Entry #1231: LGBT discrimination in Mali

Current Version

IssueLGBT discrimination
StatusNo protections
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”

Revision History (7)

edited by Unknownmiles. Reverting to revision #42189: edit wasn’t needed

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Article 322-18 of the new Penal Code in force since December 13, 2024, states that "Anyone who, except in cases provided for by law, places or stores on a computer medium or memory, without the express consent of the person concerned, personal data which, directly or indirectly, reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, or trade union membership, or which relate to the health or sexual life of the person concerned, as well as data relating to offences, convictions or security measures concerning them, shall be punished by imprisonment for five years and a fine of 5,000,000 francs."


In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”
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In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Article 322-18 of the new Penal Code in force since December 13, 2024, states that "Anyone who, except in cases provided for by law, places or stores on a computer medium or memory, without the express consent of the person concerned, personal data which, directly or indirectly, reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, or trade union membership, or which relate to the health or sexual life of the person concerned, as well as data relating to offences, convictions or security measures concerning them, shall be punished by imprisonment for five years and a fine of 5,000,000 francs." " against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”
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https://sgg-mali.ml/JO/2024/mali-jo-2024-21-sp.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti https://observers.france24.com/en/20181015-attack-transgender-woman-lgbt-mali https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/186428.pdf https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti

edited by Nathan. Legal info and source added

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

Article 322-18 of the new Penal Code in force since December 13, 2024, states that "Anyone who, except in cases provided for by law, places or stores on a computer medium or memory, without the express consent of the person concerned, personal data which, directly or indirectly, reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, or trade union membership, or which relate to the health or sexual life of the person concerned, as well as data relating to offences, convictions or security measures concerning them, shall be punished by imprisonment for five years and a fine of 5,000,000 francs."


Show Difference
In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!” based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Article 322-18 of the new Penal Code in force since December 13, 2024, states that "Anyone who, except in cases provided for by law, places or stores on a computer medium or memory, without the express consent of the person concerned, personal data which, directly or indirectly, reveal the racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, or trade union membership, or which relate to the health or sexual life of the person concerned, as well as data relating to offences, convictions or security measures concerning them, shall be punished by imprisonment for five years and a fine of 5,000,000 francs." "
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https://observers.france24.com/en/20181015-attack-transgender-woman-lgbt-mali https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/186428.pdf https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti https://sgg-mali.ml/JO/2024/mali-jo-2024-21-sp.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti

edited by Unknownmiles. Fixing grammar error

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”
Show Difference
In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!” “Damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”

edited by Unknownmiles. Adding a link

Old Value New Value
Show Difference
https://observers.france24.com/en/20181015-attack-transgender-woman-lgbt-mali https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti https://observers.france24.com/en/20181015-attack-transgender-woman-lgbt-mali https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/186428.pdf https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti

edited by Unknownmiles. Adding more info

Old Value New Value
DescriptionIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip.In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip, and her attackers yelled things like “damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”
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In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip. whip, and her attackers yelled things like “damnation!” and “Look at this son of the damned!”

edited by Unknownmiles. Everything

Old Value (Original) New Value
Start DateSep 22, 1960(unknown)
DescriptionThe date is the date at which Mali became indepedentIn Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip.
Show Difference
The date is the date at which Mali became indepedent In Mali, there are no laws prohibiting discrimination against LGBTQ people. People are often subject to discrimination and beatings. In 2018, a transgender woman was viciously beaten with an iron bar and a whip.
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http://confinder.richmond.edu/admin/docs/Mali.pdf https://observers.france24.com/en/20181015-attack-transgender-woman-lgbt-mali https://database.ilga.org/mali-lgbti

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusNo protections
Start DateSep 22, 1960
End Date(none)
DescriptionThe date is the date at which Mali became indepedent