Entry #596: Right to change legal gender in Cyprus

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
Start Date(unknown)
End DateNov 23, 2022
DescriptionIn November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has been drafted, with the support of the President and the Justice Minister. On 10 June 2019, following months of stalling and delay, four parents of transgender children spoke in favor of the bill and urged for its "speedy adoption". The legislation would allow transgender people over 18 to right to change their legal gender on the basis of self-determination, without a diagnosis, hormonal treatment or sex reassignment surgery. Currently, a bill is in the works for gender change to be legal with the requirement that the applicant is unmarried.

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Revision History (4)

edited by Notdog1996. Was not ambiguous, but illegal as the change could not be done. Regardless, newer law has passed.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal
End Date(none)Nov 23, 2022

Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cyprus#cite_note-19 https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/news/local/bill-allows-one-to-legally-change-gender-through-easily-accessible-procedures/ https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/news/local/bill-allows-one-to-legally-change-gender-through-easily-accessible-procedures/ https://www.moi.gov.cy/moi/crmd/crmd.nsf/changegender_en/changegender_en?OpenDocument#:~:text=Any%20person%20over%2018%20is,a%20fee%20of%2080%20euros

edited by losxniko

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIn November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has been drafted, with the support of the President and the Justice Minister. On 10 June 2019, following months of stalling and delay, four parents of transgender children spoke in favor of the bill and urged for its "speedy adoption". The legislation would allow transgender people over 18 to right to change their legal gender on the basis of self-determination, without a diagnosis, hormonal treatment or sex reassignment surgeryIn November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has been drafted, with the support of the President and the Justice Minister. On 10 June 2019, following months of stalling and delay, four parents of transgender children spoke in favor of the bill and urged for its "speedy adoption". The legislation would allow transgender people over 18 to right to change their legal gender on the basis of self-determination, without a diagnosis, hormonal treatment or sex reassignment surgery. Currently, a bill is in the works for gender change to be legal with the requirement that the applicant is unmarried.
Show Difference
In November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has been drafted, with the support of the President and the Justice Minister. On 10 June 2019, following months of stalling and delay, four parents of transgender children spoke in favor of the bill and urged for its "speedy adoption". The legislation would allow transgender people over 18 to right to change their legal gender on the basis of self-determination, without a diagnosis, hormonal treatment or sex reassignment surgery surgery. Currently, a bill is in the works for gender change to be legal with the requirement that the applicant is unmarried.

Show Difference
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cyprus#cite_note-19 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cyprus#cite_note-19 https://in-cyprus.philenews.com/news/local/bill-allows-one-to-legally-change-gender-through-easily-accessible-procedures/
Reports (3)
  • Newer law has been passed "You are able to self determine your own gender without any sort of medical transition as long as you are over 18, since September of 2022. Official Government website: http://www.moi.gov.cy/moi/crmd/crmd.nsf/changegender_en/changegender_en?OpenDocument#:~:text=Any%20person%20over%2018%20is,a%20fee%20of%2080%20euros."
  • Newer law has been passed "Conversion pseudo therapies have been banned for all. Amendment to the Criminal Code states: "Any person practicing therapy with the aim of conversion of someone's sex or gender identity/orientation is guilty of an offence and, if convicted, is liable to a sentence of not exceeding the limits of 2 years or a penalty of 5000 euros, or both of these penalties. Passed on the 25th of may 2023 with the help of the AKEL party. "
  • Newer law has been passed "On 23rd November 2022 the gender recognition law was decided on. A person, without having to undergo surgery, medical treatment or psychiatric consultation can follow a simple procedure to change the registered gender data from official documents. There is, though, a requirement for the person to be unmarried. The right to legal gender identity recognition is given to Cypriot citizens, including minors aged 16 and over with a stricter procedure. source: Cyprus Mail"

edited by Antinousosiris

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegal, but requires surgery(REMOVED)
Special Status(REMOVED)Ambiguous
DescriptionIn November 2017, President Nicos Anastasiades met advocacy group Accept-LGBT Cyprus to discuss issues concerning transgender rights. A bill to allow transgender people to change their legal sex has been drafted, with the support of the President and the Justice Minister. On 10 June 2019, following months of stalling and delay, four parents of transgender children spoke in favor of the bill and urged for its "speedy adoption". The legislation would allow transgender people over 18 to right to change their legal gender on the basis of self-determination, without a diagnosis, hormonal treatment or sex reassignment surgery
SourcesUnder EU laws.https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cyprus#cite_note-19
Show Difference
Under EU laws. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Cyprus#cite_note-19
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "You will now be able to legally change your gender on legal documents without gender reassignment surgery or therapy."

created by James

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
SourcesUnder EU laws.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "it is legal to marry in cyprus right now"