danlev Admin

Founder of Equaldex. Product Marketing Manager at deviantART. LGBT activist. Developer. Designer. Internet lover.
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danlev edited an entry in Sri Lanka.
"Adding quotes to make it clear the whole thing is a quote"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from 2022 to (none).
There is limited protection based on sexual orientation. The Personal Data Protection Act, No. 9 of 2022, states: "'special categories of personal data' means, the personal data…
danlev edited an entry in Ohio.
"Final Discord test "
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
danlev created an entry in Germany.
Homosexual activity: Male illegal, female legal from May 9, 1945 to Aug 31, 1969.
After World War II, the Nazi-era version of Section 175 remained in force in both East and West Germany. Punishments included imprisonment, however, the death penalty was no longer applied.
danlev edited an entry in Germany.
"Adjusting -- on May 8, the Nazi regime effectively ended. Enforcement of law."
Homosexual activity: Illegal (death penalty as punishment) from Sep 1, 1935 to May 8, 1945.
Section 175 of the Criminal Code was amended during Nazi rule to create harsher penalties for homosexual behavior between men. Imprisonment was to range from three months to ten years in prison.…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Jun 13, 2019 to (none).
When renting a property, the owner cannot refuse a tenant on the basis of ethnicity, religion, social status or sexual orientation or any social group someone belongs to. It is written in the…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
LGBT housing discrimination: No protections from Oct 5, 1988 to Jun 12, 2019.
Although the Brazilian constitution of 1988 prohibits any form of discrimination, it was not until 2019 that homosexuals and trans people were definitively recognized as one of these groups.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Mar 1, 2018 to (none).
In March 2018, the Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that transgender people have the right to change name and sex on their birth certificate without the need of sexual reassignment surgery or doctor…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from Nov 1, 2003 to Mar 1, 2018.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Oops, varies shouldn't be federal."
Same-sex marriage: Varies by Region from Mar 4, 2004 to May 5, 2011.
On March 4th, 2004, a panel of judges in Rio Grande Do Sul gave the green light to gay and lesbian civil unions. The ruling gave same-sex couples broad rights in areas like inheritance, child…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries, removing Google highlight"
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Jan 2015 to (none).
Same sex couples adoptions are legal nationwide in Brazil since March 2015 by Supreme Federal Court recognition.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Serving openly in military: Legal from Jan 2013 to (none).
After Supreme Federal Court recognition, LGBT people can serve openly in military in Brazil. People who are legally male at the age of 18 are obligated to serve, including trans men who have…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Serving openly in military: Ambiguous from Jan 1969 to Jan 2013.
There has never been any specific law banning homosexuals from serving in the army. However, Article 235 of 1969 of the Military Penal Code, which prohibits the "practice of a libidinous act…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Blood donations by MSMs: Legal from May 8, 2020 to (none).
The Supreme Court has ruled that the blood donation ban is unconstitutional in May of 2020.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Intersex infant surgery: Full ban from Jul 6, 2023 to (none).
During the National Health Conference on July 6th, 2023, the Brazilian Congress approved legislation that banned unnecessary surgeries on intersex toddlers.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (1-year deferral) from 1993 to May 8, 2020.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Date somehow reverted to Jan "
Conversion therapy: Not banned from Sep 19, 2017 to Dec 2017.
In September 2017, a federal judge in Brasília approved the use of conversion therapy by a psychologist to “cure” people of homosexuality, overruling the 1999 decision.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Conversion therapy: Banned from Jan 2018 to (none).
In January 2018, the Federal Psychology Council established norms of performance for psychologists in relation to transsexual and transvestite people, also banning any conversion therapy.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Conversion therapy: Sexual orientation only from Dec 1, 2017 to Jan 1, 2018.
The same judge changed his decision, keeping the “treatment” banned.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Conversion therapy: Not banned from Sep 19, 2017 to Jan 2017.
In September 2017, a federal judge in Brasília approved the use of conversion therapy by a psychologist to “cure” people of homosexuality, overruling the 1999 decision.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Conversion therapy: Sexual orientation only from Mar 22, 1999 to Sep 19, 2017.
On March 22, 1999, Brazil became the first country to ban gay conversion therapy. The Federal Council of Psychology enacted Resolution CFP No. 001/99, which explicitly states that "homosexuality…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Equal age of consent: Equal from Dec 7, 1940 to (none).
According with the Brazilian Penal Code of 1940, the age of consent about sexual intercourse between two or more people is the same for heterosexual and homosexual couples, 14 years old for the…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Same-sex marriage: Legal from May 16, 2013 to (none).
Following a resolution by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), any same-sex union can be converted into a marriage. It was approved on May 14 and came into force on May 16. Brazil was the second…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Same-sex marriage: Civil unions (marriage rights) from May 5, 2011 to May 15, 2013.
Although the first formal legal recognition of a civil union took place in 2004 (See first source), the Supreme Court did not rule in favor of civil unions throughout the country until May 5, 2011.
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Same-sex marriage: Varies by Region from Mar 4, 2004 to May 5, 2011.
On March 4th, 2004, a panel of judges in Rio Grande Do Sul gave the green light to gay and lesbian civil unions. The ruling gave same-sex couples broad rights in areas like inheritance, child…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Censorship of LGBT issues: No censorship from Oct 5, 1988 to (none).
Laws enforcing any kind of censorship in Brazil are explicitly against the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, that severely punishes it. Every time a State Congress tries to introduce a bill like this…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Censorship of LGBT issues: State-enforced from (unknown) to Oct 5, 1988.
on March 31, 1964, a coup d'état took place that implemented a military dictatorship in Brazil, the military regime was rigid and conservative, and this led to persecution by the military…
danlev edited an entry in Brazil.
"Applying federal law to Brazil entries"
Homosexual activity: Legal from Dec 16, 1830 to (none).
Shortly after Brazil gained independence from Portugal, in 1830, the Imperial Penal Code decriminalized sodomy. Brazil's 1988 Constitution further strengthened affirmative protections by…
danlev deleted an entry in China.
"Wikipedia is not a source"
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: from Feb 21, 2025 to Feb 21, 2025.
danlev edited an entry in Thailand.
"Adding more details -- could use additional sources."
Conversion therapy: Not banned from (unknown) to (none).
In Thailand, conversion therapy is not banned, and there are reports of involuntary and coercive practices targeting LGBTQI+ individuals. According to a 2022 Human Rights report by the United States…
danlev edited an entry in Thailand.
"Adding extra source (other site is broken but has been long-running so might be temporarily down)"
Equal age of consent: Equal from 1997 to (none).
The age of consent in Thailand is 15 regardless of gender or sexual orientation.