Entry #891: Same-sex adoption in Hungary

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
Start DateMay 1, 2010
End DateDec 15, 2020
DescriptionAny individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them.
Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners.

Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.

Revision History (3)

edited by DaisyGeekyTrans. Sad I have to say this on same-sex adoption being legal but adding end date.

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date2020Dec 15, 2020
DescriptionAny individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them.
Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners.

Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.
Any individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them.
Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners.

Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.
Show Difference
Any individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them. Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners. Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office. couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.

edited by DuffdeNecker

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)2020
DescriptionAny individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them.
Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners.

Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.
Any individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them.
Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners.

Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.
Show Difference
Any individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them. Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners. Same sex cohabiting couples\'s joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office. couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.

created by dekoradum

Original entry
Start DateMay 1, 2010
End Date(none)
DescriptionAny individual can apodt regardless of thair marital status but prefecence has to be given to married couples. Joint adoption is available only for them. Second parent adoption is available for married and cohabiting couples - regardless of gender - but not for registered (same sex) partners. Same sex cohabiting couples's joint adoption has to be authorized by the Guardianship Office.
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "not even cishet single people can adopt "
  • Status is not correct "Changed to illegal since 2021"