Entry #88: Same-sex marriage in Albania

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Date2003
End Date(none)
DescriptionAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.
There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution.
Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law."

In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older." Article 163 states "Cohabitation is a factual union between a man and a woman."

Revision History (6)

edited by Nathan. status banned according to Family Law

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateNov 28, 19982003
DescriptionAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.
There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution.
Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law."
In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older."
Albania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.
There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution.
Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law."

In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older." Article 163 states "Cohabitation is a factual union between a man and a woman."
Show Difference
Albania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits. There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution. Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law." In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older." law." In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older." Article 163 states "Cohabitation is a factual union between a man and a woman."

edited by Aleksandar. Starting date of Constitution into force, more links to laws, more in description

Old Value New Value
Start DateFeb 4, 2010Nov 28, 1998
DescriptionAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.Albania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.
There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution.
Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law."
In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older."
Show Difference
Albania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits. benefits. There is no definition of marriage in the 1998 Constitution. Article 53: Everyone has the right to get married and have a family.... The entering into and dissolution of marriage are regulated by law." In the Family Law from 2003, Article 7 reads: "Marriage can be concluded between a man and a woman who are 18 years or older."
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http://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2010/02/05/albanian-law-drops-gay-marriage-proposal https://euralius.eu/index.php/en/library/albanian-legislation?task=download.send&id=178&catid=9&m=0 https://faolex.fao.org/docs/pdf/alb208226.pdf http://www.advocate.com/news/daily-news/2010/02/05/albanian-law-drops-gay-marriage-proposal
Reports (1)
  • Newer law has been passed "Like this, for example https://"

edited by danlev. Revert abuse

Old Value New Value
DescriptionxxxxxxxxxAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.

edited by TOS. Sjejiejdjd

Old Value New Value
DescriptionAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.xxxxxxxxx

edited by Samanthos. Description added

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionAlbania does not legally recognize same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.

created by brennen

Original entry
Start DateFeb 4, 2010
End Date(none)