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losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"updated prior law status"
Same-sex adoption: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
In February 2022, the Supreme Administration Court recognised the child of a gay couple, who was born out of surrogacy in Canada. One of the fathers is a Polish citizen, and the child also…
Sources: rainbow-europe.org/#8653/0/0 (2022 Annual Review)
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"inaccurate information"
Same-sex adoption: Ambiguous from (unknown) to Mar 1, 2021.
In February 2022, the Supreme Administration Court recognised the child of a gay couple, who was born out of surrogacy in Canada. One of the fathers is a Polish citizen, and the child also…
Sources: rainbow-europe.org/#8653/0/0 (2022 Annual Review)
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"changed adoption from ambiguous to illegal"
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from Mar 21, 2021 to (none).
Same-sex attracted people will be barred from adopting, even if single. A process will veto any single gay person who tries to adopt.
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Clarification "
Equal age of consent: N/A from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
Same sex activity is illegal in Algeria.
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Farther research suggests that same sex activity is unequal at any age."
Equal age of consent: N/A from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
Age of consent of same sex activity is illegal. Same sex activity is illegal.
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Clarifying and giving more information "
Equal age of consent: Ambiguous from Jun 8, 1966 to (none).
No information about age of consent of same sex activity is unknown. Likely illegal due to same sexual activity being outlawed.
Sources: old.ilga.org/Statehomophobia/ILGA_State_Sponsored_Homophobia_2013.pdf www.wipo.int/wipolex/en/details.jsp?id=7998
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
In November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has…
losxniko edited an entry in (deleted region).
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Ambiguous from Jul 1, 1960 to (none).
Does not appear to be option on legal documents and information regarding the status is little to none.
losxniko created an entry in Somalia.
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Not legally recognized from Jul 1, 1960 to (none).
Does not appear to be option on legal documents and information regarding the status is little to none.