Entry #11259: Legal recognition of non-binary gender in Poland

Current Version

IssueLegal recognition of non-binary gender
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionNon-binary gender marker is not available.

Revision History (24)

edited by Nathan. Status correction

Old Value New Value (Current)
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
DescriptionAllowed to change name to gender neutral, no 3rd gender options so far though.Non-binary gender marker is not available.
Show Difference
Allowed to change name to gender neutral, no 3rd gender options so far though. Non-binary gender marker is not available.
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https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/04/27/poland-rejects-inclusion-of-third-gender-in-new-eu-identity-cards/ https://wolne-forum-transowe.pl/art-zmiana-danych-osobowych-osoby-transseksualnej https://database.ilga.org/poland-lgbti https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/04/27/poland-rejects-inclusion-of-third-gender-in-new-eu-identity-cards/ https://wolne-forum-transowe.pl/art-zmiana-danych-osobowych-osoby-transseksualnej

edited by aesper. incorrect status

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
DescriptionThe polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders.Allowed to change name to gender neutral, no 3rd gender options so far though.
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The polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders. Allowed to change name to gender neutral, no 3rd gender options so far though.
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct

edited by danlev. Removing broad claims about the future. See Equaldex's policy on descriptions. Statements can be added if they are clearly attributed to reputable sources/experts.

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThe polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders. Will likely not change in the future The polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders.
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The polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders. Will likely not change in the future

edited by Canadianstudent03. Making this change as it was vandalised prior

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
DescriptionAbility to change your name to a gender neutral one, but no existence of a third gender.The polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders. Will likely not change in the future
Show Difference
Ability to change your name to a gender neutral one, but no existence of a third gender. The polish government openly rejects the existence of multiple genders. Will likely not change in the future

edited by aesper. Edit.

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
DescriptionThe polish government publicly denies the existence of more than two genders, an example happening in 2021. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate Ability to change your name to a gender neutral one, but no existence of a third gender.
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The polish government publicly denies the existence of more than two genders, an example happening in 2021. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate Ability to change your name to a gender neutral one, but no existence of a third gender.
Reports (5)
  • Status is not correct "There is no non-binary gender recognition in Polish laws"
  • Status is not correct "No recognition of non-binary or a "third gender" option, technically name change is possible to a neutral one but to succeed you need to put forward a convincing argument that enough people with your legal gender marker have that name, both in Poland and worldwide, and it's dependant on the case worker wether it's accepted, and if they do not accept you can never attempt to change names to the one that got denied."
  • Other "It is not incorrect, but there are none Polish nonbinary names. You can only adopt not Polish ones. Changing your name in Poland is also very challenging, because it can be done only once and it can be turned down without any explanation (then you cannot try again) and it is not uncommon. Additionally?you have to prove that your chosen name is used for your gender somewhere in the world (for example mentioning a celebrity). You can find all of that in “USTAWA z dnia 17 pa?dziernika 2008 r. o zmianie imienia i nazwiska”."
  • Status is not correct
  • Status is not correct "polish government system goes by sex, not gender."

edited by Canadianstudent03. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
Descriptionyou can change your name to a gender neutral oneThe polish government publicly denies the existence of more than two genders, an example happening in 2021. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate
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you can change your name to a gender neutral one The polish government publicly denies the existence of more than two genders, an example happening in 2021. Mods without sources have changed this entry to something innacurate

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
DescriptionThe polish government has been outspoken in it’s anti LGBTQI+ Rhetoric, this includes denying the existence of more than two genders you can change your name to a gender neutral one
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The polish government has been outspoken in it’s anti LGBTQI+ Rhetoric, this includes denying the existence of more than two genders you can change your name to a gender neutral one

edited by Canadianstudent03. The polish government has been outspoken in it’s anti LGBTQI+ Rhetoric, this includes denying the existence of more than two genders

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
Start DateJun 19, 2009(unknown)
Descriptionit's legal to change name to a gender-neutral oneThe polish government has been outspoken in it’s anti LGBTQI+ Rhetoric, this includes denying the existence of more than two genders
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it's legal to change name to a gender-neutral one The polish government has been outspoken in it’s anti LGBTQI+ Rhetoric, this includes denying the existence of more than two genders

edited by JuliaB. it's legal to change name to a gender-neutral one

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
DescriptionThird Gender options don’t exist in Poland. This unfortunately isn’t likely to change due to the Governenment’s outspoken statements on this issue it's legal to change name to a gender-neutral one
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Third Gender options don’t exist in Poland. This unfortunately isn’t likely to change due to the Governenment’s outspoken statements on this issue it's legal to change name to a gender-neutral one

edited by Canadianstudent03. Third Gender options don’t exist in Poland. This unfortunately isn’t likely to change due to the Governenment’s outspoken statements on this issue

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
DescriptionYou can legally change your name to a gender-neutral one, however you can only put your sex as male or female.Third Gender options don’t exist in Poland. This unfortunately isn’t likely to change due to the Governenment’s outspoken statements on this issue
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You can legally change your name to a gender-neutral one, however you can only put your sex as male or female. Third Gender options don’t exist in Poland. This unfortunately isn’t likely to change due to the Governenment’s outspoken statements on this issue

edited by aesper. status

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized

edited by JuliaB. You can legally change your name to a gender-neutral one, however you can only put your sex as male or female.

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized

edited by aesper. Incorrect Status

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
DescriptionWhile Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, they won’t be recognised for who they are You can legally change your name to a gender-neutral one, however you can only put your sex as male or female.
Show Difference
While Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, they won’t be recognised for who they are You can legally change your name to a gender-neutral one, however you can only put your sex as male or female.

edited by Canadianstudent03. Poland is not one of the 22 countries that allows trans military service

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
DescriptionNon-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, but they can only have a male or female gender marker.While Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, they won’t be recognised for who they are
Show Difference
Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, but they can only have a male or female gender marker. While Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, they won’t be recognised for who they are

edited by aesper. ambiguous

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous

edited by Andrei. Now is good

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized

edited by JuliaB. Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, but they can only have a male or female gender marker.

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous

edited by Samuel_NOT_Samuele. added

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized

edited by JuliaB. non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral

Old Value New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
Start DateApr 2021Jun 19, 2009
DescriptionPoland publicity rejected the existence of more than two genders in April of 2021Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, but they can only have a male or female gender marker.
Show Difference
Poland publicity rejected the existence of more than two genders in April of 2021 Non-binary people can change their name to a gender-neutral one, but they can only have a male or female gender marker.

edited by Canadianstudent03. Poland publicity rejected the existence of more than two genders in April of 2021

Old Value New Value
Value(REMOVED)Not legally recognized
Special StatusAmbiguousNot legally recognized
Start DateJun 19, 2009Apr 2021
DescriptionNon-binary people ale allowed to change their name to a gender-neutral one but only male and female gender is legally recognised.Poland publicity rejected the existence of more than two genders in April of 2021
Show Difference
Non-binary people ale allowed to change their name to a gender-neutral one but only male and female gender is legally recognised. Poland publicity rejected the existence of more than two genders in April of 2021

edited by JuliaB. non-binary people are partially recognized by law in Poland.

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueNot legally recognized(REMOVED)
Special StatusNot legally recognizedAmbiguous
Start Date(unknown)Jun 19, 2009
DescriptionOnly male and female gender is legally recognisedNon-binary people ale allowed to change their name to a gender-neutral one but only male and female gender is legally recognised.
Show Difference
Only male and female gender is legally recognised Non-binary people ale allowed to change their name to a gender-neutral one but only male and female gender is legally recognised.
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https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/04/27/poland-rejects-inclusion-of-third-gender-in-new-eu-identity-cards/ https://notesfrompoland.com/2021/04/27/poland-rejects-inclusion-of-third-gender-in-new-eu-identity-cards/ https://wolne-forum-transowe.pl/art-zmiana-danych-osobowych-osoby-transseksualnej

created by Matinee71

Original entry
StatusNot legally recognized
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionOnly male and female gender is legally recognised