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PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Baja California Sur.
"marriage entry for baja california sur"
Same-sex marriage: Legal from Jun 29, 2019 to (none).
On the 27th of June 2019, the state congress approved a same-sex marriage law in a 14-5 law with one absentation. The law was able to be passed after the National Regeneration Movement and…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Baja California Sur.
"Formalizing entry better with more sources"
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from Mar 20, 2024 to (none).
Adoption is currently illegal in Baja California Sur. Initially, a bill had passed the congress that legalized the recognition of homoparental adoptions in November 15th 2022. The second transitory…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Missouri.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Oct 7, 2019 to (none).
Several jurisdictions in Missouri have banned conversion therapy, with the first city being Columbia on October 7, 2019. Kansas City, St. Louis, North Kansas City, and Independence are cities that…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in North Carolina.
"This only prohibits the use of state funds"
Conversion therapy: Not banned from Aug 2, 2019 to (none).
On August 2, 2019, North Carolina governor signed an executive order to prohibit the use of state funds for conversion therapy on minors with the aim of changing their sexual orientation or gender…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Florida.
"Updated to show Circuit court of appeals ruling"
Conversion therapy: Not banned from Nov 20, 2020 to (none).
Countless jurisdictions in Florida have banned conversion therapy. However all these bans were rendered null on November 20, 2020 when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals voted against Boca…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Ohio.
"showing date the first conversion therapy took effect"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Dec 9, 2015 to (none).
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in West Virginia.
"including trans conversion therapy mandate pending bill"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Aug 2, 2021 to (none).
Charleston, the capital of West Virgina became the first city to ban conversion therapy on August 2nd 2021. Morgantown quickly followed in October 2021. State law supersedes local laws and the…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in West Virginia.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Aug 2, 2021 to (none).
Charleston, the capital of West Virgina became the first city to ban conversion therapy on August 2nd 2021. Morgantown quickly followed in October 2021. State law supersedes local laws and the…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Kansas.
"Correcting status real quick"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 1, 2020 to (none).
3 cities currently ban conversion therapy in Kansas. Roeland Park which passed a ordinance in June of 2020 uanimously, Lawrence in April 2021 unanimously and Prairie Village in October 2021 by a…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Alaska.
"Correcting status real quick"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Aug 26, 2020 to (none).
The city of Anchorage is currently the only jurisdiction to ban the practice of conversion therapy in Alaska. The ordinance only bans the practice in the realm of pathologization of minors and only…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Ohio.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Indiana.
"Updated to show the bill that affected the scope of local laws by the state legislatures and signing."
Conversion therapy: Not banned from May 3, 2023 to (none).
The Governor of Indiana signed a bill into law in May 2023 that prohibited local jurisdictions of enacting their own ordinances against the practice of conversion therapy effectively keeping the…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Wisconsin.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 1, 2021 to (none).
An extensive list of jurisdictions passing ordinances and measures which prohibit the practice of conversion therapy have passed in Wisconsin. In brief this list includes the 14 communities of:…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Arizona.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Aug 1, 2017 to (none).
Pima County is currently the only jurisdiction to ban conversion therapy in Arizona. The Pima County Board of Supervisors passed the measure in a 3-2 vote with offenders being fined up to 2,500…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Iowa.
"More sources added to show board of psychology history"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Apr 22, 2020 to (none).
Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Iowa.
"Forgot to change status to Varies by Region"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Apr 22, 2020 to (none).
Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Iowa.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Apr 22, 2020 to (none).
Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Nebraska.
"Putting the varies by region status"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Feb 22, 2021 to (none).
Lincoln is concurrently the only jurisdiction to ban conversion therapy in Nebraska. The city council approved the measure on February 22, 2021 via a 5-1 vote. The functions of the measure only…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Nebraska.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Feb 22, 2021 to (none).
Lincoln is concurrently the only jurisdiction to ban conversion therapy in Nebraska. The city council approved the measure on February 22, 2021 via a 5-1 vote. The functions of the measure only…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Kansas.
"Forgot to add date for this entry first time"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 1, 2020 to (none).
3 cities currently ban conversion therapy in Kansas. Roeland Park which passed a ordinance in June of 2020 uanimously, Lawrence in April 2021 unanimously and Prairie Village in October 2021 by a…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Kansas.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
3 cities currently ban conversion therapy in Kansas. Roeland Park which passed a ordinance in June of 2020 uanimously, Lawrence in April 2021 unanimously and Prairie Village in October 2021 by a…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Alaska.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Aug 26, 2020 to (none).
The city of Anchorage is currently the only jurisdiction to ban the practice of conversion therapy in Alaska. The ordinance only bans the practice in the realm of pathologization of minors and only…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in South Carolina.
"Spelt city name wrong lol"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 15, 2021 to (none).
Columbia, SC is the capital city and second most populous city of South Carolina. It is currently the only region to establish a ordinance against the practice of conversion therapy within South…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in South Carolina.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 15, 2021 to (none).
Colombia, SC is the capital city and second most populous city of South Carolina. It is currently the only region to establish a ordinance against the practice of conversion therapy within South…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Oklahoma.
"Updated to show the local laws that are available"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Jun 10, 2021 to (none).
Norman, Oklahoma is the third most populous city in Oklahoma. Concurrently, it is the only region to ban conversion therapy through an ordinance. The Norman City Council voted on Jun 29 2021…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in United States.
"There is still non-binary recognition on the state level and the efficacy of this order is still to be determined."
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Varies by Region from Jan 20, 2025 to (none).
In his first hours in office, Donald Trump signed an executive order directing the federal government to only recognize two sexes: "Male" and "Female", and to direct federal agencies…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Switzerland.
"current 2 cantons with converision therapy bans"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from May 2024 to (none).
On May 2, 2023 Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024. Neuchâtel and Valais are cantons of…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Switzerland.
"changing date since another canton added conversion therapy ban"
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from May 2, 2023 to May 16, 2024.
On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains…
PersianArchitecture created an entry in Switzerland.
Conversion therapy: Varies by Region from Apr 2023 to May 1, 2023.
On May 2, 2023 Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Valais Canton banned conversion therapy through the Cantonal parliament on the 16th of May 2024. Neuchâtel and Valais are cantons of…
PersianArchitecture edited an entry in Namibia.
"Still unequal in Namibia at this time"
Equal age of consent: Unequal from May 17, 2024 to (none).
Windhoek High Court judges Nate Ndauendapo, Shafimana Ueitele and Claudia Claasen will decide whether or not to keep the country's anti-sodomy law in place on May 17, 2024.