Entry #1501: Conversion therapy in Ohio

Current Version

IssueConversion therapy
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateDec 9, 2015
End Date(none)
DescriptionState legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results.

In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction.

The list consists of: Cincinnati (the first in December 2015), Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville.

The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally.

A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy.

Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.

Revision History (5)

edited by PersianArchitecture. showing date the first conversion therapy took effect

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start Date(unknown)Dec 9, 2015
DescriptionState legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results.

In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction.

The list consists of: Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville.

The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally.

A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy.

Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.
State legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results.

In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction.

The list consists of: Cincinnati (the first in December 2015), Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville.

The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally.

A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy.

Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.
Show Difference
State legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results. In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction. The list consists of: Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville. The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally. A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy. Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws. Cincinnati (the first in December 2015), Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville. The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally. A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy. Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.

edited by danlev. Final Discord test

Old Value New Value

edited by PersianArchitecture. Updated to show the local laws that are available

Old Value New Value
ValueNot banned(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot bannedVaries by Region
DescriptionConversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it.State legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results.

In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction.

The list consists of: Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville.

The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally.

A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy.

Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.
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Conversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. State legislative action against conversion therapy has culminated in no relevant results. In the meanwhile, some cities have banned conversion therapy through measures or ordinances each with their own temperaments and variants by jurisdiction. The list consists of: Cincinnati, Toledo, Columbus, Dayton, Athens, Lakewood, Kent, Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Akron, Lorain and Reynoldsburg. A ban is pending in Westerville. The Ohio Board of Psychology released an advisory statement against conversion therapy additionally. A study showed Ohio banned in the top 5 states for conversion therapy. Bills had been shown to be pending at some point against the practice of conversion therapy but their status is currently unknown. State law supersedes local laws and the ban is at risk of being rendered defunct if state legislatures were to nullify the legitimacy of the scope of these laws.


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http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-laws-legislation-by-state/ http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-the-facts-about-conversion-therapy/ http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2015/12/09/7-2-vote-imposes-ban-conversion-therapy-cincinnati/76993924/ https://www.toledoblade.com/Politics/2017/02/07/Toledo-City-Council-unanimously-approves-ban-on-conversion-therapy-Also-makes-gender-identity-protected-class.html https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-cuyahoga/lakewood-city-council-passes-measure-to-protect-lgbtq-youth-from-conversion-therapy https://www.cleveland.com/news/2022/10/cleveland-city-council-to-ban-conversion-therapy-for-lgbtq-youth.html https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2022/06/28/cleveland-heights-ordinances/ https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/human-rights-campaign-praises-akron-city-council-for-passing-ordinance-to-ban-conversion-therapy https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/reynoldsburg/reynoldsburg-bans-conversion-therapy-for-lgbtq-youth/ https://woub.org/2017/08/23/conversion-therapy-banned-in-athens/ https://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-looks-ban-gay-conversion-therapy-for-youth/de8NDInW7FwhLMIbrdqYHK/ https://thebuckeyeflame.com/2024/09/04/lorain-bans-conversion-therapy/ https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/westerville/westerville-could-be-13th-ohio-city-to-ban-anti-lgbtq-conversion-therapy/ https://psychology.ohio.gov/laws-rules-resources/advisories-resources/conversion-therapy-advisory https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2023/12/20/ohio-ranks-in-top-5-states-for-conversion-therapy-study-finds/

edited by Notdog1996

Old Value (Original) New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not banned
Special StatusAmbiguousNot banned
DescriptionConversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options.Conversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it.
Show Difference
Conversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options.

created by imullin01

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionConversion Therapy is currently legal. No law currently bans it, despite organizations such as the American Psychological Association denouncing it. Though it's not actually ambiguous (It is in fact legal), this is the best indicator of the available options.
Sourceshttp://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-laws-legislation-by-state/ http://www.nclrights.org/bornperfect-the-facts-about-conversion-therapy/ http://www.hrc.org/resources/entry/the-lies-and-dangers-of-reparative-therapy
Reports (1)
  • Other "Cincinnati, OH has recently banned conversion therapy on the city level. http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2015/12/09/7-2-vote-imposes-ban-conversion-therapy-cincinnati/76993924/"