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According to recent survey data, there appears to be strong opposition to LGBTQ+ rights in Iraq.

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 5 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Iraq.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Iraq


Homosexual activity in Iraq is illegal (imprisonment as punishment).

Current status
Since Apr 27, 2024
Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)
On April 27th, 2024, Iraq's parliament passed a law that criminalizes same-sex relationships with a maximum 15-year prison sentence.
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Jul 19, 1969–Apr 27, 2024
Iraq's Criminal Code does not explicitly mention homosexuality in its penal code, however certain articles such as article 401 can be used against LGBT community. The article criminalises “immodest acts” in public, and punishable by a period of detention of up to six months and/or a fine.

Same-sex marriage in Iraq


Same-sex marriage in Iraq is banned.

Current status
Article 3.1 of the Personal Status Law defines that "Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman who is lawfully permissible to him, the purpose of which is to establish a bond for a mutual life and procreate children. "
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Iraq


Censorship of LGBT issues in Iraq is imprisonment as punishment.

Current status
Imprisonment as punishment
Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.

In August 2023, Iraq banned all media from using term "homosexuality", saying they must use "sexual deviance." The term "gender" was also banned.

Right to change legal gender in Iraq


Right to change legal gender in Iraq is illegal.

Current status
Since Apr 27, 2024
Article 3 of the new bill Iraq’s Parliament passed April 27th, prohibits altering a person's biological sex based on psychological desires, and Article 6 imposes penalties of imprisonment for those attempting or performing such changes.
Oct 29, 2018–Apr 27, 2024
Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
Person applying for gender change must submit all documents and medical analyzes confirming their request, then their documents are submitted to the Ministry of the Interior, obtain the consent of the minister's office.

Gender-affirming care in Iraq


Gender-affirming care in Iraq is banned.

Current status
Since Apr 27, 2024
On April 27th, 2024, the Iraqi Parliament passed the amendment to the Law Against Prostitution and Sexual Deviance. Article 2 of the bill criminalizes "acts of effeminacy," defined as imitating women through actions such as wearing women’s cosmetics or clothes in public, taking hormones to display feminine traits, or any other behavior deemed effeminate by medical and social standards. Offenders could face imprisonment ranging from one to three years or fines between five and ten million dinars. Additionally, Article 3 prohibits altering a person's biological sex based on psychological desires, with Article 6 imposing penalties of imprisonment for those attempting or performing such changes, except in cases of necessary surgical interventions for congenital anomalies.
Oct 29, 2018–Apr 27, 2024
In October 2018, the Iraqi Ministry of Interior announced support for the nation's first public sex reassignment surgery, de facto legalising it. However it was banned in 2024.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Iraq


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Iraq is unknown.

Current status

LGBT discrimination in Iraq


LGBT discrimination in Iraq is no protections.

Current status
No protections
According to the United States' Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, "[Iraq] law prohibits discrimination based on race, disability, or social status, but it does not address the problem of sexual orientation or gender identity. Societal discrimination in employment, occupation, and housing based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and unconventional appearance was common."
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LGBT employment discrimination in Iraq


LGBT employment discrimination in Iraq is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no employment discrimination protection for LGBT people in Iraq.

According to the United States' Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, "[Iraq] law prohibits discrimination based on race, disability, or social status, but it does not address the problem of sexual orientation or gender identity. Societal discrimination in employment, occupation, and housing based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and unconventional appearance was common."
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LGBT housing discrimination in Iraq


LGBT housing discrimination in Iraq is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no housing discrimination protection for LGBT people in Iraq.

According to the United States' Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2012, "[Iraq] law prohibits discrimination based on race, disability, or social status, but it does not address the problem of sexual orientation or gender identity. Societal discrimination in employment, occupation, and housing based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and unconventional appearance was common."
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Same-sex adoption in Iraq


Same-sex adoption in Iraq is illegal.

Current status
Adoption by any person goes against Iraqi law. Guardianship is possible by extended family and close friends of the same religion as the child.

Intersex infant surgery in Iraq


Intersex infant surgery in Iraq is not banned.

Current status
Since Apr 27, 2024
Not banned
In 2024, a law against Prostitution and Changing Physical Sex characteristics (i.e. gender reassignment surgery) was passed, with the exception added for "congenital anomalies that require surgical intervention to confirm a person's sex”.

Serving openly in military in Iraq


Serving openly in military in Iraq is illegal.

Current status
Since 2007
The Military penal law No. 19 2007 prohibits its men from engaging Homosexual acts.
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Blood donations by MSMs in Iraq


Blood donations by MSMs in Iraq is unknown.

Current status

Conversion therapy in Iraq


Conversion therapy in Iraq is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
No protections
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Equal age of consent in Iraq


Equal age of consent in Iraq is n/a.

Current status
Since Apr 27, 2024
On April 27th, 2024, Iraq's parliament passed a law that criminalizes same-sex relationships. So, the age of consent for homosexual sex is N/A.
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Until Apr 27, 2024
While the age of consent for non-married couples in Iraq is 18, the laws regarding homosexuality are ambiguous so the age of consent status is also ambiguous.
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