rainbowmit1 Editor

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rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Added context."
Homosexual activity: Legal from Apr 22, 2003 to (none).
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in (deleted region).
"Corrected error"
LGBT discrimination: Illegal in some contexts from Aug 15, 1948 to (none).
There are some LGBT anti-discrimination protections in local jurisdictions, but national law doesn't protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Corrected error"
Right to change legal gender: Legal, but requires surgery from (unknown) to (none).
There is no law governing legal gender recognition in South Korea, which means that applicants must apply for legal gender recognition through the courts in accordance with the “Guidelines for the…
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Corrected error"
LGBT housing discrimination: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
In South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Corrected error"
Serving openly in military: Illegal from Aug 15, 1945 to (none).
Article 92 of the South Korean Military Code provides punishment for gay men in the South Korean Military including dishonorable discharge.
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Added current source"
Same-sex adoption: Legal from Aug 15, 1948 to (none).
No information about when adoption regualtions went into effect. Date shown is when the Republic of Korea (South Korea) was founded.
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Corrected error"
LGBT employment discrimination: Varies by Region from (unknown) to (none).
In South Korea, national law provides no protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
rainbowmit1 edited an entry in South Korea.
"Corrected error"
Censorship of LGBT issues: Ambiguous from (unknown) to (none).
Haphazard self-censorship of LGBTQ+ content, expression, and assembly is common in South Korea.