Entry #509: Same-sex marriage in Pennsylvania

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start DateOct 16, 1996
End DateMay 19, 2014
DescriptionIn 1996, a statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman came into effect. Part of the statue read: "A marriage between persons of the same sex which was entered into in another state or foreign jurisdiction, even if valid where entered into, shall be void in this Commonwealth."

Revision History (3)

edited by Unknownmiles. making the description sound better

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionState Statute defining marriage as between one man and one womanIn 1996, a statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman came into effect. Part of the statue read: "A marriage between persons of the same sex which was entered into in another state or foreign jurisdiction, even if valid where entered into, shall be void in this Commonwealth."
Show Difference
State Statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman In 1996, a statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman came into effect. Part of the statue read: "A marriage between persons of the same sex which was entered into in another state or foreign jurisdiction, even if valid where entered into, shall be void in this Commonwealth."

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
End Date(none)May 19, 2014

created by Khinch

Original entry
Start DateOct 16, 1996
End Date(none)
DescriptionState Statute defining marriage as between one man and one woman