About Equaldex

Equaldex is a collaborative knowledge base for the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) movement. Our mission is to crowdsource laws and public opinion data related to LGBTQ+ rights to provide a comprehensive and global view of the LGBTQ+ rights movement. Using community-verified data, Equaldex can automatically score and rank every country and region's Equality Index to measure the progress of LGBTQ+ rights.

Data is contributed, maintained, and community-verified by thousands of volunteer editors, with the help of reports from the general public. Join us!

Planning and development of Equaldex began in December of 2009. Equaldex launched to the public on February 25, 2014.

Equaldex is run by Dan Leveille (danlev on Equaldex) in Los Angeles, California.


Please note: Equaldex does not offer LGBTQ+ support services, legal consultation, asylum or refugee support, or general life advice. Please contact a trusted LGBTQ+ service or professional that specializes in these requests. If you'd like general advice from others, consider joining our Discord community.


Moderators approve and review content, enforce site policies and guidelines, and help manage Equaldex.

Trusted Editors

Trusted Editors have demonstrated consistent quality contributions or dedicated time to improving Equaldex.