Entry #10092: Conversion therapy in Switzerland

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Last Version

IssueConversion therapy
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateMay 2, 2023
End DateMay 16, 2024
DescriptionOn this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal.

Revision History (6)

deleted by jadeywadey. duplicate

Old Value New Value (Current)

edited by PersianArchitecture. changing date since another canton added conversion therapy ban

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)May 16, 2024

edited by Ratabzoo. Canton of Neuchâtel has introduced a ban.

Old Value New Value
ValueNot banned(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot bannedVaries by Region

edited by daikman. adding a source

Old Value New Value
Show Difference
https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/conversion-therapies-continue-to-take-their-toll-in-switzerland/47615648 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/first-law-banning-conversion-therapies-passed-in-switzerland/48480678 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/conversion-therapies-continue-to-take-their-toll-in-switzerland/47615648 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/first-law-banning-conversion-therapies-passed-in-switzerland/48480678 https://www.euronews.com/culture/2022/12/12/fears-switzerland-could-become-hotspot-for-gay-conversion-tourism-amid-parliamentary-debat
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "should be Varies by region"
  • Status is not correct "If 1 Canton in Switzerland has banned conversion therapy, Switzerland’s status should be “Varies by region” instead of “Not banned” "
  • Status is not correct "As stated in the note field, on May 2, 2023, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy."
  • Newer law has been passed "https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/first-law-banning-conversion-therapies-passed-in-switzerland/48480678 A Canton in Switzerland has banned it, more likely varies by region than not banned"
  • Newer law has been passed "Banned since 12.12.2023 on a national level: https://www.parlament.ch/poly/Abstimmung/51/out/vote_51_25929.pdf"

edited by daikman. The entry was innacurate, as noted by several reports. It claimed conversion therapy was banned in Mar 13, 2016. This is not at all true. Even the paragraph copied from wikipedia used as the description of the entry did not suggest that conversion therapy was banned in 2016.

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueBannedNot banned
Start DateMar 13, 2016May 2, 2023
DescriptionIn 2016, Conservative Democrat MP Rosmarie Quadranti requested the Swiss Federal Government to undertake measures to outlaw conversion therapy on LGBT minors.[68][69] The Swiss Federal Council wrote in response that in its view, conversion therapies are "ineffective and cause significant suffering to young people subjected to them", and would constitute a breach of professional duties on the part of any care professional undertaking them. As such, in its view, any care professional undertaking such therapies is already liable to be sanctioned by the cantonal authorities. Whether such therapies also constitute a criminal offense is to be determined by the criminal courts in individual cases, according to the Federal Council.On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal.
Show Difference
In 2016, Conservative Democrat MP Rosmarie Quadranti requested the Swiss Federal Government to undertake measures to outlaw conversion therapy on LGBT minors.[68][69] The Swiss Federal Council wrote in response that in its view, conversion therapies are "ineffective and cause significant suffering to young people subjected to them", and would constitute a breach of professional duties on the part of any care professional undertaking them. As such, in its view, any care professional undertaking such therapies is already liable to be sanctioned by the cantonal authorities. Whether such therapies also constitute a criminal offense is to be determined by the criminal courts in individual cases, according to the Federal Council. On this date, Neuchâtel banned conversion therapy. Neuchâtel is a canton of Switzerland, of which there are 26. In the other 25 member states of the Swiss Confederation, conversion therapy remains legal.
Show Difference
https://www.thelocal.ch/20160314/gay-teen-forced-into-therapy-cure/ https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/conversion-therapies-continue-to-take-their-toll-in-switzerland/47615648 https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/society/first-law-banning-conversion-therapies-passed-in-switzerland/48480678

created by Antinousosiris

Original entry
Start DateMar 13, 2016
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn 2016, Conservative Democrat MP Rosmarie Quadranti requested the Swiss Federal Government to undertake measures to outlaw conversion therapy on LGBT minors.[68][69] The Swiss Federal Council wrote in response that in its view, conversion therapies are "ineffective and cause significant suffering to young people subjected to them", and would constitute a breach of professional duties on the part of any care professional undertaking them. As such, in its view, any care professional undertaking such therapies is already liable to be sanctioned by the cantonal authorities. Whether such therapies also constitute a criminal offense is to be determined by the criminal courts in individual cases, according to the Federal Council.
Reports (5)
  • Newer law has been passed "There is a ban of advertisement, but not of the conversion therapy https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/conversion-therapies-continue-to-take-their-toll-in-switzerland/47615648"
  • Newer law has been passed "Mary not have been banned in 2016 https://cne.news/article/3043-swiss-canton-bans-conversion-therapy"
  • Status is not correct "The statement made by the Federal Government only applies to healthcare professionals, whose overwhelming majority does not take part in nor supports conversion therapies. There is no ban at the federal level, although three cantons (out of 26) have enforced a ban (Geneva, Vaud, Bern). Conversion therapies are still reported to take place in Switzerland, mostly in religious environments. Source: https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/business/conversion-therapies-continue-to-take-their-toll-in-switzerland/47615648"
  • Status is not correct "There is a ban on spreading information about conversion therapy, it is not banney et. On 12/12/2022, the national federal council passed the law to ban therapy to the next council. There is no law yet, but it‘s soon to come."
  • Status is not correct