In 2020, there were 124 recorded legal changes made affecting LGBT people. In the previous year, there were 165 changes made and 156 in the following year. A total of 690 legal changes have been made so far in the 2020s.
- December 16Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.Romania's Constitutional Court struck down the ban on education of gender identity, which was put into effect a few months prior.
- December 15Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.Although same-sex couples cannot adopt jointly, adoption by individuals is illegal regardless of sexual orientation or partnership status. Stepchild adoption is only available for married (different-sex) couples.
- December 12Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (marriage rights).In July 2020, the first "free union" of a same-sex couple was registered thanks to constitutional resolution 127/2019 issued by the Second Constitutional Chamber of La Paz in which Advisory Opinion OC-24/2017 of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights was applied, via conventionality control. The decision was reviewed by the Plurinational Constitutional Court, which confirmed the revised resolution by issuing the Plurinational Constitutional Sentence SCP0577/2022-S227 of June 2022 and notified in March 2023, which currently allows the registration of free unions between same-sex couples. In July 2023, through Resolution TSE-RSP-ADM No. 0175/2023, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal modified the Regulations on Free Unions so that same-sex couples can legalize their union under the same conditions as heterosexual couples. Free union is a legal institution provided for in Bolivian legislation that recognizes couples who share a common life project based on living together in conditions of stability and uniqueness, and which produce the same effects as civil marriage.
- December 1Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).12 month deferral periods were dropped to 3 months across multiple categories of donor, including MSMs.
- November 20Conversion therapy becomes not banned.Countless jurisdictions in Florida have banned conversion therapy. However all these bans were rendered null on November 20, 2020 when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals voted against Boca Rotan's ordinance and other surrounding municipialities in Palm Beach County as against the first amendment. Several organizations came out against the ruling after. This decision created a circuit split.
- November 10
- October 30LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.The 2020 Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Employment, among other areas.
- LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.The 2020 Law on Prevention and Protection against Discrimination prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Housing, among other areas.
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal.On October 27, 2020, the Parliament of North Macedonia adopted a new Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in all areas.
- October 20Conversion therapy becomes banned.The Congress of the State of Mexico approved a conversion therapy ban by a majority vote. The ban reforms the Penal Code of the State of Mexico to punish those who subject, coerce or force to receive or perform conversion therapies, to change the sexual orientation and gender identity of a person, with three years of prison or 25 to 100 days of community service and 50 to 200 days of fines.
- OctoberLegal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Arizona residents can change their gender marker to an X on their driver's license, provided they can show a government issued ID with the same marker.
- September 4Serving openly in military becomes legal.There has never been a formal ban on the military service of trans people in the Argentine Armed Forces. And in 2021, following decree Law No. 721, military service for trans people began to be encouraged through a system of positive discrimination that began to reserve 1% of all military service vacancies for trans people.
- September 1LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.According to Rule 7(1) of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Sentencing Guidelines) Rules (2019), as adopted by the Commonwealth of Dominica via Statutory Instrument No. 3 (2019), Practice Direction 8E No. 1 (effective from 1 September 2020), Section 5(j) lists murder motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation as one of the exceptionally serious crimes warranting the possibility of life imprisonment for the offender.
- Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.Since September 1, 2020, Transgender individuals will just need “appropriate clinical treatment” to change sex on a birth certificate - under recently passed and signed laws by both the Virginia General Assembly and the Governor of Virginia cutting red tape.
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.Pursuant to rule 7(1) of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court (Sentencing Guidelines) Rules (2019), adopted by Saint Kitts and Nevis under Statutory Rules and Orders No. 26 (2019), Practice Direction 8E No. 1 (effective 1 September 2020) includes under Section 5(j) the crime of murder motivated by the victim’s sexual orientation among the exceptionally serious crimes that could lead to the imposition of life imprisonment for the perpetrator.
- August 26Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.The city of Anchorage is currently the only jurisdiction to ban the practice of conversion therapy in Alaska. The ordinance only bans the practice in the realm of pathologization of minors and only applies in Anchorage. The Anchorage Assembly approved the ban in a vote of 9-2 and had gone through 2 days of hearings on August 26, 2020. State law supersedes local law, the law could be rendered defunct if the will of state legislatures were to be against it. In March 2023, a bill for a statewide ban was being considered. The progress of the bill remains in languish.
- August 24
- August 21LGBT housing discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.In August 2020, the Kansas Human Rights Commission announced that it will investigate and resolve cases alleging discrimination on basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in housing and public accommodations.
- August 13Conversion therapy becomes banned.The Health Leislation Ammendment Act of 2020 modified the Public Health Act of 2005 to make conversion therapy illegal. Penalties are up to 18 months in jail for attempting to change or suppress a person's sexual orientation or gender identity using practices such as aversion therapy, hypnotherapy and psychoanalysis.
- August 10
- August 7
- August 5LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.The Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Act protects against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
- August 1Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.Until 01 August 2020, trans people in Kyrgyzstan had access to legal gender recognition according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On acts of civil status". On 17 June 2020, the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted amendments to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On acts of civil status" . The new version of the law came into effect on August 1, 2020, and starting from this date, trans people in Kyrgyzstan have no access to legal gender recognition.
- July 26Intersex infant surgery becomes full ban.On July 26, 2020, the Ministry of Health published the Medical Protocol for the Assessment of Children with Atypical Genital Development. According to the protocol, surgical interventions will only be permitted in cases when it is required and all interventions should be done according to protocol, and not according to the parent’s wishes.
- July 24Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.Mexico City was the first region within Mexico to ban conversion therapy. Here is a list in chronological order showing every region that has banned the practice: - Mexico City (2020) - State of Mexico (2020) - Oaxaca (2021) - Baja California Sur (2021) - Zacatecas (2021) - Yucatán (2021) - Tlaxcala (2021) - Colima (2021) - Jalisco (2022) - Baja California (2022) - Hidalgo (2022) - Sonora (2022) - Nuevo León (2022) - Puebla (2023) - Querétaro (2023) - Sinaloa (2023) - Morelos (2023) - Quintana Roo (2023) - Guerrero (2024)
- July 23Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Pennsylvania residents are able to change their gender marker to 'X' on state IDs and driver's licenses.
- July 20Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.Starting in July, 2020 the Finnish Health Authority banned gender affirming surgeries for minors and started severely restricting any type of gender-affirming care for minors due to "the uncertainty of providing any irreversible “gender-affirming” interventions for those 25 and under, due to the lack of neurological maturity" among other reasons.
- July 18LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling. Full discrimination protection in state employment. As well as full discrimination protection in city of Charlottesville. Sexual orientation discrimination protection Only in the Alexandria. As well sexual orientation in the county of Arlington.
- July 14Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Maine-born residents can ask for an X gender marker on their birth certificates and IDs.
- JulyGender-affirming care becomes legal, but banned for minors.Article 156 (Sex change) of the Code on Public Health and Healthcare System, states: 1. Persons with gender identity disorders who have reached the age of twenty-one, are capable, except for persons with mental, behavioral disorders (diseases), have the right to change their sex. 2. The procedure for medical examination and sex reassignment for persons with gender identity disorders is determined by the authorized body.
- July 1Same-sex adoption becomes single only.Article 57 of the Act on Civil Status Records specifies in point 1 that an application for adoptive adoption of a child should be submitted to the competent RYNÝ institution through a written application for state registration of the child's adoption, containing the decision of the voivode or a final court decision on the adoption of the child. Such an application may be submitted by an individual or a heterosexual couple.
- Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Hawaii residents can self-identify as non-binary on official forms and ask for an X gender marker on state IDs.
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed into law sweeping legislation in most counties that not only protects the rights of lgbtq Virginians in employment and accommodations but also expands the ability of plaintiffs to sue in Virginia state court.
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.Since 2020, an amendment to Article 261 bis of the Criminal Code (1937) penalises discrimination based on "sexual orientation" in the provision of goods and services. Article 261 bis of the Criminal Code was amended to include “sexual orientation” in the provision that criminalises public denigration, discrimination, or incitement to those actions, as well as the public dissemination of ideologies that aim to systematically denigrate or defame members of a protected group.
- JulyHomosexual activity becomes illegal (up to life in prison as punishment).5 years in prison for the first offense. Third time offenders are punishable by life in prison.
- July 1
- June 29Serving openly in military becomes lesbians, gays, bisexuals permitted, transgender people banned.Serving openly in the military is legal for LGB people, but Transgenders are yet to achieve this. Not a single African country including this one allows trans military service
- Equal age of consent becomes unequal.According to Article 257(4) states that "Any indecent or unnatural act against an individual of the same sex and under eighteen years of age constitutes a violation of morality." Article 256, paragraph 1 states that: Any act of sexual penetration of any kind committed against the person of another, with violence, coercion, threat, surprise or deception, shall constitute rape, regardless of the nature of the relationship between the aggressor and his victim, even if they are married. If the victim is under fifteen years of age, the absence of consent shall always be presumed. Age of consent is unequal as the age of consent for homosexuality is 18 since 2020. Previously was at 21.
- June 24Conversion therapy becomes banned.The Law for the Protection Against Conversion Treatments (KonvBehSchG) bans providing, arranging and advertising conversion therapy. Conducting conversion therapy on minors, or persons of legal age is those whose consent was obtained without their volition, is also explicitly banned. Providing, arranging or advertising conversion therapy is punishable by a fine up to €30,000. Carrying out conversion therapy on a minor, or an adult whose consent was obtained without their volition, is punishable by up to a year of imprisonment or a fine.
- June 18Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.In 2020, the West Virginia Supreme Court ruled to not issue revised birth certificates anymore, but simply cross out the old gender marker and write the new one under it. This makes transgender people easily identifiable. While laws do not require surgery, an affidavit from a physician is required to be submitted to the Department of Health and Human Resources for gender recognition.
- June 17Censorship of LGBT issues becomes state-enforced.Romania's Parliament passed a bill that bans the study of gender identity in education.
- June 15LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally under a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.Protected federally by a Supreme Court ruling.
- LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation and gender identity.As of June 15th, 2020 the Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that discrimination in employment based on sexual orientation or gender identity is illegal under Title VII the Civil Rights Act of 1964, classified as sex discrimination. As of June 15, 2020, all persons working for employers that employ more than 15 people are protected from discrimination based solely on the grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity via the Supreme Court's landmark decision in Bostock v. Clayton County.
- LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.LGBTQ Discrimination rights for employment are protected federally under Supreme court rulling in 2020, however states still are obligated to their own laws. Meaning states can still pass protection laws or not. Arkansas has no known protections.
- June 12Same-sex marriage becomes unregistered cohabitation.The Uttarakhand High Court acknowledged that cohabitation and "live-in relationships" are protected by law.
- JuneGender-affirming care becomes legal.There are no government restrictions placed on gender-affirming care and government guidelines for public health institutions endorse medical intervention with transgender youth. However availability proves a problem in many areas.
- June 1Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).1-year deferral reduced to a 3-month deferral in line with other UK regions (at the time).
- Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.3 cities currently ban conversion therapy in Kansas. Roeland Park which passed a ordinance in June of 2020 uanimously, Lawrence in April 2021 unanimously and Prairie Village in October 2021 by a vote of 11-1. Lawrence's ban does not apply to clergy and Prairie Village's only applies to minors with fines of up to a 1000$ for licensed practitioners who recommend the practice. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. No ban had been considered by state legislatures as of January 2025.
- May 28LGBT employment discrimination becomes sexual orientation only.The only protection against discrimination in Employment in this period existed in the Labour Law.
- LGBT housing discrimination becomes no protections.On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer protected in Housing.
- LGBT discrimination becomes illegal in some contexts.On 14 May 2020, Constitutional Court of North Macedonia repealed the Law on Prevention and Protection from Discrimination on procedural grounds, meaning that LGBT people were no longer (explicitly) protected group. The only protection existed in laws that prohibited discrimination in certain areas of life and mentioned sexual orientation or gender identity as a basis.
- Right to change legal gender becomes illegal.On International Transgender Day of Visibility 2020 Hungary's parliament submitted a bill to amend the definition of sex to match sex at birth, making it impossible for individuals to change their legal gender. On January 31st 2023, the Constitutional Court of Hungary issued a ruling that will continue to block new applications from transgender people for legal gender recognition.
- May 26Same-sex adoption becomes legal.Adoption was legalized for gay couples when gay marriage became legal. Single individuals (whether gay or straight) have been allowed to adopt equally before then.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Same-sex marriage in Costa Rica has been legal since May 26, 2020 as a result of a ruling by the Supreme Court of Justice. Costa Rica was the first country in Central America to recognize and perform same-sex marriages.
- May 16Conversion therapy becomes banned.Albania's order of psychologists has banned so-called "conversion therapy". To legally practice as a therapist in Albania you must be a member of and follow the rules of Albania's order of psychologists.
- May 10
- May 8
- May 1
- April 28
- April 22Conversion therapy becomes varies by region.Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology declining to establish a ban, with the Iowa Board of Psychology stating it was out of their realm to challenge. The Iowa Board of Psychology did state it would process complaints if licensed psychologists warranted an investigation of some kind with concerns of conversion therapy being recommended. It is unknown if these complaints are processed adequately. Davenport became the first city in Iowa to ban conversion therapy by minors with a vote 82 by the Davenport City Council. The Linn County Board of Supervisors also passed a ban affecting the scope of it's unincorporated areas. Some cities such as Des Moines Iowa repealed their bans after challenges by Christian organizations. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. In 2024, a bill prohibiting local jurisdictions from passing their own conversion therapy bans was pending in the Senate.
- April 17Same-sex adoption becomes illegal.Current Adoption Laws (Law No. 6486/Law No. 1136) do not explicitly prohibit single people from adopting regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. However, Paraguay has declared itself a "Pro-Family and Pro-Life" country and they do not allow and ignore adoptions requested by LGBTQIAP+ people.
- April 12Same-sex marriage becomes civil unions (limited rights).Civil unions with limited rights, the law is inspired by the French model of PACS. Same sex couple now have inheritance, health rights and some tax rights, but their tax are not equal to married couples
- April 2Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).The FDA announced changes to the blood donor eligibility policy in April 2020, reducing the MSM deferral period from 12 months to 3 months. The change came amid the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, where blood was needed urgently.
- March 31Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.There is now an option to have “X” written for the gender mark on your license.
- March 16Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.Since 2020, all criteria that was previously mandatory has become optional, and the court will request them on a case-by-case basis. First approved legal case of FTM gender recognition without sterilization occured in 2021, and for MTF in 2023. Despite this, most judges still view the surgery as a prerequisite, and thus those seeking LGR often move to district with lax requirements. In 2024 Cheongju District Court has suggested a new criteria "based on subjective experiences of gender and gender identity, fitness to the identifying gender role, medical criteria and external presentation (not necessarily sterilization), and impression by a 3rd party."
- March 11Censorship of LGBT issues becomes no censorship.The U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina entered a consent decree that declares South Carolina’s 1988 discriminatory anti-LGBTQ curriculum law unconstitutional and bars its enforcement.
- March 3Conversion therapy becomes banned.Virginia becomes first southern state to ban gay conversion therapy.
- March
- Blood donations by MSMs becomes banned (less than 6-month deferral).A four month deferral is in place following Denmark's decision.
- February 11Right to change legal gender becomes legal, but requires medical diagnosis.Law was changed to allow trans people to apply through the Family Court under section 28 of the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationship Registration Act 1995. Currently through the Family Court, you are required to provide 'supporting evidence' of some form of medical treatment, which does not have to be surgery but may be.
- January 27Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Connecticut residents can select an X for their gender marker on IDs and driver's licenses.
- January 21Conversion therapy becomes banned.Utah is the 19th U.S State to ban conversion therapy.
- January 13Same-sex marriage becomes legal.On 2 November 2015, the Northern Ireland Assembly voted 53–52 in favour of same-sex marriage. However, the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) tabled a "petition of concern", signed by 32 members, and prevented the motion from coming into effect. Following a scandal, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness resigned in protest on 9 January 2017 and his party, Sinn Féin, refused to nominate a successor, triggering a snap election. In the 2017 Northern Ireland Assembly election, the DUP lost 10 of their seats in the Assembly and thus their ability to use the petition of concern mechanism. However, no party reached a large-enough majority to form a government and thus no singular government could be formed. Sinn Féin also refused to return to a power-sharing agreement with the DUP. The Northern Ireland Assembly missed its three week deadline to establish a new Executive, which led to then-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, James Brokenshire, giving them an extension. After several missed deadlines, the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019 was passed and given royal assent by Queen Elizabeth II on 24 July 2019. It extended the deadline for forming a government to 13 January 2020, and required then-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Julian Smith, to pass new laws to legalise same-sex marriage. These new laws came into effect on 13 January 2020, officially bringing Northern Ireland in line with England, Scotland and Wales. Since 13 January 2020, same-sex marriage has officially been legal in the entire United Kingdom.
- Same-sex marriage becomes legal.Northern Ireland (Executive Formation etc) Act 2019
- January 9Gender-affirming care becomes legal.Since 2020, people above the age of 16 can have access to HRT through the Brazilian public healthcare system, with parental authorization being required for those who are under 18. Sex reassignment surgeries are also granted for trans people above 18 years old.
- (date unknown)LGBT housing discrimination becomes gender identity only.The Comprehensive Law on the Recognition and Historical Reparation of the Rights of Transgender People (2020) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression.
- January 1Gender-affirming care becomes legal.Puerto Rico in 2020 stated to the Washington blade that they have added gender affirming care to Medicaid. It is unknown for minors if they can receive gender affirming care or not.
- Censorship of LGBT issues becomes imprisonment as punishment.In 2020, the Ministry of Health endorsed a plan to establish legal consequences, both administrative and criminal, for spreading information that undermines the institution of family and marriage. In April of 2024, Belarus broadened its definition of pornography to encompass portrayals of "non-traditional sexual relations and/or sexual behavior," thereby making the advocacy of homosexuality subject to imprisonment for up to four years.
- Gender-affirming care becomes legal, but restricted for minors.Despite no concrete laws targeting gender affirming care, due to other anti-LGBT laws, the limited availability of gender affirming care for minors, a complete ban on surgeries for minors and generally conservative attitudes it is restricted for minors.
- (date unknown)Gender-affirming care becomes legal.There are no laws prohibiting gender affirming care or banning it in the state of Connecticut. However, HUSKY their low income insurance now requires 3 letters of recommendation for Gender Affirming Care as of 2022. Connecticut DSS requires all under age people to have gender incongruence is marked and sustained over time. As well as many more restrictions that are related to gender affirming care.
- JanuaryLegal recognition of non-binary gender becomes not legally recognized.Indiana no longer allows X gender markers on official IDs.
- January 1Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.Rule 5 CCR 1006-1 states that Colorado citizens can update their birth certificate and driver’s license to include their correct gender information.
- Legal recognition of non-binary gender becomes recognized.Jude’s Law lets a person who does not identify as male or female to check an ‘X’ box on a Colorado issued driver’s license or identification. This law also allows for a new birth certificate with the correct information to be issued to the individual.
- Censorship of LGBT issues becomes ambiguous.While there is legislation in Hungary that calls for LGBTQ+ censorship in schools, it’s unenforced and Ignored by the Hungarian Populace. No one has been fined from this lore as of now
- January
- (date unknown)Right to change legal gender becomes legal, no restrictions.In 2020, Nuevo Leon provided legal gender recognition on the basis of self-identification. This is also provided for minors.
- January 1LGBT housing discrimination becomes gender identity only.For housing discrimination laws, there are only discrimination protections for a persons gender identity.
- JanuaryLGBT employment discrimination becomes gender identity only.In India, there is only protections in employment for gender identity.
LGBT Organizations Founded in 2020
Rainbow Bhutan
Rainbow Seniors
Communication with public and private bodies with the ultimate goal of creating a network of solidarity and support of the LGBTQI + community that will respond to the needs of…Faros
The project aims to strengthen protection, monitoring and prevention mechanisms as well as combat hate crimes and homophobic, biphobic and transphobic discrimination and violence…Spectrum Center
Spectrum’s mission is to create a safe, intersectional, intergenerational, LGBTQIA2S+ community gathering space that celebrates a resilient, healthy community through social…Western Equality Zone Foundation
SERVICES WEZ provide a safe place where the LGBT community members can be themselves, have fun, meet new people, make new friends and partake in all activities. We render…Centre T
Helping transgender people in Russia: psychological support, therapy groups and tea parties as well as training for practitionersTrans Aid Cymru
Trans Aid Cymru is a mutual aid network supporting trans, intersex, and nonbinary people across Wales.Velvele
Velvele started on February 15, 2020 as the personal blog of one immigrant queer person trying to make sense of his life. Right after its founding, in the COVID pandemic’s…