1820s in LGBT Rights

Number of LGBT-related laws changed over time
  • January
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (death penalty as punishment).
    In 1830, in the case of State v. Cawood, the same court ruled that Congresses common law applied to Alabama. In 1833, a new code specifically adopted common-law crimes.
  • January 1
    Homosexual activity becomes illegal (imprisonment as punishment).
    2-14 years in prison. Not enforced.
  • (date unknown)
    LGBT discrimination becomes no protections.
    As homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia, there are no protections for LGBTQ+ community
  • Same-sex adoption becomes single only.
    Date reflects beginning of British colonization of Malaysia. Homosexuality is illegal in Malaysia.
  • Same-sex marriage becomes banned.
    Homosexual activity in Malaysia is illegal.
  • December
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    In 1822, Alabama's Supreme Court ruled in the case of Coburn v. Harwood that sodomy was not an indictable offense in Alabama under the common law.
  • January 1
    Homosexual activity becomes legal.
    The 1822 Criminal Code of the Dominican Republic did not criminalise same sex activity between consenting adults in private. The Criminal Code was updated in 2007 but did not change this.