Entry #1322: Right to change legal gender in Finland

Current Version

IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateJan 1, 2003
End DateApr 3, 2023
DescriptionThe authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided they:
• Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children
• They are an adult
• They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage
• They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland

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Revision History (7)

edited by Notdog1996. Date has been pushed back

Old Value New Value (Current)
End DateMar 1, 2023Apr 3, 2023
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http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 https://seta.fi/arkistot/uutinen/ http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 https://seta.fi/arkistot/uutinen/ https://dvv.fi/sv/faststallande-av-annan-konstillhorighet

edited by Notdog1996. Date has been pushed back

Old Value New Value
End DateApr 3, 2023Mar 1, 2023
Show Difference
http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 https://seta.fi/arkistot/uutinen/ https://dvv.fi/sv/faststallande-av-annan-konstillhorighet http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 https://seta.fi/arkistot/uutinen/

edited by Notdog1996. Corrected the date.

Old Value New Value
End DateFeb 1, 2023Apr 3, 2023
Show Difference
http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/2002/20020563 https://seta.fi/arkistot/uutinen/ https://dvv.fi/sv/faststallande-av-annan-konstillhorighet

edited by Samanthos. New law passed

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Feb 1, 2023

edited by Samanthos. Replaced with gender-neutral speech

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she:
• Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children
• They are an adult
• They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage
• They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland
The authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided they:
• Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children
• They are an adult
• They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage
• They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland
Show Difference
The authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she: • Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children • They are an adult • They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage • They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland they: • Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children • They are an adult • They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage • They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland

edited by Samanthos. Updated the description to be gender-neutral

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionThe authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she:
• Provides a medical report testifying that he/she permanently experiences being a member of the opposite sex and that he/she lives in that gender roles and that he/she has been sterilised or is otherwise incapable of having children
• He/she is an adult
• He/she is not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage
• He/she is a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland
The authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she:
• Provides a medical report testifying that they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children
• They are an adult
• They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage
• They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland
Show Difference
The authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she: • Provides a medical report testifying that he/she permanently experiences being a member of the opposite sex and that he/she lives in that gender roles and that he/she has been sterilised or is otherwise incapable of having children • He/she is an adult • He/she is not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage • He/she is a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland they permanently experience being a member of the opposite sex and that they live in the gender roles of those and that they have been sterilized or are otherwise incapable of having children • They are an adult • They are not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage • They are a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland

created by Fandorine

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateJan 1, 2003
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe authorities shall recognise a person as belonging to the opposite sex to that recorded on the population register, provided he/she: • Provides a medical report testifying that he/she permanently experiences being a member of the opposite sex and that he/she lives in that gender roles and that he/she has been sterilised or is otherwise incapable of having children • He/she is an adult • He/she is not married or in a registered partnership; unless the spouse or partner gives their consent in which case a marriage become a registered partnership and a registered partnership becomes a marriage • He/she is a Finnish citizen or is resident in Finland
Reports (4)
  • Newer law has been passed "A new law has passed that takes away the sterilization and surgery requirements, and its now self determination (sorry if i misspell) by 1st january 2023, source is Yle.fi"
  • Newer law has been passed "Finland has passed a new law that takes away the demand for sterilization etc. "
  • Status is not correct "Should be "Legal, but requires sterility." The current law requires a proof of sterility for changing legal gender, but in pretty much all cases sterility is achieved through hormonal treatment, not surgery."
  • Status is not correct "Finland doesn't require SURGERY. Being sterile due to HRT is considered enough"