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nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Homosexual activity: Illegal (imprisonment as punishment) from (unknown) to 1973.
North Dakota enacted a sterilization law for people who were "sexual deviants, perverts". Such law required no previous action, but right to sterilize based upon status alone. The law was repealed…
Sources: Laws of Dakota 1862, page 165, ch. IX, §47, enacted Apr. 28, 1862 Laws of North Dakota 1903, page 285, ch. 206, enacted Mar. 13, 1903 Laws of North Dakota 1973, ch. 117…
nickreitan created an entry in California.
Conversion therapy: Banned from Sep 29, 2012 to (none).
Note that this only applies to youth (under 18 years olds)
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from 2006 to (none).
To change their gender marker, trans people in North Dakota have to have their sex changed with "anatomically correct genitalia for the identified sex as certified by a medical provider".
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 23-02.1-25…… North Dakota Administrative Code § 33-04-12-02……
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
LGBT employment discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to Jun 15, 2020.
Certain municipal laws allow non-discriminatory codes for city employees. eg. Fargo & Grand Forks. Otherwise, as of December 16, 2014, there are no statewide legal protections for people who are…
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 14-02.5…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Serving openly in military: Legal from Sep 20, 2011 to (none).
Legalized with national passing of Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010.
Sources: Senate Bill, S.2043… House of Representatives Bill, H.R.2965…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Blood donations by MSMs: Banned (indefinite deferral) from Jan 1, 1983 to Dec 21, 2015.
Banned due to national FDA Guidelines.
nickreitan created an entry in Montana.
Homosexual activity: Legal from Apr 18, 2013 to (none).
Though the US Supreme Court and the Montana Supreme Court both ruled the law unconstitutional and unenforceable as early as 2003, it remained on the books until officially removed on 4/18/2013.
Sources: MCA 45-2-101 § 21… Redacted during SB 0107 April 18, 2013 Sec. 4 § 21……
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
LGBT discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
No protections from discrimination exist based upon sexual orientation or gender identification.
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 14-02.4-01…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Homosexual activity: Legal from 1973 to (none).
Sources: North Dakota S.L. [Laws of North Dakota] 1973, ch. 117…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Equal age of consent: Equal from (unknown) to (none).
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 14-10-01 Minors Defined.… North Dakota Century Code, 12.1-20 Sex Offenses…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
LGBT housing discrimination: No protections from (unknown) to (none).
"...does not apply to an individual because of an individual's sexual orientation or because that individual is a transvestite" This state does not provide any legal protections from…
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 14-02.5-01 § 6…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Same-sex adoption: Single only from (unknown) to Jan 1, 2015.
"The following individuals may adopt: 1. A husband and wife together although one or both are minors. 2. An unmarried adult. 3. The unmarried father or mother of the individual to be…
Sources: North Dakota Century Code, 14-15-03 § 1-4…
nickreitan created an entry in North Dakota.
Same-sex marriage: Unrecognized from (unknown) to Jun 26, 2015.
"A spouse refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife."
Sources: North Dakota Century Code 14-03-01: What constitutes marriage - Spouse defined.…