Entry #1482: Conversion therapy in Iowa

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateApr 22, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionSince 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology declining to establish a ban, with the Iowa Board of Psychology stating it was out of their realm to challenge. The Iowa Board of Psychology did state it would process complaints if licensed psychologists warranted an investigation of some kind with concerns of conversion therapy being recommended. It is unknown if these complaints are processed adequately.

Davenport became the first city in Iowa to ban conversion therapy by minors with a vote 82 by the Davenport City Council.

The Linn County Board of Supervisors also passed a ban affecting the scope of it's unincorporated areas.

Some cities such as Des Moines Iowa repealed their bans after challenges by Christian organizations.

State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.

In 2024, a bill prohibiting local jurisdictions from passing their own conversion therapy bans was pending in the Senate.

Revision History (5)

edited by PersianArchitecture. More sources added to show board of psychology history

Old Value New Value (Current)
Show Difference
https://www.wqad.com/article/news/davenport-becomes-first-iowa-city-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy/526-82b83272-ff64-40a1-92cd-cfe5c76db615 https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2022/06/15/linn-county-iowa-bans-conversion-therapy-lgbtq-youth/7616106001/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/in-iowa-and-elsewhere-bans-on-widely-discredited-conversion-therapy-become-a-conservative-target https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/17/iowa-legislature-bill-proposes-halt-on-local-lgbtq-gay-conversion-therapy-bans/72255479007/ https://legiscan.com/IA/bill/SF334/2015 https://who13.com/news/iowa-board-of-psychology-votes-down-proposal-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy/ https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/08/iowa-state-board-explains-vote-banning-conversion-therapy/ https://www.wqad.com/article/news/davenport-becomes-first-iowa-city-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy/526-82b83272-ff64-40a1-92cd-cfe5c76db615 https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2022/06/15/linn-county-iowa-bans-conversion-therapy-lgbtq-youth/7616106001/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/in-iowa-and-elsewhere-bans-on-widely-discredited-conversion-therapy-become-a-conservative-target https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/17/iowa-legislature-bill-proposes-halt-on-local-lgbtq-gay-conversion-therapy-bans/72255479007/

edited by PersianArchitecture. Forgot to change status to Varies by Region

Old Value New Value
ValueNot banned(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot bannedVaries by Region

edited by PersianArchitecture. Updated to show the local laws that are available

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Apr 22, 2020
DescriptionConversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options.Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology declining to establish a ban, with the Iowa Board of Psychology stating it was out of their realm to challenge. The Iowa Board of Psychology did state it would process complaints if licensed psychologists warranted an investigation of some kind with concerns of conversion therapy being recommended. It is unknown if these complaints are processed adequately.

Davenport became the first city in Iowa to ban conversion therapy by minors with a vote 82 by the Davenport City Council.

The Linn County Board of Supervisors also passed a ban affecting the scope of it's unincorporated areas.

Some cities such as Des Moines Iowa repealed their bans after challenges by Christian organizations.

State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.

In 2024, a bill prohibiting local jurisdictions from passing their own conversion therapy bans was pending in the Senate.
Show Difference
Conversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options. Since 2015, several attempts have been made to ban the practice of conversion therapy statewide in Iowa. All efforts had failed with even the Iowa Board of Medicine and Iowa Board of Psychology declining to establish a ban, with the Iowa Board of Psychology stating it was out of their realm to challenge. The Iowa Board of Psychology did state it would process complaints if licensed psychologists warranted an investigation of some kind with concerns of conversion therapy being recommended. It is unknown if these complaints are processed adequately. Davenport became the first city in Iowa to ban conversion therapy by minors with a vote 82 by the Davenport City Council. The Linn County Board of Supervisors also passed a ban affecting the scope of it's unincorporated areas. Some cities such as Des Moines Iowa repealed their bans after challenges by Christian organizations. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. In 2024, a bill prohibiting local jurisdictions from passing their own conversion therapy bans was pending in the Senate.


Show Difference
http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-laws-legislation-by-state/ http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-the-facts-about-conversion-therapy/ http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy https://www.wqad.com/article/news/davenport-becomes-first-iowa-city-to-ban-gay-conversion-therapy/526-82b83272-ff64-40a1-92cd-cfe5c76db615 https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2022/06/15/linn-county-iowa-bans-conversion-therapy-lgbtq-youth/7616106001/ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/in-iowa-and-elsewhere-bans-on-widely-discredited-conversion-therapy-become-a-conservative-target https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2024/01/17/iowa-legislature-bill-proposes-halt-on-local-lgbtq-gay-conversion-therapy-bans/72255479007/

edited by maddyksf

Old Value (Original) New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not banned
Special StatusAmbiguousNot banned

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionConversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options.
Sourceshttp://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-laws-legislation-by-state/ http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-the-facts-about-conversion-therapy/ http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy