Entry #10060: Same-sex marriage in Lebanon

Current Version

IssueSame-sex marriage
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIn Lebanon, only religious marriages are permitted. 15 separate family laws are in force in Lebanon and are administered by separate religious courts.

The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples.

Revision History (4)

edited by Nathan. adding sources and info

Old Value New Value (Current)
DescriptionSame-sex marriage is not currently legal in Lebanon. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples. There have been some calls for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Lebanon, but the issue remains controversial and there has been no significant movement towards changing the current legal status of same-sex marriage in the country.In Lebanon, only religious marriages are permitted. 15 separate family laws are in force in Lebanon and are administered by separate religious courts.

The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples.
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Same-sex marriage is not currently legal in Lebanon. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples. There have been some calls for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Lebanon, but the issue remains controversial and there has been no significant movement towards changing the current legal status of same-sex marriage in the country. In Lebanon, only religious marriages are permitted. 15 separate family laws are in force in Lebanon and are administered by separate religious courts. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples.
SourcesConjectural based on status of homosexual activity.https://learningpartnership.org/resource/family-laws-lebanon-documents-arabic
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Conjectural based on status of homosexual activity. https://learningpartnership.org/resource/family-laws-lebanon-documents-arabic https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/02/07/lebanon-rejects-civil-marriages-puts-children-risk

edited by GeorgieTheOrgie. Inaccurate Status

Old Value New Value

edited by danlev

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionHomosexuality is illegalSame-sex marriage is not currently legal in Lebanon. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples. There have been some calls for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Lebanon, but the issue remains controversial and there has been no significant movement towards changing the current legal status of same-sex marriage in the country.
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Homosexuality is illegal Same-sex marriage is not currently legal in Lebanon. The country does not recognize same-sex marriage or any other form of legal partnership for same-sex couples. There have been some calls for the legalization of same-sex marriage in Lebanon, but the issue remains controversial and there has been no significant movement towards changing the current legal status of same-sex marriage in the country.

created by beeurd

Original entry
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionHomosexuality is illegal
SourcesConjectural based on status of homosexual activity.
Reports (2)
  • Note field is incorrect "Homosexuality is legal but gay marriage is not."
  • Status is not correct