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Public opinion polls in particular regions of Algeria have found that homophobic beliefs persist.

Perception of LGBTQ+ People

Survey results from 5 LGBTQ+ Equaldex users who lived in or visited Algeria.



Perceived Safety*

Feel safe being open
Absence of verbal harassment
Absence of threats and violence
*Survey results represent personal perceptions of safety and may not be indicative of current actual conditions.

Equal Treatment

Treatment by peers
Treatment by family
Treatment at work
Treatment at school
Treatment by general public
Treatment by businesses
Treatment by law enforcement
Treatment by religious groups

Visibility & Representation

Inclusion in education
Representation in entertainment
Representation in news
Political support
Out public figures


Dating life
Interest groups and clubs


Health and wellness
Gender-affirming care
Support and social services
Advocacy and legal


Homosexual activity in Algeria


Homosexual activity in Algeria is illegal (imprisonment as punishment).

Current status
Since Jun 8, 1966
Illegal (imprisonment as punishment)
Article 333 of Algerian law punishes same sex activity with between 2 months and 2 years imprisonment, and a fine of 500 to 2000 Dinars. Article 338 refers to "outrage to public decency" consisting of "an act against nature with an individual of the same sex", with a steeper penalty of between 6 months and 3 years imprisonment and a fine of between 1,000 and 10,000 Dinars.

Same-sex marriage in Algeria


Same-sex marriage in Algeria is banned.

Current status
Since Jun 8, 1966
All homosexual activity is illegal in Algeria. Same-sex marriage is not legal.

Censorship of LGBT issues in Algeria


Censorship of LGBT issues in Algeria is imprisonment as punishment.

Current status
Imprisonment as punishment
Article 333 bis of the Penal Code, as amended on 13 February 1982 by Law n° 82-04, criminalizes the distribution of anything against "decency" with up to 2 years in prison and a fine up to 2,000 dinars. Article 333, also amended in 1982, criminalizes indecent exposure of any "act against the order of nature with an individual of the same sex" with up to 3 years in prison and a fine up to 10,000 dinars.

In January 2023 the Ministry of Commerce announced that all rainbow colored products, including flags, toys, and Qurans, are no longer allowed to be sold in the country. The Algerian government mass SMS texted citizens to warn them of fines for violating this order.

In August 2023, Algeria's Ministry of Culture and Arts forced movie theaters to immediately stop showing the film, "Barbie." An official source told Reuters that the film "promotes homosexuality and other Western deviances."

Right to change legal gender in Algeria


Right to change legal gender in Algeria is illegal.

Current status
"Acts that violate public decency," often interpreted to include gender non-conformity, are banned by the current edition of the 1966 penal code under articles 333, and 338. There is no legal recognition of trans people on official documents.

Gender-affirming care in Algeria


Gender-affirming care in Algeria is banned.

Current status
In Algeria, transgender individuals are unable to obtain medical and surgical treatments to undergo gender transition.
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Algeria


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Algeria is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
Gender non-conformity in public may be prosecuted as "indecent" under the 1966 penal code under articles 333 and 338. No third gender marker is available on documents.
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LGBT discrimination in Algeria


LGBT discrimination in Algeria is no protections.

Current status
No protections
Homosexuality is illegal, and the law does not provide LGBT+ people with protection from discrimination.
Algerian Penal Code 1966, Article 338 Homosexuality:
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LGBT employment discrimination in Algeria


LGBT employment discrimination in Algeria is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no employment discrimination protections in Algeria for a persons sexual orientation or gender identity.

LGBT housing discrimination in Algeria


LGBT housing discrimination in Algeria is no protections.

Current status
No protections
There are no housing discrimination protections in Algeria for a persons sexual orientation or gender identity.
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Same-sex adoption in Algeria


Same-sex adoption in Algeria is single only.

Current status
Since Jun 8, 1966
Single only
Homosexuality is illegal in Algeria, and same-sex unions are unrecognized. Single people are allowed to adopt.

Intersex infant surgery in Algeria


Intersex infant surgery in Algeria is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There is no ban on surgeries performed on intersex infants in Algeria.
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Serving openly in military in Algeria


Serving openly in military in Algeria is illegal.

Current status
Since Jul 8, 1966
All Homosexual Activity is outlawed.
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Blood donations by MSMs in Algeria


Blood donations by MSMs in Algeria is banned (indefinite deferral).

Current status
Banned (indefinite deferral)
Banned (Indefinite Deferral).
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Conversion therapy in Algeria


Conversion therapy in Algeria is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There are no laws banning conversion therapy in Algeria.
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Equal age of consent in Algeria


Equal age of consent in Algeria is n/a.

Current status
Since Jun 8, 1966
Not applicable for Algeria. Same sex activity is illegal in Algeria.
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