
i like computers, radio, and stuff || genderfluid + transgender, and panseuxal || discord is @weizkule
Location: FranceJoined
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weizkule edited an entry in Japan.
"news : https://mainichi.jp/articles/20250305/k00/00m/040/409000c"
Same-sex marriage: Banned from (unknown) to (none).
Japan high court has upheld their rulings for keeping same-sex marriage illegal. Most recent ruling being 2023, Toyoko has begun issuing special same-sex partnership certificates. However, they do…
weizkule edited an entry in Mali.
"added source, and info"
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to 2024.
In Mali's current Penal Code, there is no mention of homosexuality or homosexual sex. However, the country's population has shown strong opposition to the LGBTQ. As of November 2024, the…
weizkule created an entry in Mali.
Homosexual activity: Ambiguous from Nov 1, 2024 to (none).
The National Assembly has voted, with 132 votes against 1, against homosexuality, thus criminalizing it. Penalty is currently unknown at this time.
weizkule edited an entry in Mali.
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to Nov 1, 2024.
In Mali's current Penal Code, there is no mention of homosexuality or homosexual sex. However, the country's population has shown strong opposition to the LGBTQ.
weizkule edited an entry in Bolivia.
"replaced wikipedia to source it was trying to point to using wikipedia so yeah you're welcome"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires medical diagnosis from Aug 1, 2016 to (none).
On 25 November 2015, a law was proposed that would allow transgender people to change their legal name and sex. On 19 May 2016, the Chamber of Deputies passed the Gender Identity Law (Spanish: Ley…
weizkule edited an entry in Bolivia.
"the description mentions "A psychological test proving that the person knows and voluntarily assumes the change of identity is required", thus it makes more sense to have it as "legal but requires medical diagnosis in the end"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires medical diagnosis from Aug 1, 2016 to (none).
On 25 November 2015, a law was proposed that would allow transgender people to change their legal name and sex. On 19 May 2016, the Chamber of Deputies passed the Gender Identity Law (Spanish: Ley…
weizkule edited an entry in France.
"got vandalized here "
Homosexual activity: Legal from Sep 25, 1791 to (none).
The law of 1791 decriminalized homosexual activity, however, it does not recognize homosexuality itself.
weizkule edited an entry in Faroe Islands.
"+1 source i found regarding gender change in the faroes here"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from (unknown) to (none).
It is legal to change gender in the Faroe Islands.
weizkule edited an entry in France.
"made it more coherent when it comes to the court requirement for name and marker change"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, no restrictions from Sep 1, 2018 to (none).
Individuals can legally change their gender in France. Sex reassignment surgery is state-funded. Requires court approval to change gender marker and first-name. According to media reports, in…
weizkule edited an entry in Slovakia.
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Slovakia#Transgender_rights <- ambiguous rather actually"
Right to change legal gender: Ambiguous from 2022 to (none).
Currently it is de facto not possible to change the legal gender. The law requires surgery and sterilization, which was ruled illegal under EU court. Due to a lack of standards and regulations as…
weizkule edited an entry in France.
"source added"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
Sex reassignment surgery is state funded.
weizkule edited an entry in Faroe Islands.
"forgot to add a phrase FUCK"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
Sources: Under Danish law.
weizkule edited an entry in Faroe Islands.
"gave a logir source and i gave it a description, you're welcome"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
Under local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons".
weizkule created an entry in (deleted region).
Homosexual activity: Legal from (unknown) to (none).
In all of Ukraine, including in some Russian separatist regions.
weizkule created an entry in (deleted region).
Right to change legal gender: Illegal from Jul 19, 2023 to (none).
As the Donetsk People's Republic is controlled by Russia, it is de facto illegal to change genders following Russia's legislation against gender affirming care.