Entry #588: Right to change legal gender in Faroe Islands

Current Version

RegionFaroe Islands
IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, no restrictions
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
DescriptionIt is legal to change gender in the Faroe Islands.

Revision History (4)

edited by weizkule. +1 source i found regarding gender change in the faroes here

Old Value New Value (Current)
ValueLegal, but requires surgeryLegal, no restrictions
DescriptionUnder local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons", and as such from the reading of the act it is necessary to go through surgery to do so.It is legal to change gender in the Faroe Islands.
Show Difference
Under local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons", and as such from the reading of the act it is necessary to go through surgery to do so. It is legal to change gender in the Faroe Islands.
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https://logir.fo/Lov/234-af-03-06-1967-om-sterilisation-og-kastration-som-sat-i-kraft-ved-kongelig-anordning#chapter-abb176e1-a2bc-4651-9b73-64a8a97eb5a6 https://logir.fo/Lov/234-af-03-06-1967-om-sterilisation-og-kastration-som-sat-i-kraft-ved-kongelig-anordning#chapter-abb176e1-a2bc-4651-9b73-64a8a97eb5a6 https://web.archive.org/web/20210622235424/https://www.logting.fo/files/casestate/25165/009.18%20U.t.ll.%20um%20br.%20i%20ll.%20um%20folkayvirlit%20%20-logfrodiligt%20kynsskifti%20(1).pdf

edited by weizkule. forgot to add a phrase FUCK

Old Value New Value
DescriptionUnder local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons".Under local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons", and as such from the reading of the act it is necessary to go through surgery to do so.
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Under local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons". persons", and as such from the reading of the act it is necessary to go through surgery to do so.

edited by weizkule. gave a logir source and i gave it a description, you're welcome

Old Value (Original) New Value
DescriptionUnder local law, it is legal to change genders, although the government's act notes gender identity as "insane persons".
SourcesUnder Danish law.https://logir.fo/Lov/234-af-03-06-1967-om-sterilisation-og-kastration-som-sat-i-kraft-ved-kongelig-anordning#chapter-abb176e1-a2bc-4651-9b73-64a8a97eb5a6
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Under Danish law. https://logir.fo/Lov/234-af-03-06-1967-om-sterilisation-og-kastration-som-sat-i-kraft-ved-kongelig-anordning#chapter-abb176e1-a2bc-4651-9b73-64a8a97eb5a6

created by James

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start Date(unknown)
End Date(none)
SourcesUnder Danish law.
Reports (3)
  • Newer law has been passed "surgery is no longer required within danish law"
  • Newer law has been passed "Denmark has passed a law in 2014 where it signifies that surgery isn't required by Danish law anymore. : http://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/denmark_s_new_gender_recognition_law"
  • Status is not correct