled the “international LGBT movement” to be an extremist organization, effectively outlawing all LGBT organizations, social movements and their activities. Under Russia's anti-extremism laws, participating in or financing an extremist organization is punishable by up to 12 years in prison. Those found guilty of displaying such groups’ symbols, which now include the LGBT rainbow flag, can face up to 15 days in detention for the first offense and up to four years in prison for a repeat offense.

In March 2024, two employees of a gay club in Russia were arrested and held in pre-trial detention on suspicion that they were running an 'extremist organization', after the club was raided by authorities earlier that month. If found guilty, they could face up to ten years in prison.
Jun 11, 2013–Nov 30, 2023
Fine as punishment federal law
In 2013, Russia introduced a law known as "for the Purpose of Protecting Children from Information Advocating for a Denial of Traditional Family Values" (also known as the "gay propaganda law") which bans the dissemination of “propaganda for nontraditional sexual relationships,” broadly understood to be lesbian, gay, and bisexual relationships, among under-18s. According to the Russian government, this law is aimed to "protect" children from being exposed to homosexuality, since it goes against "traditional family values."

People found guilty of breaking the law face fines of between 4,000 and 5,000 rubles; government officials face fines of 40,000 to 50,000 rubles; and organizations, up to 1 million rubles or a suspension of activity for up to 90 days. Heavier fines may be imposed for the same actions if the act was carried out using mass media and telecommunications, including the Internet. Foreigners can be arrested and detained for up to 15 days (or fined up to 5,000 rubles) and then deported.

In December 2022, Russia expanded the law to cover all ages, instead of only minors, effectively making any display or mention of LGBT relationships and lifestyles on public platforms illegal. The penalties were also increased, with individuals now facing fines of up to 400,000 rubles; and organizations, up to 5 million rubles. The dissemination of materials promoting gender dysphoria among minors was also banned.

Right to change legal gender in Russia


Right to change legal gender in Russia is illegal.

Current status
Since Jul 24, 2023
Illegal federal law
The upper house of Russia’s parliament unanimously approved a bill outlawing gender-affirming care and legal gender change. It also annuls marriages in which one person has “changed gender” and bars transgender people from becoming foster or adoptive parents.
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Nov 15, 1997–Jul 24, 2023
Legal, but requires surgery federal law
Transgender people are able to change their gender on identification documents after being issued a document from a health institution confirming the surgical requirements.
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Apr 5, 1972–Nov 15, 1997
Legal, but requires surgery
after the sex reassignment surgery that took place in September 17, 1970, a transgender man changed his legal gender and name.
Six months after change legal gender, he became a husband.
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Until Apr 5, 1972
Illegal federal law
Until 1972, it was not possible to change your legal gender in Russia.
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Gender-affirming care in Russia


Gender-affirming care in Russia is banned.

Current status
Since Jul 24, 2023
Banned federal law
On July 24th, 2023, Vladimir Putin signed legislation into law that bans “medical interventions aimed at changing the sex of a person.”
1999–Jul 24, 2023
Legal, but restricted for minors federal law
Until 2023, gender-affirming healthcare was legal for adults in Russia. While minors had more difficulty, Russians between the ages of 15 and 18 could give informed consent but surgery was not provided.
Legal, but restricted for minors
In 1983, transsexualism began to be professionally diagnosed in the Soviet Union, which allowed the prescription of hormone therapy
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In 1926, the Soviet Union's Ministry of Internal Affairs legalized sex reassignment surgery
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Russia


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Russia is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized federal law
Since gender-affirming care and legal sex change are outlawed in Russia, there's no legal non-binary gender recognition. Neither are intersex people recognized by law

LGBT discrimination in Russia


LGBT discrimination in Russia is no protections.

Current status
Since 1993
No protections
No protection against discrimination.

LGBT employment discrimination in Russia


LGBT employment discrimination in Russia is no protections.

Current status
No protections
Article 3 of the Labour Code prohibits employment discrimination but does not explicitly mention sexual
orientation or gender identity. Several prominent people including a TV news anchor have been fired for coming out, although some people have successfully challenged discriminatory dismissal.

LGBT housing discrimination in Russia


LGBT housing discrimination in Russia is no protections.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2016
No protections
Russia has no protections for housing discrimination, President Putin has supported laws to censor Russian LGBTQ media and laws.
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Same-sex adoption in Russia


Same-sex adoption in Russia is single only.

Current status
Since Jul 24, 2023
Single only federal law
Single homosexuals are allowed to adopt, but banned for transgender people.
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Jul 2, 2013–Jul 24, 2023
Single only
Adoption is being regulated by the Civil Procedure Code of Russia (Chapter 29); Family Code of Russia (Chapter 19); Federal Law On Acts of Civil Status (Chapter V). None of these documents contain any direct restriction or ban for homosexual people to adopt.
Until Jul 2, 2013
Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on Wednesday banning the adoption of children by same-sex couples, as part of an increasingly conservative agenda the Kremlin is pursuing since his return to power.
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Intersex infant surgery in Russia


Intersex infant surgery in Russia is not banned.

Current status
Not banned federal law
There is no official ban on unnecessary sex reassignment operations on infants in Russia.
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Serving openly in military in Russia


Serving openly in military in Russia is lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.

Current status
Since Jul 1, 2003
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned
Open homosexuals still serve in the military.

Blood donations by MSMs in Russia


Blood donations by MSMs in Russia is legal.

Current status
Since Apr 16, 2008
In 2008, Russia repealed its ban against gay people donating blood. The law was signed in effect on April 16, 2008 by Tatyana Golikova, the minister of Russia's Health and Social Development department
Sep 14, 2001–Apr 16, 2008
Banned (indefinite deferral)
On September 14, 2001, the Russian Ministry of Health announced that men who have sex with men would be considered part of the "HIV high-risk groups," along with prostitutes and drug addicts.

Conversion therapy in Russia


Conversion therapy in Russia is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
Not condemned. As well, the attitude that homosexuality is a disease is widespread.
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Equal age of consent in Russia


Equal age of consent in Russia is varies by region.

Current status
Since 1996
Varies by Region
The age of consent in Russia is 16 for same-sex couples. However, in Chechnya, the age of consent is N/A because homosexuality is de facto illegal there.


  1. Adygeya, Respublika 1996
  2. Altay, Respublika 1996
  3. Altayskiy kray 1996
  4. Amurskaya oblast' 1996
  5. Arkhangel'skaya oblast' 1996
  6. Astrakhanskaya oblast' 1996
  7. Dagestan, Respublika 1996
  8. Irkutskaya oblast' 1996
  9. Kirovskaya oblast' 1996
  10. Bashkortostan, Respublika 1996
  11. Belgorodskaya oblast' 1996
  12. Bryanskaya oblast' 1996
  13. Buryatiya, Respublika 1996
  14. Chelyabinskaya oblast' 1996
  15. Chuvashskaya Respublika 1996
  16. 68 more


  1. Chechnya 1997
May 27, 19931996
Unequal federal law
Until a few years after decriminalisation, an unequal age of consent remained.
Until May 27, 1993
N/A federal law
Until 1993, homosexuality was illegal in Russia nationwide.

LGBT Rights by Administrative Region

View the LGBT laws in each individual administrative region of Russia.