LGBT Rights in Aceh
Autonomous Province

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Homosexual activity in Aceh


Homosexual activity in Aceh is illegal (imprisonment as punishment).

Current status
Since Oct 23, 2015
Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)
Same-sex activity, along with adultery, is punishable by up to 100 lashes or 8 years in prison. Sharia law is enforced.
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Same-sex marriage in Aceh


Same-sex marriage in Aceh is banned.

Current status
Banned under federal Indonesia law
There is no legal recognition of same-sex unions in Indonesia. Article 1 of the Law No. 1 of the Year 1974 on Marriage states unequivocally that marriage is "a physical and spiritual bond between a man and a woman as husband and wife, having the purpose of establishing a happy and lasting family founded on the Belief in God Almighty".[1] Moreover, Article 2 states that a marriage is only lawful if it is in accordance with the laws of the religions of the respective parties. Meanwhile, Indonesians who have entered into same-sex marriage abroad are not allowed to register their marriage in Indonesia due to Article 1 of the Marriage Act.[2] Additionally, Article 34(1) of the Law No. 23 of the Year 2006 on Civil Administration obliges all marriages to be reported to the local authorities within 60 days after marriage, and the explanation of Article 34(1) states that "marriage" can only be performed by a man and a woman
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Current status
Since Homosexuality is illegal in this region same-sex marriage is automatically banned.
Homosexuality is illegal
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Censorship of LGBT issues in Aceh


Censorship of LGBT issues in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Right to change legal gender in Aceh


Right to change legal gender in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Gender-affirming care in Aceh


Gender-affirming care in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Aceh


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

LGBT discrimination in Aceh


LGBT discrimination in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

LGBT employment discrimination in Aceh


LGBT employment discrimination in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

LGBT housing discrimination in Aceh


LGBT housing discrimination in Aceh is no protections.

Current status
No protections under federal Indonesia law
There are no known protections.
The country in general is very hostile with LGBT community.

Same-sex adoption in Aceh


Same-sex adoption in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Intersex infant surgery in Aceh


Intersex infant surgery in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Serving openly in military in Aceh


Serving openly in military in Aceh is illegal.

Current status
Illegal under federal Indonesia law
According to ILGA "In 2021, the Supreme Court affirmed that it was legal for police forces to dismiss gay staff after an officer was fired for his "sexual orientation" by the Central Java Police in 2018 and attempted to appeal. Further, armed forces personnel are subject to dismissal or jail if found guilty of same-sex conduct per TNI telegrams ST/398/2009 and ST/1648/2019, which have been applied in numerous reported military court cases."

Under the ST/398/2009 telegram letter of the Indonesian Military, it is illegal for gays and lesbians to have same-sex acts with the same gender. The Indonesian Military aggressively hunts, cracks down, imprison, and dishonorably discharges LGBTQIA+ identifying members of the Indonesian Military. Numerous people inside the Military were imprisoned if vigilantes caught Military members having private, consensual, gay sex.

The former Commander of the National Armed Forces of Indonesia, Andika Perkasa stated there are no laws banning LGBT people to serve in Indonesian Military. However, he realized that the Indonesian military doesn’t allow “indecent sexual acts” to happen in the military.

Blood donations by MSMs in Aceh


Blood donations by MSMs in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Conversion therapy in Aceh


Conversion therapy in Aceh is unknown.

Current status

Equal age of consent in Aceh


Equal age of consent in Aceh is unknown.

Current status