Entry #787: Same-sex marriage in Hungary

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
StatusCivil unions (limited rights)
Start DateJul 1, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionHungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.

Revision History (18)

edited by Pizzaslices412653. Adoption of any LGBT individual in Hungary is illegal since 2020

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueCivil unions (marriage rights)Civil unions (limited rights)
DescriptionHungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.Hungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.
Show Difference
Hungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages. widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.

edited by Doomdorm64. adding constitution source

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has a similar alternatuve to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner’s surname.Hungary has an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.
Show Difference
Hungary has a similar alternatuve to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner’s surname. an alternative to same-sex marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner's surname. Since 2012, the Constitution of Hungary has defined marriage as a union exclusively between a man and woman; effectively prohibiting LGBT marriages.
Show Difference
https://www.thepinknews.com/2009/02/12/hungarian-government-proposes-registered-same-sex-partnerships/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2009/02/12/hungarian-government-proposes-registered-same-sex-partnerships/ https://www.thepinknews.com/2012/01/03/new-hungarian-constitution-comes-into-effect-with-same-sex-marriage-ban/

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03Hungary has a similar alternatuve to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner’s surname.
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03 a similar alternatuve to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses, but they don’t get to pick their partner’s surname.

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12 Canadianstudent03

edited by Canadianstudent03. Vandalised by Vito12

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03 Vito12

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Canadianstudent03
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12 Canadianstudent03

edited by Canadianstudent03. Vandalised by Vito12

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" and even though he is.
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" and even though he is. spouses. Vandalised by Vito12

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Vandalised by Vito12
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" and even though he is.
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Vandalised by Vito12 spouses. Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" and even though he is.

edited by Canadianstudent03. Vandalised by Vito12

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

I show let you all know Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" the page over a mistake. Although, he has vandalised other pages. No need Canadianstudent03
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Vandalised by Vito12
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. I show let you all know Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" the page over a mistake. Although, he has vandalised other pages. No need Canadianstudent03 spouses. Vandalised by Vito12

edited by Vito12. Calling out Canadianstudent03

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Canadianstudent03 saying I vandalised the page even though it was a mistake and he has vandalised other pages.
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

I show let you all know Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" the page over a mistake. Although, he has vandalised other pages. No need Canadianstudent03
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Canadianstudent03 saying I vandalised the page even though it was a mistake and he has vandalised other pages. spouses. I show let you all know Canadianstudent03 saying I "vandalised" the page over a mistake. Although, he has vandalised other pages. No need Canadianstudent03

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.

Canadianstudent03 saying I vandalised the page even though it was a mistake and he has vandalised other pages.
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. spouses. Canadianstudent03 saying I vandalised the page even though it was a mistake and he has vandalised other pages.

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionHungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. This page was vandalised by Vito12Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses.
Show Difference
Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. This page was vandalised by Vito12

edited by Canadianstudent03. Incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueUnregistered cohabitationCivil unions (marriage rights)
DescriptionGay marriage is constitutionally banned with unregistered cohabitation Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. This page was vandalised by Vito12
Show Difference
Gay marriage is constitutionally banned with unregistered cohabitation Hungary has an Equal Equivalent to marriage which is known as bejegyzett élettársi kapcsolat. Registered partners are entitled to the same inheritance and property rights, widow's pension, tax benefits, social benefits, and immigration and naturalization rights as married spouses. This page was vandalised by Vito12

edited by Vito12. Making this change because it is not correct

Old Value New Value
ValueCivil unions (marriage rights)Unregistered cohabitation
DescriptionIn 2009, The Hungarian Government had passed a bill allowing Same sex couples to have registered partnerships Gay marriage is constitutionally banned with unregistered cohabitation
Show Difference
In 2009, The Hungarian Government had passed a bill allowing Same sex couples to have registered partnerships Gay marriage is constitutionally banned with unregistered cohabitation

edited by Canadianstudent03. a user has been changing Hungary’s same sex marriage status without sources, even though Hungary has civil Unions. They are also using Wikipedia as well which this site does not allow

Old Value New Value
ValueUnregistered cohabitationCivil unions (marriage rights)
DescriptionSame-sex marriage constitutionally bannedIn 2009, The Hungarian Government had passed a bill allowing Same sex couples to have registered partnerships
Show Difference
Same-sex marriage constitutionally banned In 2009, The Hungarian Government had passed a bill allowing Same sex couples to have registered partnerships
Show Difference
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Hungary https://www.thepinknews.com/2009/02/12/hungarian-government-proposes-registered-same-sex-partnerships/

edited by Vito12. If this is wrong please say

Old Value New Value
ValueCivil unions (marriage rights)Unregistered cohabitation
DescriptionThe institution of registered partnership is only available to same sex couples. The unregistered cohabitation (élettársi kapcsolat) of same-sex couples was recognised and placed on equal footing with the unregistered cohabitation of different-sex couples in 1996.
However, same-sex marriage is banned by the 2012 Constitution.
Same-sex marriage constitutionally banned
Show Difference
The institution of registered partnership is only available to same sex couples. The unregistered cohabitation (élettársi kapcsolat) of same-sex couples was recognised and placed on equal footing with the unregistered cohabitation of different-sex couples in 1996. However, same-sex marriage is banned by the 2012 Constitution. Same-sex marriage constitutionally banned
Show Difference
http://en.hatter.hu/news/hungarian-parliament-adopts-new-registered-partnership-act http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/01/03/new-hungarian-constitution-comes-into-effect-with-same-sex-marriage-ban/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Hungary

edited by chae

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueOther type of partnershipCivil unions (marriage rights)
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "Marriage is illegal, while partnership is not."
  • Other "Same sex marriage is not legal in Hungary. It is constitutionally banned. Gender change is illegal since 2020, and adoption by same sex couples is also illegal since 2020."
  • Status is not correct "Same sex marriage was fully banned"
  • Newer law has been passed "Same sex marriage has been banned in 2020"
  • Newer law has been passed "Constitution made by the parliament in 2011 which came into effect in 2012 says that couples of same-sex were prohibited from getting married."

created by dekoradum

Original entry
StatusOther type of partnership
Start DateJul 1, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe institution of registered partnership is only available to same sex couples. The unregistered cohabitation (élettársi kapcsolat) of same-sex couples was recognised and placed on equal footing with the unregistered cohabitation of different-sex couples in 1996. However, same-sex marriage is banned by the 2012 Constitution.
Sourceshttp://en.hatter.hu/news/hungarian-parliament-adopts-new-registered-partnership-act http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2012/01/03/new-hungarian-constitution-comes-into-effect-with-same-sex-marriage-ban/
Reports (2)
  • Status is not correct "It is illegal/ not legal"
  • Status is not correct "It states its ban from 2012, yet in May. 2010 - same sex couples (only 'married') can adopt?"