Entry #152: Same-sex marriage in India

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusVaries by Region
Start Date(unknown)
End DateDec 10, 2013
DescriptionIn 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ, none of which however recognise same-sex marriage.

Revision History (4)

edited by jadeywadey. improved description

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionIn 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ.In 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ, none of which however recognise same-sex marriage.
Show Difference
In 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ. differ, none of which however recognise same-sex marriage.

edited by jadeywadey. improved sources, dates, status and desc

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousVaries by Region
Start DateJul 22, 2011(unknown)
DescriptionThere has been an officially recognised female-female marriageIn 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ.
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There has been an officially recognised female-female marriage In 2011, there was an officially recognised same-sex marriage but state laws differ.

edited by vviet93

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)Dec 10, 2013
Reports (2)
  • Note field is incorrect "It is probably a reference to Lila Namdeo and Urmila Srivastava, who held a wedding ceremony. However, their marriage wasn't legally recognised and they were terminated from their job immediately after their wedding got press attention. Page 176 of the following report [https://archive.org/details/less-than-gay-abva/page/176/mode/2up]"
  • Newer law has been passed "The Marriage between a transgender and cismen has been legalised in the Kerela High Court in Arunkumar and Sreeja v. The Inspector General of Registration & Others"

created by chris

Original entry
Start DateJul 22, 2011
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere has been an officially recognised female-female marriage
Reports (1)
  • Other information is incorrect "The status is not ambigous but very clear; now that 'gay sex' is a crime again, there is no question of recognising gay relationships"