Entry #62: LGBT discrimination in United Kingdom

Current Version

RegionUnited Kingdom
IssueLGBT discrimination
Start DateOct 1, 2010
End Date(none)
DescriptionLGBT discrimination in the United Kingdom of Great Britain is illegal, as per the Equality Act of 2010. Sexual orientation and gender identity are covered as protected groups by the Equality Act.
Federal LawYes

Revision History (9)

edited by BlkPride. The status wasn’t correct and there were too many errors.

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueIllegal in some contextsIllegal
DescriptionLGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal in most contexts, however while hate speech is illegal for all identies stirring up hatred is only illegal for sexuali orientation additionally Northern Ireland offers even less anti-discrimination laws. Scotland however has made stirring up hatred illegal regardless of identityLGBT discrimination in the United Kingdom of Great Britain is illegal, as per the Equality Act of 2010. Sexual orientation and gender identity are covered as protected groups by the Equality Act.
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LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal in most contexts, however while hate speech is illegal for all identies stirring up hatred is only illegal for sexuali orientation additionally Northern Ireland offers even less anti-discrimination laws. Scotland however has made stirring up hatred illegal regardless of identity the United Kingdom of Great Britain is illegal, as per the Equality Act of 2010. Sexual orientation and gender identity are covered as protected groups by the Equality Act.
Federal LawNoYes

edited by Macie. Adjusted this to accurately reflect the uk

Old Value New Value
DescriptionLGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal, but Northern Ireland only offers limited anti-discrimination laws.LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal in most contexts, however while hate speech is illegal for all identies stirring up hatred is only illegal for sexuali orientation additionally Northern Ireland offers even less anti-discrimination laws. Scotland however has made stirring up hatred illegal regardless of identity
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LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal, but Northern Ireland only offers limited anti-discrimination laws. illegal in most contexts, however while hate speech is illegal for all identies stirring up hatred is only illegal for sexuali orientation additionally Northern Ireland offers even less anti-discrimination laws. Scotland however has made stirring up hatred illegal regardless of identity
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http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/check-if-youre-protected-from-discrimination/sexual-orientation-discrimination/ http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/check-if-youre-protected-from-discrimination/sexual-orientation-discrimination/ https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64/part/3A/crossheading/acts-intended-to-stir-up-religious-hatred#:~:text=(1)A%20person%20who%20uses,the%20grounds%20of%20sexual%20orientation%5D.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64/part/3A/crossheading/acts-intended-to-stir-up-religious-hatred#:"

edited by Doomdorm64. Tweaking description

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Illegal in some contexts
Special StatusVaries by RegionIllegal in some contexts
DescriptionDiscrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal, but Northern Ireland only offers limited anti-discrimination laws.
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Discrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. LGBT discrimination in Great Britain is illegal, but Northern Ireland only offers limited anti-discrimination laws.

edited by Clara. Varies by Region

Old Value New Value
Special StatusIllegalVaries by Region
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "Not all LGBTQ+ people are protected from discrimination. Asexuality for example is still not mentioned in any UK law or specificly the Equality Act that protects against discrimination. "

edited by qcksws. Ireland has split from United Kingdom since 1920, they just run with laws that the UK put out, they also have stated that they will not enact the same laws

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal in some contextsIllegal
DescriptionDiscrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. However, in Northern Ireland It's only Illegal in some contexts. Discrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal.
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Discrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. However, in Northern Ireland It's only Illegal in some contexts.

edited by Clara. Except Nothern Ireland

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Illegal in some contexts

edited by Vito12. If this is wrong please change it

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe Equality Act 2010 says you mustn’t be discriminated against because you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. This is called discrimination because of sexual orientation.

Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful.
Discrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. However, in Northern Ireland It's only Illegal in some contexts.
Show Difference
The Equality Act 2010 says you mustn’t be discriminated against because you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. This is called discrimination because of sexual orientation. Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful. Discrimination in the United Kingdom is illegal. However, in Northern Ireland It's only Illegal in some contexts.

edited by cskinner. Adding information

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionThe Equality Act 2010 says you mustn’t be discriminated against because you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual. This is called discrimination because of sexual orientation.

Discrimination which is against the Equality Act is unlawful.
Show Difference
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2010/15 https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/check-if-youre-protected-from-discrimination/sexual-orientation-discrimination/
Reports (1)
  • Other "Status is listed as Illegal, but the note says this only extends to sexual orientation and does not clarify if this extends to gender identity as well."

created by chris

Original entry
Start DateOct 1, 2010
End Date(none)