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XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
"Added some information"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from 2004 to (none).
Discrimination in bulgaria is illegal in some contexts. Although it seems to be progressing there are still no laws for hate speech and hate crime. Most of the time police ignore this. Moreover a…
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
"Mostly no censorship, some censorship on TV are because Bulgaria has the same feed as Russia"
Censorship of LGBT issues: Ambiguous from 1990 to (none).
There is mainly no censorship in Bulgaria. However, most TV shows with Homosexuality acts have been or most likely banned. Moreover, most of the time if there is a LGBTQ parade there is also a…
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
"Forgein same sex civil marriages are recognized in Bulgaria with residence purposes"
Same-sex marriage: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only from Jul 25, 2019 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution. However, there is recognition of residence for foreign marriage, but it is a limited recognition.
XabBG edited an entry in Bolivia.
"Civil Unions are legal in Bolivia"
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from Jan 25, 2009 to (none).
XabBG edited an entry in Russia.
"Legal, only illegal in one region"
Homosexual activity: Varies by Region from 1993 to (none).
Homosexual activity is legal in Russia, however, "anti-gay sentiments remain high." Though its illegal in Chechnya (punishable by caning on the first two offence and execution on the third…
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
"Non-binary options missing"
Legal recognition of non-binary gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Non-binary options missing
XabBG edited an entry in Jordan.
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
In Jordan, Medical Responsibility Law is ambiguous about who can undergo sex reassignment surgery.
XabBG edited an entry in Serbia.
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
since 2006. constitution defines marriage as an union between one man and one woman
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Requires sterilization. Ruled not legal by EU. Changes pending. Missing non binary options on documents.
XabBG edited an entry in Lebanon.
Homosexual activity: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Illegal under Article 534 of the Penal Code. Some judges have ruled not to prosecute individuals based on the law.
XabBG edited an entry in Lebanon.
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
Illegal under Article 534 of the Penal Code. Some judges have ruled not to prosecute individuals based on the law.
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from Jul 13, 1991 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution. However, there is recognition of residence for foreign marriage, but it is a limited recognition.
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from Jul 13, 1991 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution. However, there is recognition of residence for foreign marriage.
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Same-sex marriage: Foreign same-sex marriages recognized only from Jul 13, 1991 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution. However, there is recognition of residence for foreign marriage.
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Same-sex marriage: Unregistered cohabitation from Jul 13, 1991 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution. However, there is recognition of residence for foreign marriage.
XabBG edited an entry in Bulgaria.
Same-sex marriage: Other type of partnership from Jul 13, 1991 to (none).
Marriage is defined as a union between a male and a female in the Bulgarian constitution
XabBG edited an entry in Egypt.
Homosexual activity: Ambiguous from 2000 to (none).
While homosexuality itself is not technically illegal in Egypt, Equaldex characterizes it as illegal in practice. Courts have convicted people for homosexual acts using "breaching laws on public…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Censorship of LGBT issues: No censorship from (unknown) to (none).
Most of Indonesia doesn't have censorship towards the LGBT community , but in some certain places like the TV shows it does. Some popular LGBT Websites have also been banned. Nevertheless, LGBT…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Censorship of LGBT issues: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Most of Indonesia doesn't have censorship towards the LGBT community , but in some certain places like the TV shows it does. Some popular LGBT Websites have also been banned. Nevertheless, LGBT…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Equal age of consent: from Oct 15, 2015 to (none).
Equalized under the child protection act, for both homosexual and heterosexual activity is 18 years old . However under the Indonesian Penal code the minimum age of consent for heterosexual activity…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Serving openly in military: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Lesbian,Gay men and women are not allowed to serve in the military under the ST/398/2009 telegram letter of the Indonesian army. Though intersex individuals are technically allowed to serve in the…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Censorship of LGBT issues: No censorship from (unknown) to (none).
Most of Indonesia doesn't have censorship towards the LGBT community , but in some certain places like the TV shows it does. Some popular LGBT Websites have also been banned. Nevertheless, LGBT…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Censorship of LGBT issues: from (unknown) to (none).
Most of Indonesia doesn't have censorship towards the LGBT community , but in some certain places like the TV shows it does. Some popular LGBT Websites have also been banned. Nevertheless, LGBT…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Censorship of LGBT issues: No censorship from (unknown) to (none).
Most of Indonesia doesn't have censorship towards the LGBT community , but in some certain places like the TV shows it does. Some popular LGBT Websites have also been banned. Nevertheless, LGBT…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
There is no legal recognition of same-sex unions in Indonesia. Article 1 of the Law No. 1 of the Year 1974 on Marriage states unequivocally that marriage is "a physical and spiritual bond between a…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Same-sex marriage: Unregistered cohabitation from (unknown) to (none).
There is no legal recognition of same-sex unions in Indonesia. Article 1 of the Law No. 1 of the Year 1974 on Marriage states unequivocally that marriage is "a physical and spiritual bond between a…
XabBG edited an entry in Indonesia.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to (none).
There is no legal recognition of same-sex unions in Indonesia. Article 1 of the Law No. 1 of the Year 1974 on Marriage states unequivocally that marriage is "a physical and spiritual bond between a…