Entry #12414: LGBT discrimination in Japan

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusIllegal in some contexts
Start Date2018
End Date(none)
DescriptionHousing discrimination is illegal in Japan. Japan does not have national employment anti-discrimination laws, although Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita offer local protections.
https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=505AC1000000068 (in Japanese)

Revision History (10)

edited by Doomdorm64. Updating description

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueIllegalIllegal in some contexts
DescriptionHousing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending) Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan. Japan does not have national employment anti-discrimination laws, although Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita offer local protections.
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Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending) Japan. Japan does not have national employment anti-discrimination laws, although Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita offer local protections.

edited by maansf. edit law

Old Value New Value
Special StatusAmbiguousIllegal
Start DateJun 23, 20232018
DescriptionThough a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending)
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Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination. Housing discrimination is illegal in Japan, and employment discrimination is illegal in Tokyo, Ibaraki and Akita (Nationwide pending)

edited by Doomdorm64. Tweaking description

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protections(REMOVED)
Special StatusNo protectionsAmbiguous

edited by Notdog1996. Fixing dates

Old Value New Value
Start Date2018Jun 23, 2023
End DateJun 23, 2023(none)

edited by danlev. Reverting plagiarism.

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)No protections
End Date(none)Jun 23, 2023
DescriptionIn October 2018, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passed a law prohibiting all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The law, which took effect in April 2019, also commits the Metropolitan Government to raise awareness of LGBT people and "conduct measures needed to make sure human rights values are rooted in all corners of the city". The law outlaws expressing hateful rhetoric in public. Prior to this, the wards of Shibuya and Setagaya had already passed explicit protections for LGBT people.
basis of sexual orientation.[72][73]

In March 2019, legislation banning discrimination against "sexual minorities" was passed in Ibaraki Prefecture.

In April 2022, legislation prohibiting discrimination among others sexual orientation and gender identity came into operation in Akita Prefecture.
Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.
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In October 2018, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passed a law prohibiting all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The law, which took effect in April 2019, also commits the Metropolitan Government to raise awareness of LGBT people and "conduct measures needed to make sure human rights values are rooted in all corners of the city". The law outlaws expressing hateful rhetoric in public. Prior to this, the wards of Shibuya and Setagaya had already passed explicit protections for LGBT people. basis of sexual orientation.[72][73] In March 2019, legislation banning discrimination against "sexual minorities" was passed in Ibaraki Prefecture. In April 2022, legislation prohibiting discrimination among others sexual orientation and gender identity came into operation in Akita Prefecture. Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.

edited by ernylucas. Edit law

Old Value New Value
ValueNo protections(REMOVED)
Start DateJun 23, 20232018
DescriptionThough a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.In October 2018, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passed a law prohibiting all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The law, which took effect in April 2019, also commits the Metropolitan Government to raise awareness of LGBT people and "conduct measures needed to make sure human rights values are rooted in all corners of the city". The law outlaws expressing hateful rhetoric in public. Prior to this, the wards of Shibuya and Setagaya had already passed explicit protections for LGBT people.
basis of sexual orientation.[72][73]

In March 2019, legislation banning discrimination against "sexual minorities" was passed in Ibaraki Prefecture.

In April 2022, legislation prohibiting discrimination among others sexual orientation and gender identity came into operation in Akita Prefecture.
Show Difference
Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination. In October 2018, the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly passed a law prohibiting all discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. The law, which took effect in April 2019, also commits the Metropolitan Government to raise awareness of LGBT people and "conduct measures needed to make sure human rights values are rooted in all corners of the city". The law outlaws expressing hateful rhetoric in public. Prior to this, the wards of Shibuya and Setagaya had already passed explicit protections for LGBT people. basis of sexual orientation.[72][73] In March 2019, legislation banning discrimination against "sexual minorities" was passed in Ibaraki Prefecture. In April 2022, legislation prohibiting discrimination among others sexual orientation and gender identity came into operation in Akita Prefecture.

edited by Iwamoto. Add the severe limitation of the new law and replace the source, which cites EAJ campaign site expr essing the demands of the LGBTQ community for anti-discrimination law.

Old Value New Value
ValueIllegal in some contextsNo protections
Start Date2023Jun 23, 2023
Description a new. law was passedThough a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.
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a new. law was passed Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination.
https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=505AC1000000068 (in Japanese)
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https://www.hrw.org/EqualityActJapan https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/07/12/japan-passes-law-promote-understanding-lgbt-people https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=505AC1000000068 (in Japanese)

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)2023
End Date2023(none)
Reports (4)
  • Newer law has been passed "The new law, LGBT understanding promotion law, doesn't prohibit disicrimination on LGBT. "
  • Note field is incorrect "The note is unclear and the link is to an old article trying to promote LGBTQ support before the Olympics that occurred in Tokyo. I didn't see any mention of new laws being passed."
  • Sources are invalid or broken "The source cited is EAJ, which is a campaign site expressing the demands of the LGBTQ community for anti -discrimination law. It needs to be updated since the newly introduced law has failed to meet our demands to illegalize LGBTQ discrimination in any specific way."
  • Status is not correct "Though a new law was passed in June 2023, this law merely "promotes the understanding of SOGI" and only refers to anti-discrimination in principle. It does not specifically ban or illegalize LGBTQ discrimination."

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. aderd

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNo protectionsIllegal in some contexts
End Date(none)2023
DescriptionParagraph 2 on the source says that there is no protection on lgbtq discrimination a new. law was passed
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Paragraph 2 on the source says that there is no protection on lgbtq discrimination a new. law was passed

created by Daniel455907

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionParagraph 2 on the source says that there is no protection on lgbtq discrimination