Entry #11353: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Denmark

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
Start DateSep 12, 2014
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.
Reports (1)
  • Sources are invalid or broken "broken link, also the linked to website has a map https://transrightsmap.tgeu.org/home/ that shows Denmark as only having passed 1 out of 2 parts to this and personal experience does not match with there being a recognition of an X marker as a German immigrant"

Revision History (5)

edited by Rojtavs. Replace status and description

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousRecognized
DescriptionThe Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however only transgender people without a legal gender change can obtain it in their passport.The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.
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The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however only transgender people without a legal gender change can obtain it in their passport. passports.

edited by JordanB3047

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
Start Date(unknown)Sep 12, 2014
DescriptionThe Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however this is only issued in certain cases and is not legally considered to be an indication of a gender outside of the binary.The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however only transgender people without a legal gender change can obtain it in their passport.
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The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however this is only issued in certain cases and is not legally considered to be an indication of a gender outside of the binary. transgender people without a legal gender change can obtain it in their passport.
Reports (4)
  • Note field is incorrect "Everyone can obtain X in their passport, they just have to hand in a declaration where they state that their gender is not as assigned at birth. However gender in Denmark is stated by social security number (last number even = F, odd = M) and there is no way to have a non-gendered social security number. The social security number is used for almost everything where ID is needed, and as such it is not technically possible to NOT be either F or M in the system. The gender marker in the passport isn’t used for anything at all."
  • Status is not correct "you can request for an x on your gender marker."
  • Newer law has been passed "https://komiteen.dk/?p=1247 In this article it explaines how a new law allows it without surgery. But a written form is still needed."
  • Newer law has been passed "https://www.retsinformation.dk/eli/lta/2021/2693 Since 28/12/2021 Paragraph 4, stk. 5. Kommunalbestyrelsen kan tillade, at kønnet betegnes X i passet, hvis en pasansøger afgiver en skriftlig erklæring om, at ønsket om kønsbetegnelsen X er begrundet i en oplevelse af at tilhøre det andet køn, at vedkommende er interkønnet, ikke identificerer sig som enten mand eller kvinde, eller den pågældende dokumenterer tidligere at være blevet tildelt nyt personnummer efter § 3, stk. 7, i lov om Det Centrale Personregister."

edited by beeurd

Old Value New Value
Start DateSep 12, 2014(unknown)
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "You have this for Greenland: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Greenland is recognized. Current status Since Sep 12, 2014 Recognized The Danish government has allowed the 'X' gender marker in passports. They should be the same?"

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueRecognizedNot legally recognized
DescriptionThe Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports, however this is only issued in certain cases and is not legally considered to be an indication of a gender outside of the binary.
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The Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports. passports, however this is only issued in certain cases and is not legally considered to be an indication of a gender outside of the binary.

created by chae

Original entry
Start DateSep 12, 2014
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe Danish government allows the 'X' gender marker in passports.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "The "x in passport" is not a sufficient criterion for legal recognition of non-binary genders. The rest of the Danish legal system only recognizes binary genders, and the "x" in the passport is not an indication of a non-binary gender identity of the holder or recognition of such. It simply means that the gender marker has been chosen to be left out by the passport holder for whatever reason. Which, granted, a person might choose to do because they're non-binary, but it is otherwise not linked nor an indicator of legal recognition. The status should be a red "not recognized.""