Entry #78: Same-sex adoption in Mexico

Current Version

IssueSame-sex adoption
StatusVaries by Region
Start DateMar 21, 2010
End Date(none)
DescriptionThere is no federal law allowing for joint adoption and second parent adoption by same-sex couples. Adoption is only permitted for same sex married couples in 21 of the 31 Mexican states and Mexico City

Revision History (4)

edited by Nathan. Improvements

Old Value New Value (Current)
Special StatusLegalVaries by Region
Start DateDec 21, 2009Mar 21, 2010
DescriptionJoint adoption legal in the Federal District of Mexico City (2010) and the state of Coahuila. Single gay persons may adopt nationwide.There is no federal law allowing for joint adoption and second parent adoption by same-sex couples. Adoption is only permitted for same sex married couples in 21 of the 31 Mexican states and Mexico City
Show Difference
Joint adoption legal in the Federal District of Mexico City (2010) and the state of Coahuila. Single gay persons may adopt nationwide. There is no federal law allowing for joint adoption and second parent adoption by same-sex couples. Adoption is only permitted for same sex married couples in 21 of the 31 Mexican states and Mexico City
Sources "We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009https://database.ilga.org/mexico-lgbti
Show Difference
"We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009 https://database.ilga.org/mexico-lgbti https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Mexico#Adoption_and_family_planning

edited by danlev. Fixing broken entry

Old Value New Value
End Date-0001(none)

edited by Guy

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)-0001
Sources "We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009 "We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009
Show Difference
\"We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage\", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009 "We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009

created by maxkasun

Original entry
Start DateDec 21, 2009
End Date(none)
DescriptionJoint adoption legal in the Federal District of Mexico City (2010) and the state of Coahuila. Single gay persons may adopt nationwide.
Sources "We do: Mexico City blazes trail with legalisation of same-sex marriage", The Guardian, reported by Rory Carroll, 22 December 2009