Entry #58: Same-sex marriage in United Kingdom

Current Version

RegionUnited Kingdom
IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusCivil unions (marriage rights)
Start DateDec 5, 2005
End DateOct 1, 2010
DescriptionThe Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The act came into effect on 5 December 2005 and allowed for civil unions to be performed at registry offices, but not at religious institutions.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership was sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.


Revision History (9)

edited by LovelyJubbly. Correcting the end date and description

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionThe Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The act came into effect on 5 December 2005.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The act came into effect on 5 December 2005 and allowed for civil unions to be performed at registry offices, but not at religious institutions.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership was sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.
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The Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The act came into effect on 5 December 2005. Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system. 2005 and allowed for civil unions to be performed at registry offices, but not at religious institutions. Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership was sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.

edited by LovelyJubbly. Correcting the end date

Old Value New Value
End DateDec 5, 2011Oct 1, 2010
DescriptionThe Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The at came into effect on 5 December 2005.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The act came into effect on 5 December 2005.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.
Show Difference
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The at came into effect on 5 December 2005. Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system. act came into effect on 5 December 2005. Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.

edited by LovelyJubbly. Adding more detail and sources

Old Value New Value
Start Date2004Dec 5, 2005
End Date2012Dec 5, 2011
DescriptionThe Civil Partnership Act (2004).

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system
The Civil Partnership Act 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The at came into effect on 5 December 2005.

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.
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The Civil Partnership Act (2004). Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system 2004 received royal assent from Queen Elizabeth II on 18 November 2004. The at came into effect on 5 December 2005. Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system.

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https://www.equality-network.org/your-rights/civil-partnership/ https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/33/enacted https://www.equality-network.org/your-rights/civil-partnership/

edited by qcksws. fixed date

Old Value New Value
End DateJul 14, 20132012

edited by qcksws. fixing dates so they dont overlapp

Old Value New Value
End DateJul 16, 2013Jul 14, 2013

edited by qcksws. The bill was passed sometime in 2004, it was only revised recently, unknown changes have been made

Old Value New Value
Start DateDec 5, 20052004

edited by cskinner

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Civil Partnership Act (2004).

Under the Act, same-sex couples can register a civil partnership, which has almost the same legal effects, rights and obligations as marriage does for mixed-sex couples. For that reason, civil partnership is sometimes called ‘gay marriage’. However, legally, it is not marriage, but is a separate, segregated system
Show Difference
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2004/33/contents https://www.equality-network.org/your-rights/civil-partnership/

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Jul 16, 2013

created by chris

Original entry
StatusCivil unions (marriage rights)
Start DateDec 5, 2005
End Date(none)
Reports (4)
  • Other "Same-sex marriage is legal (pending implementation later this month) in England and Wales, and in Scotland (also pending implementation). Other parts of the United Kingdom do not have same-sex marriage - the Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man etc."
  • Duplicate entry
  • Other information is incorrect "First same-sex marriage can take place on 29th of March 2014 http://www.theguardian.com/society/2013/dec/10/same-sex-weddings-march-2014-government"
  • Date is incorrect "Equal marriage superseded civil partnerships from 17 July 2013"