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Nathan created an entry in Honduras.
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from Sep 2018 to (none).
The last paragraph of Article 22 of the Special Adoption Law establishes that "It is prohibited to give girls or boys or adults for adoption to marriages or de facto unions formed by persons of…
Nathan created an entry in Honduras.
Equal age of consent: Equal from (unknown) to (none).
In Honduras, according to Article 249 of the Penal Code (2020), the age of consent is 14 years of age.
Nathan created an entry in Honduras.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from May 10, 2020 to (none).
Articles 211 and 212 of the Penal Code, in force since 2020, prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Nathan created an entry in Honduras.
LGBT employment discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from May 10, 2020 to (none).
Article 295 of the Penal Code, in force since 2020, prohibits workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
Nathan created an entry in Liberia.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from 2015 to (none).
The Decent Work Act (2015) provides "equal protection" and bans discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.
Nathan created an entry in Sierra Leone.
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from 2023 to (none).
The Employment Act, 2023 bans discrimination based on "sexuality" and unfair dismissal based on an employee’s sexual orientation (92.1.f).
Nathan created an entry in Central African Republic.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
The Labor Code does not provide protections against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
Nathan created an entry in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from 2015 to (none).
Law 521 (2015) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires prohibits discrimination against LGBT people.
Nathan created an entry in Argentina.
LGBT housing discrimination: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
Some provinces prohibit housing discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Additionally, Law 521 (2015) of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires prohibits discrimination…
Nathan created an entry in Santiago del Estero.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Sep 26, 2008 to (none).
The Code of Offenses of the Province of Santiago del Estero (2008) prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Nathan created an entry in Santa Cruz.
LGBT housing discrimination: Gender identity only from 2020 to (none).
The Comprehensive Law on the Recognition and Historical Reparation of the Rights of Transgender People (2020) prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and/or expression.
Sources:… (Article 2-d)
Nathan created an entry in San Juan.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jul 2007 to (none).
The San Juan Province Code of Offenses (Law 941-R) prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Nathan created an entry in Río Negro.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation only from Jan 10, 2008 to (none).
Law B-3055, which establishes the innate right of persons to a sexual orientation, prohibits discrimination.
Nathan created an entry in La Rioja.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Sep 7, 2021 to (none).
Law 10,374 of the province of La Rioja, on Guaranteeing and Promoting the Full Validity of the Principle of Equality and Non-discrimination, prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and…
Nathan created an entry in Chaco.
LGBT housing discrimination: Sexual orientation and gender identity from Dec 31, 2021 to (none).
Legal protections in the province under Law 3467-K on Access to Housing and Land for the LGBTIQNB+ Population.
Nathan edited an entry in Ecuador.
"Adding legal sources, new desc, banned since 2012"
Conversion therapy: Banned from May 2012 to (none).
In Ecuador, conversion therapies are prohibited by two legal provisions. - Ministerial Agreement No. 767, issued in May 2012 by the Ministry of Public Health, prohibits "conversion…
Nathan edited an entry in Paraguay.
"fixed status ."
Gender-affirming care: Restricted from (unknown) to (none).
Gender-affirming care in Paraguay is largely unregulated and very few professionals are trained to administer it. Access to general healthcare for transgender people in Paraguay is extremely…
Nathan edited an entry in Uzbekistan.
"fixed status ."
Gender-affirming care: Restricted from (unknown) to (none).
Gender-affirming care is not formally regulated in Uzbekistan however there are a plethora of practical challenges to accessing it mostly stigma and lack of available health professionals.
Nathan edited an entry in Lesotho.
"status banned ."
Same-sex marriage: Banned from Oct 4, 1966 to (none).
The common law definition of marriage is “a union of one man with one woman, to the exclusion, while it lasts, of all others”
Nathan edited an entry in Thailand.
"Adding source, fixed status"
LGBT housing discrimination: Gender identity only from Jan 26, 2015 to (none).
The Gender Equality Act bans discrimination based on gender expression.
Nathan edited an entry in Thailand.
"According to law"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Sep 9, 2015 to (none).
The Gender Equality Act B.E. 2558 was passed on March 13th, 2015, and came into effect on September 9th, 2015. The act bans discrimination based on gender expression.
Nathan edited an entry in Peru.
"date fixed . ."
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from 2011 to Mar 17, 2014.
In 2011, Naamin Timoico was the first trans woman to obtain a sex change on her ID, but she was only able to do so after proving to the judge that she had undergone genital reassignment surgery.
Nathan edited an entry in Peru.
"adding source, fixed dates"
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from Mar 18, 2014 to Oct 20, 2016.
In 2014, through Ruling No. 00139-2013-PA/TC, the Constitutional Court established as constitutional doctrine that sex was an immutable element and that, consequently, it was not feasible to request…
Nathan edited an entry in Peru.
"adding source, date fixed"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from 2011 to Jan 2014.
In 2011, Naamin Timoico was the first trans woman to obtain a sex change on her ID, but she was only able to do so after proving to the judge that she had undergone genital reassignment surgery.
Nathan edited an entry in Peru.
"Adding sources, improved description, date fixed, status"
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from Oct 21, 2016 to (none).
In 2016, the Constitutional Court issued a ruling (No. 6040-2015-PA/TC) establishing that name and gender change claims be resolved by civil courts in summary proceedings, without treating trans…
Nathan edited an entry in Guinea-Bissau.
"adding source, status banned"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
Article 1577 of the Civil Code reads "Marriage is the contract concluded between two people of different sexes who intend to legitimately form a family through a full communion of life."
Sources: Civil Code:…
Nathan edited an entry in Iraq.
"adding legal source, status banned"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
Article 3.1 of the Personal Status Law defines that "Marriage is a contract between a man and a woman who is lawfully permissible to him, the purpose of which is to establish a bond for a mutual…
Nathan edited an entry in Lebanon.
"adding sources and info"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
In Lebanon, only religious marriages are permitted. 15 separate family laws are in force in Lebanon and are administered by separate religious courts. The country does not recognize same-sex…
Nathan edited an entry in Kuwait.
"adding source. status banned"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
Article 1 of the Kuwaiti Personal Status Law (1984) defines marriage as a contract between a man and a woman who is legally available to him, for the purpose of cohabitation, matrimony and…
Nathan edited an entry in Kazakhstan.
"changes according to family code"
Same-sex adoption: Illegal from (unknown) to (none).
Article 91.2(8) of the Marriage and Family Code states that adoptive parents may be the persons of majority age with the exception of persons maintaining the different sexual orientation.