
My name is Adam, 32, and from Hungary. I'm a manager of a café and a hobbyist Photographer.
Location: HungaryJoined He/Him
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dekoradum created an entry in Hungary.
Same-sex adoption: Legal from May 1, 2010 to 2020.
Any individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them. Second parent adoption is available for…
dekoradum created an entry in Hungary.
Same-sex marriage: Civil unions (marriage rights) from Jul 1, 2009 to (none).
Hungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax…
dekoradum created an entry in Hungary.
Equal age of consent: Equal from Jan 1, 2002 to (none).
Equal age of consent set at 14 since a Constitutional Court ruling in 2002.