chris Alpha Tester

Engineering graduate in London. Soon to be management consultant.
Location: United KingdomJoined
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chris created an entry in India.
Same-sex marriage: Ambiguous from Jul 22, 2011 to Dec 10, 2013.
There has been an officially recognised female-female marriage
chris created an entry in India.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jul 2, 2009 to Dec 11, 2013.
In the Delhi High Court case of Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi, a two-judge Division Bench decriminalized homosexuality by striking down the provisions of Section 377 of the Indian Penal…
Sources: Naz Foundation v. Govt. of NCT of Delhi (2009) Writ Petition (Civil) No.7455 of 2001 (Delhi High Court) […//]
chris created an entry in Algeria.
Equal age of consent: N/A from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
Not applicable for Algeria. Same sex activity is illegal in Algeria.
chris created an entry in Algeria.
Serving openly in military: Illegal from Jul 8, 1966 to (none).
All Homosexual Activity is outlawed.
chris created an entry in Algeria.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
All homosexual activity is illegal in Algeria. Same-sex marriage is not legal.
chris created an entry in Eritrea.
Equal age of consent: N/A from Jul 23, 1957 to (none).
Homosexual activity is outlawed in Eritrea.
chris created an entry in Eritrea.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (indefinite deferral) from Jul 23, 1957 to (none).
All Homosexual Activity is outlawed.
chris created an entry in Eritrea.
Serving openly in military: Illegal from Jul 23, 1957 to (none).
All Homosexual Activity is outlawed.
chris created an entry in Eritrea.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from Jul 23, 1957 to (none).
All Homosexual Activity is outlawed.
chris created an entry in Eritrea.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Jul 23, 1957 to (none).
chris created an entry in Comoros.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from May 8, 1982 to (none).
Up to 5 years imprisonment and/or 1,000,000 franc fine.
chris created an entry in Cameroon.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Nov 12, 1967 to (none).
Up to 5 years imprisonment and/or 200,000 franc fine.
chris created an entry in Burundi.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Apr 22, 2009 to (none).
Up to 2 years imprisonment and/or up to 50,000 frank fine
chris created an entry in Angola.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (other penalty) from Sep 16, 1886 to Jan 24, 2019.
Penalty unknown
chris created an entry in Algeria.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
Article 333 of Algerian law punishes same sex activity with between 2 months and 2 years imprisonment, and a fine of 500 to 2000 Dinars. Article 338 refers to "outrage to public decency" consisting…
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires medical diagnosis from Apr 4, 2005 to (none).
Legal gender recognition is possible in all four constituent countries of the United Kingdom (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) as per the Gender Recognition Act (2004, in effect 2005).…
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Oct 1, 2010 to (none).
LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal, but Northern Ireland only offers limited anti-discrimination laws.
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Serving openly in military: Legal from Jan 12, 2000 to (none).
The Ministry of Defence were forced to change their stance on when the European Court of Human Rights ruled in September 1999 that the then current ban on gays in the military was unlawful.
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Nov 7, 2002 to (none).
IVF treatment is available for lesbian couples too.
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Same-sex marriage: Varies by Region from 2013 to Dec 31, 2018.
Came into force as of March 29th, 2014 . Same-sex marriage is still unrecognized fully in some parts of the UK (such as Northern Ireland).
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Same-sex marriage: Civil unions (marriage rights) from 2004 to 2012.
The Civil Partnership Act (2004). Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex…
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Equal age of consent: Equal from Aug 1, 2001 to (none).
On November 30, 2000 a bill was signed to make the ages of consent equitable, regardless of gender. The law came into effect on August 1, 2001. The age of consent for men who have sex with men was…
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Nov 30, 2000 to (none).
The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2000 repealed all criminal provisions regarding homosexuality; setting an equal age of consent for sexual activity between men.
Sources:… European Court of Human Rights in the case of ADT v. UK
chris created an entry in United Kingdom.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Jul 27, 1967 to Nov 30, 2000.
**LEGAL, WITH RESTRICTIONS** The Sexual Offences Act of 1967 legalized sexual acts between two men who were 21 or older (Excluding men serving in the military), but it placed new restrictions on…