Capital is governed by federal Denmark law. Learn more
- Homosexuality
- ⚢✔ Legal
- Gay Marriage
- ⚭✔ Legal
- Censorship
- ✔ No censorship
- Changing Gender
- ✔ Legal, no restrictions
- Gender-Affirming Care
- ✔ Legal
- Non-Binary Gender Recognition
- ✔ Recognized
- Discrimination
- ✔ Illegal
- Employment Discrimination
- ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
- Housing Discrimination
- Ambiguous
- Adoption
- ✔ Legal
- Intersex Infant Surgery
- ✖ Not banned
- Military
- ✔ Legal
- Donating Blood
- ✔ Legal
- Conversion Therapy
- ✖ Not banned
- Age of Consent
- ✔ Equal
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Public Opinion
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Homosexual activity in Capital is legal.
Current status
Since Jan 1, 1933
Illegal (other penalty)
In 1866 reforms to the penal code were made changing the punishment for homosexuality from death to hard labour ranging from 8 months to 6 years.
Illegal (death penalty as punishment)
King Christian V's Danish Code from 1683 outlawed homosexuality on the island with death as the punishment.
Censorship of LGBT issues in Capital is no censorship.
Current status
No censorship
In Denmark, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
Right to change legal gender in Capital is legal, no restrictions.
Current status
Since Sep 5, 2014
Legal, no restrictions
Denmark's historic new law allows citizens to self-determine their own gender identity without any requirements for medical or psychiatric intervention.
Until Sep 5, 2014
Legal, but requires surgery
By Danish naming-legislation, a man cannot have a woman's name, or vice versa, however trans people are allowed to change their gender after they get diagnosed with gender dysphoria and have sex riassignement surgery.
Gender-affirming care in Capital is legal.
Current status
Since May 4, 2023
Please note: As a general rule, surgical treatment is not offered before the age of 18.
On May 4th 2023, Denmark imposed some, albeit minimal restrictions on transgender people's ability to access care. This was due to increased numbers of treatment referrals. Transgender youths can still access services with parental consent from 10, from 15 in some cases parental consent is not needed.
On May 4th 2023, Denmark imposed some, albeit minimal restrictions on transgender people's ability to access care. This was due to increased numbers of treatment referrals. Transgender youths can still access services with parental consent from 10, from 15 in some cases parental consent is not needed.
LGBT discrimination in Capital is illegal.
Current status
Since Jan 1, 1996
There is protection against discrimination at court in the criminal code.
LGBT housing discrimination in Capital is ambiguous.
Current status
After extensive research, no evidence was found of the existence of any statute being formally interpreted as banning housing discrimination for LGBTQIA people however some measures have been considered by the European Commission and if passed would ban housing discrimination.
Same-sex adoption in Capital is legal.
Current status
Since Mar 19, 2009
At the time, gay couples were allowed to have civil unions and thus was able to apply as a couple.
Intersex infant surgery in Capital is not banned.
Current status
Not banned
Invasive and non-consensual medical procedures on intersex children have not yet been banned in Denmark.
Blood donations by MSMs in Capital is legal.
Current status
Since Jul 1, 2024
On July 1st, 2024, Denmark lifted it's four month deferral that was specifically aimed toward MSM blood donors. Now, deferrals and rules regarding blood donations apply to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
Banned (less than 6-month deferral)
In March 2020, the life-time ban was reduced to a 4 month deferral period.
Conversion therapy in Capital is not banned.
Current status
Not banned
According to ILGA, laws in force in Denmark do not regulate or restrict conversion therapies.
Equal age of consent in Capital is equal.
Current status
Equal at 15 years of age.