Trnavský kraj is governed by federal Slovakia law. Learn more
    ✔ Legal
    Gay Marriage
    ✖ Unregistered cohabitation
    ✔ No censorship
    Changing Gender
    ✖ Legal, but requires surgery
    Gender-Affirming Care
    ✔ Legal
    Non-Binary Gender Recognition
    ✖ Not legally recognized
    ✔ Illegal
    Employment Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    Housing Discrimination
    ✔ Sexual orientation and gender identity
    ✖ Single only
    Intersex Infant Surgery
    ✖ Not banned
    ✔ Legal
    Donating Blood
    ✖ Banned (1-year deferral)
    Conversion Therapy
    ✖ Not banned
    Age of Consent
    ✔ Equal
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Homosexual activity in Trnavský kraj


Homosexual activity in Trnavský kraj is legal.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 1961
Homosexuality was legalized in the former Czechoslovakia.
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Same-sex marriage in Trnavský kraj


Same-sex marriage in Trnavský kraj is unregistered cohabitation.

Current status
Since 2018
Unregistered cohabitation
Since 2018, Slovakia recognizes a close person, defined as a sibling or a spouse. A family member or a person in a relationship shall be considered under law a close person if an injury suffered by one of them is "reasonably felt by the other person as an injury suffered by him or her." Limited rights are granted, namely in the area of inheritance.

Censorship of LGBT issues in Trnavský kraj


Censorship of LGBT issues in Trnavský kraj is no censorship.

Current status
No censorship
In Slovakia, there are no laws restricting the discussion or promotion of LGBTQ+ topics.
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Right to change legal gender in Trnavský kraj


Right to change legal gender in Trnavský kraj is legal, but requires surgery.

Current status
Since Nov 21, 2023
Legal, but requires surgery
Previous government guidelines allowing changes with only a medical diagnosis were revoked for "the stability of the coalition" hence surgery was once again required.
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Mar 3, 2023–Nov 21, 2023
Legal, but requires medical diagnosis
Ministry of Health approved a Public Health Standard, eliminating the forced sterilisation requirement for changing the gender marker in the Registry Office.
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1975–Mar 3, 2023
Legal, but requires surgery
In 1975, the first sex reassignment surgery in Czechoslovakia and the associated change of legal gender took place in the clinic in Brno.
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Until 1975
Legal gender change is impossible
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Until 1501
Currently it is de facto not possible to change the legal gender. The law requires surgery and sterilization, which was ruled illegal under EU court.
Due to a lack of standards and regulations as of November 18, 2022, healthcare facilities in Slovakia are refusing to treat transgender patients, forcing them to travel abroad for care.

Gender-affirming care in Trnavský kraj


Gender-affirming care in Trnavský kraj is legal.

Current status
Since Mar 3, 2023
There are no excessive restrictions placed specifically on transgender people's access to gender-affirming care. This guidance has been revoked and reinstated multiple times, they were last reinstated on 3/3/23
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Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Trnavský kraj


Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Trnavský kraj is not legally recognized.

Current status
Not legally recognized
Slovakia is believed to not officially recognise non-binary genders.
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LGBT discrimination in Trnavský kraj


LGBT discrimination in Trnavský kraj is illegal.

Current status
Since May 22, 2013
The Anti-Discrimination Act (Slovak: Antidiskriminačný zákon) was adopted in 2004, to comply with the European Union's requirements on anti-discrimination law in its member states. The act, broadened in 2008, made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in a wide variety of areas, including employment, education, housing, social care and the provision of goods and services.
In May 2013, the Criminal Code was amended to include sexual orientation as a ground for hate crimes, allowing harsher penalties for crimes motivated by homophobia. Additionally, hate speech on the basis of sexual orientation was outlawed.

LGBT employment discrimination in Trnavský kraj


LGBT employment discrimination in Trnavský kraj is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2018
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Act No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018
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LGBT housing discrimination in Trnavský kraj


LGBT housing discrimination in Trnavský kraj is sexual orientation and gender identity.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2018
Sexual orientation and gender identity
Act No. 365/2004 on Equal treatment gives protections for LGB People, Trans people would be covered later on when the act was amended in 2018
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Same-sex adoption in Trnavský kraj


Same-sex adoption in Trnavský kraj is single only.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 2017
Single only
LGB couples cannot adopt in Slovakia as of 2023. All single people regardless of sexual orientation can however
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Intersex infant surgery in Trnavský kraj


Intersex infant surgery in Trnavský kraj is not banned.

Current status
Not banned
There is no official ban on unnecessary sex reassignment operations in infants in Slovakia.
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Serving openly in military in Trnavský kraj


Serving openly in military in Trnavský kraj is legal.

Current status
Since Jan 1, 1993
Legal for all people
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Until Dec 31, 1992
Only place you cannot serve is in Cyprus.
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Blood donations by MSMs in Trnavský kraj


Blood donations by MSMs in Trnavský kraj is banned (1-year deferral).

Current status
Banned (1-year deferral)
Changes pending.
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Conversion therapy in Trnavský kraj


Conversion therapy in Trnavský kraj is not banned.

Current status
Since Jan 22, 2018
Not banned
Not criminalized or regulated, Due to Christian attitudes, this isn’t likely to change
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Equal age of consent in Trnavský kraj


Equal age of consent in Trnavský kraj is equal.

Current status
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