Fandorine Editor

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Fandorine created an entry in Republic of the Congo.
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
Fandorine created an entry in Czech Republic.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
A legal change of gender is obtained through the local registry office. This process includes obtaining a new birth certificate or a personal identification number (called a Birth Number) and has…
Sources: this EU Parliament report :…
Fandorine created an entry in Estonia.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Apr 6, 1992 to Apr 24, 1997.
The first transgender person to change their legal gender in independent Estonia did so on 6 April 1992. This followed a decision by a medical expert committee convened to assess her case. Her…
Sources: Kalevi alt välja. LGBT+ inimeste lugusid 19. ja 20. sajandi Eestist (in Estonian). Tallinn: Eesti LGBT Ühing. ISBN 978-9916-4-1434-7.
Fandorine created an entry in Moldova.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
Moldovan law allows for legal gender change only after ‘change of sex’. So far this has been interpreted as biological / surgical change of sex. In 2011, four individuals had successfully…
Fandorine edited an entry in (deleted region).
: Ambiguous from 1996 to (none).
Legislation about the procedures necessary for name changes refers to the obligation to get a final court decision before changing one’s sex. However, law and procedure are unclear beyond this and…
Sources: This report from ACCEPT, IGLHRC, and ILGA-Europe to the United Nations Human Rights Council :… art. 43.i of this law :…
Fandorine created an entry in Finland.
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from Jan 1, 2003 to Apr 3, 2023.
The authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided they: • Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently…