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In Burkina Faso, public opinion suggests an alarming lack of acceptance for LGBTQ+ rights, raising serious questions about safety and inclusion.

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Homosexual activity in Burkina Faso


Homosexual activity in Burkina Faso is legal.

Current status
Homosexuality has always been legal in Burkina Faso. December 13, 1996 is the date of publication of the current penal code.
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Same-sex marriage in Burkina Faso


Same-sex marriage in Burkina Faso is banned.

Current status
Since Jun 11, 1991
Marriage in Burkina Faso is defined as between a man and a woman. Article 23 of the country's constitution of 1991 states: "Marriage is founded on the free consent of the man and of the woman. All discrimination founded on race, colour, religion, ethnicity, caste, social origin, or fortune is forbidden in the matter of marriage."

Censorship of LGBT issues in Burkina Faso


Censorship of LGBT issues in Burkina Faso is state-enforced.

Current status
Since Aug 24, 2023
In August 2023, the Superior Council of Communication (CSC) adopted a decision that restricts the broadcast of LGBT related content. This decision prohibits television channels from airing content "promoting homosexuality" and bans any content or scenes of a "homosexual character" on channels targeted at children and young audiences.
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Right to change legal gender in Burkina Faso


Right to change legal gender in Burkina Faso is illegal.

Current status
Being transgender in Burkina Faso is dangerous and there are no laws in place to legally change one’s gender. As a result, trans people whose gender expression did not match their gender identity on government documents risk arrest for identity theft.

Gender-affirming care in Burkina Faso


Gender-affirming care in Burkina Faso is banned.

Current status
Gender affirming care is subject to no regulations in Burkina Faso and access is impossible, forcing many trans people to self-medicate.

Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Burkina Faso


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Burkina Faso is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
No legal recognition.
No laws, thus no source.
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LGBT discrimination in Burkina Faso


LGBT discrimination in Burkina Faso is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no explicit legal protections that protect LGBT people from discrimination.

Law No. 001-2021/AN on the Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of Personal Data protects a person's sexual life as sensitive and personal data. (Articles 5, 12 and 30).
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LGBT employment discrimination in Burkina Faso


LGBT employment discrimination in Burkina Faso is no protections.

Current status
No protections
Law 28-2008/AN on the Labor Code in Burkina Faso does not protect LGBT people from discrimination.
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LGBT housing discrimination in Burkina Faso


LGBT housing discrimination in Burkina Faso is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no legal protections.
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Same-sex adoption in Burkina Faso


Same-sex adoption in Burkina Faso is unknown.

Current status

Intersex infant surgery in Burkina Faso


Intersex infant surgery in Burkina Faso is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There is no ban on surgeries performed on intersex infants in Burkina Faso.
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Serving openly in military in Burkina Faso


Serving openly in military in Burkina Faso is ambiguous.

Current status
Legal provisions relating to military recruitment do not exclude LGBT people from serving. Nevertheless, there are no inclusion measures for LGBT people.

Blood donations by MSMs in Burkina Faso


Blood donations by MSMs in Burkina Faso is ambiguous.

Current status
There is no official information on the requirements for donating blood.
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Conversion therapy in Burkina Faso


Conversion therapy in Burkina Faso is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
According to the ILGA, there's no ban on conversion therapy.
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Equal age of consent in Burkina Faso


Equal age of consent in Burkina Faso is unknown.

Current status