Entry #433: Same-sex marriage in Bolivia

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusCivil unions (marriage rights)
Start DateDec 12, 2020
End Date(none)
DescriptionSince 2020, legal cases have set precedent for civil unions in Bolivia after a gay couple has achieved a legally recognized civil union. Only one civil union has been recognized ever since.

The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law.
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "Bolivia has recognised same-sex civil unions since 20 March 2023 in accordance with a ruling from the Plurinational Constitutional Court. The court ruled on 22 June 2022 that the Civil Registry Service (SERECI) was obliged to recognise civil unions for same-sex couples and urged the Legislative Assembly to pass legislation recognising same-sex unions. The court ruling went into effect upon publication on 20 March 2023. On 21 July 2023, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal announced that same-sex free unions could now be performed in the same conditions as opposite-sex ones. The head of the Civic Registry Service (SERECI) stated that the regulations related to free unions had been modified so that same-sex unions can be registered with the same requirements and timings that had already been available for heterosexual couples. "

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Revision History (4)

edited by XabBG. Civil Unions are legal in Bolivia

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueOther type of partnershipCivil unions (marriage rights)

edited by chae

Old Value New Value
ValueCivil unions (marriage rights)Other type of partnership
DescriptionSince 2020, legal cases have set precedent for civil unions in Bolivia after a gay couple has achieved a legally recognized civil union.

The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law.
Since 2020, legal cases have set precedent for civil unions in Bolivia after a gay couple has achieved a legally recognized civil union. Only one civil union has been recognized ever since.

The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law.
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Since 2020, legal cases have set precedent for civil unions in Bolivia after a gay couple has achieved a legally recognized civil union. The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law. union. Only one civil union has been recognized ever since. The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law.

edited by Etlot

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueUnrecognizedCivil unions (marriage rights)
Start DateJan 25, 2009Dec 12, 2020
DescriptionSince 2020, legal cases have set precedent for civil unions in Bolivia after a gay couple has achieved a legally recognized civil union.

The couple, together for more than 11 years, took their case to court. While the Bolivian Constitution still does not contemplate same sex unions, the couple argued successfully the prohibition violated international human rights standards and constituted discrimination under Bolivian law.
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http://www.presidencia.gob.bo/documentos/publicaciones/constitucion.pdf https://www.reuters.com/article/bolivia-lgbt-civil-union-idUSKBN28M0HZ

created by vviet93

Original entry
Start DateJan 25, 2009
End Date(none)
Reports (3)
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Other "A gay couple cannot marry in Bolivia, but civil unions are legal, although there have been only a few"
  • Status is not correct