Entry #192: LGBT discrimination in Japan

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
Start Date(unknown)
End Date2018
DescriptionHousing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending)

Revision History (6)

edited by maansf. edit law

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueNo protectionsIllegal
End DateJun 22, 20232018
DescriptionJapan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc.Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending)
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Japan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending)

edited by Iwamoto. Add sources by Amnesty and 4th Universal Periodic Review on Japan by UN.

Old Value New Value
Start DateMay 3, 1947(unknown)
End DateSep 9, 2018Jun 22, 2023
Show Difference
http://www.hrw.org/news/2011/02/01/japan-governor-should-retract-homophobic-comments https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ASA2259552017ENGLISH.pdf https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G23/036/60/PDF/G2303660.pdf

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
DescriptionJapan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens.Japan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc.
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Japan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens.
Reports (1)
  • Date is incorrect "Source is broken and invalid"

edited by tsusamu

Old Value New Value
End Date(none)Sep 9, 2018

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionJapan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government includes sexuaJapan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens.
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Japan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government includes sexua
Reports (8)
  • Status is not correct "Since the protections are extended to all, despite no LGBT-specific, this should make it ambiguous"
  • Date is incorrect "should be "9 Sep 2018 - present""
  • Status is not correct "not current status. should be under "3 May 1947 - 9 Sep 2018""
  • Status is not correct
  • Other "jhvcvjrftghc n"
  • Status is not correct "https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/10/05/tokyo-new-law-bars-lgbt-discrimination Tokyo has passed a law to prohibit discrimination "
  • Status is not correct "????????? ??????LGBT???????????????????????"
  • Status is not correct "I think you guys should have to protect them cause they are your citizens after all and they are not zombie or other scary things they are just same-sex lover and they are humans too so they should get there protection from the government "

created by bradcoffey106

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start DateMay 3, 1947
End Date(none)
DescriptionJapan does not have LGBT protections from discrimination in employment, housing, etc. The Japanese Constitution promises equal rights to all and this is widely interpretted as extending to LGBT citizens. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government includes sexua