Entry #10154: Censorship of LGBT issues in Iraq

Current Version

IssueCensorship of LGBT issues
StatusImprisonment as punishment
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNot known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.

In August 2023, Iraq banned all media from using term "homosexuality", saying they must use "sexual deviance." The term "gender" was also banned.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "The new anti-LGBT law punishes the promotion of homosexuality with up to seven years in prison."

Revision History (4)

edited by danlev. Banning terms

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionNot known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code. Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.

In August 2023, Iraq banned all media from using term "homosexuality", saying they must use "sexual deviance." The term "gender" was also banned.
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Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code. In August 2023, Iraq banned all media from using term "homosexuality", saying they must use "sexual deviance." The term "gender" was also banned.
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https://www.refworld.org/docid/452524304. https://www.refworld.org/docid/452524304 https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iraq-bans-media-using-term-homosexuality-says-they-must-use-sexual-deviance-2023-08-08/

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value New Value
DescriptionNot known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code. Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.
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Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code. namely , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "."

edited by Muhammadaji2022

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo censorshipImprisonment as punishment
DescriptionIn Iraq, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.
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In Iraq, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics. Not known in Iraqi Kurdistan but LGBT people could be censored in Iraq under extensive public morality law , paragraph 215 , 220, 376, 401,402,403,404 and 408 of the Iraqi Penal code.

created by equaldex

Original entry
StatusNo censorship
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Iraq, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.