Entry #1810: LGBT discrimination in United Arab Emirates

Current Version

RegionUnited Arab Emirates
IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start DateDec 2, 1971
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe UAE constitution, which came into effect on December 2, 1971, does not reference any protections against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality.

Revision History (3)

edited by Ratabzoo. Changing date to match introduction of Emirati constitution.

Old Value New Value (Current)
Start DateDec 2, 2018Dec 2, 1971

edited by tut. date correction

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateDec 2, 1971Dec 2, 2018
Reports (1)
  • Duplicate entry "same as previous, but with better entry."

created by danlev

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start DateDec 2, 1971
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe UAE constitution, which came into effect on December 2, 1971, does not reference any protections against discrimination on the basis of gender or sexuality.
Sourceshttp://www.refugeelegalaidinformation.org/united-arab-emirates-lgbti-resources http://www.refworld.org/type,LEGISLATION,,ARE,48eca8132,0.html
Reports (1)
  • Sources are invalid or broken "I live in the UAE as a trans man. While I do not get validation as much as I would have liked, discriminating against anyone is illegal, even if they identified as something against the norm."