Entry #1212: Right to change legal gender in South Korea

Current Version

RegionSouth Korea
IssueRight to change legal gender
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateJun 22, 2006
End DateMar 15, 2020
DescriptionThere is and has been no law outlining requirements for changing legal gender. However the supreme court has allowed such procedure with en banc ruling from 2006. The requirements are governed by the guidelines set by the supreme court. These guidelines have included abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.

Revision History (7)

edited by cherryband. The previous guideline on LGR has been superceded in 2020, making surgery an option and not a requirement.

Old Value New Value (Current)
End Date(none)Mar 15, 2020

edited by dafnetsn. legal, surgery required

Old Value New Value
End DateNov 23, 2020(none)

edited by cherryband. Specify time period, detail legal status of LGR

Old Value New Value
Start Date(unknown)Jun 22, 2006
End Date(none)Nov 23, 2020
DescriptionIn a victory for LGBTQ rights, South Korea's supreme court ruled that transgender people have the right to change their legal sex status, regardless of whether they have underage children.
These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
There is and has been no law outlining requirements for changing legal gender. However the supreme court has allowed such procedure with en banc ruling from 2006. The requirements are governed by the guidelines set by the supreme court. These guidelines have included abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Show Difference
In a victory for LGBTQ rights, South Korea's supreme court ruled that transgender people have the right to change their legal sex status, regardless of whether they have underage children. These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized. There is and has been no law outlining requirements for changing legal gender. However the supreme court has allowed such procedure with en banc ruling from 2006. The requirements are governed by the guidelines set by the supreme court. These guidelines have included abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Sourceshttps://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/, https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139190242/south-koreas-supreme-court-rules-on-legal-transgender-recognitionhttps://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/
Show Difference
https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/, https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139190242/south-koreas-supreme-court-rules-on-legal-transgender-recognition https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/ https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139190242/south-koreas-supreme-court-rules-on-legal-transgender-recognition https://news.kbs.co.kr/news/pc/view/view.do?ncd=7958567&ref=A https://www.transgender.or.kr/29/?q=YToyOntzOjEyOiJrZXl3b3JkX3R5cGUiO3M6MzoiYWxsIjtzOjQ6InBhZ2UiO2k6Mjt9&bmode=view&idx=6259214&t=board&category=dtl3T42x8T

edited by ckd. added a source

Old Value New Value
DescriptionThere is no law governing legal gender recognition in South Korea, which means that applicants must apply for legal gender recognition through the courts in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Handling of Petition for Legal Sex Change Permit of Transgender People” adopted by the Supreme Court in 2006.

These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
In a victory for LGBTQ rights, South Korea's supreme court ruled that transgender people have the right to change their legal sex status, regardless of whether they have underage children.
These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Show Difference
There is no law governing legal gender recognition in South Korea, which means that applicants must apply for legal gender recognition through the courts in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Handling of Petition for Legal Sex Change Permit of Transgender People” adopted by the Supreme Court in 2006. These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized. In a victory for LGBTQ rights, South Korea's supreme court ruled that transgender people have the right to change their legal sex status, regardless of whether they have underage children. These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Sourceshttps://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/, https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139190242/south-koreas-supreme-court-rules-on-legal-transgender-recognition
Show Difference
https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/ https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/, https://www.npr.org/2022/11/25/1139190242/south-koreas-supreme-court-rules-on-legal-transgender-recognition
Reports (1)
  • Status is not correct "cannot have kids"

edited by rainbowmit1. Corrected error

Old Value New Value
ValueLegal, no restrictionsLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateMar 22, 2013(unknown)
DescriptionTransgender persons are permitted to change their gender without having had sexual reassignment surgeries.There is no law governing legal gender recognition in South Korea, which means that applicants must apply for legal gender recognition through the courts in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Handling of Petition for Legal Sex Change Permit of Transgender People” adopted by the Supreme Court in 2006.

These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Show Difference
Transgender persons are permitted to change their gender without having had sexual reassignment surgeries. There is no law governing legal gender recognition in South Korea, which means that applicants must apply for legal gender recognition through the courts in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Handling of Petition for Legal Sex Change Permit of Transgender People” adopted by the Supreme Court in 2006. These guidelines include abusive or discriminatory requirements, such being at least 19 years old themselves, as well as being unmarried, diagnosed with “transsexualism” and having undergone hormone therapy and been sterilized.
Show Difference
http://transgriot.blogspot.ca/2013/03/south-korean-court-rules-trans-people.html https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/11/south-korea-supreme-court-ruling-on-legal-gender-recognition-an-important-step-forward-for-transgender-rights/

edited by beeurd

Old Value (Original) New Value
ValueLegal, but requires surgeryLegal, no restrictions

created by vviet93

Original entry
StatusLegal, but requires surgery
Start DateMar 22, 2013
End Date(none)
DescriptionTransgender persons are permitted to change their gender without having had sexual reassignment surgeries.
Reports (6)
  • Status is not correct "Read source. "
  • Status is not correct "entry should be from 22 Mar 2013 to 2017, "Legal, surgery not required for trans men""
  • Status is not correct "Should not say "requires surgery"; the ruling in 2013 established trans men not having to get surgery, and in 2017 it was established for trans women"
  • Newer law has been passed
  • Status is not correct "In 2013 a court ruled that transsexuals can change their legal sex without undergoing genital surgery: http://www.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/578323.html"
  • Other "It is contradictory. It says the country requires surgery, but the details say otherwise?"